I am very excited to launch an awesome giveaway just in time for the holidays!!
Not only that but just by voting in the poll you will get a 25% off coupon to save on some incredible toys!
Melissa & Doug want you to tell them which of their educational toys you think is the best! Just click on the image below to place your vote in the North “Poll!” You’ll Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon** to use at MelissaAndDoug.com just for voting!
Even better?
Every person who votes will automatically be entered to WIN the toy she voted for as her favorite. On 11/21/11 Melissa & Doug will randomly choose 1 winner from all voters who came from Wheel n Deal Mama! Only 1 entry per voter allowed. ENTER NOW BY TAKING THE NORTH “POLL”
I voted for the Play Kitchen!