It’s another Holiday Flash Giveaway for you!!!
This one is for a $50 Amazon Gift card!!!
Spread the word — it ends tonight at midnight EST and winner WILL be announced tonight!!
Good luck and Happy Holidays!
New Mexico Blogger, Ramblings about Life, Travel, Deals, Entertainment, Kids and All The Good Stuff
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the Victoria Secret stuff $25 for almost $100 worth of stuff
My favorite steal was 1saleaday $59 tablet!!!!!
Favorite steal…. any good deal on something the kids wanted 🙂
A google tablet priced at $245 got for 65 bucks
My Camera the store we bought it at were out of the 2 cameras we went in for so they gave us the same discount on another therefor a 400 camera cost us 140! I still have to wait until Christmas to open it though 🙁
Shared on Facebook
My favorite holiday steal so far was My fiance’s North Face winter coat. It was originally almost $400 and I paid $150 on Black Friday! Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂
My favorite holiday steal has been the google offers toys r us deal!
me please!
I sometimes feel like I’m stealing when I shop thrift stores. I’ve found so many brand new items recently for practically nothing!
I am signed up with no more rack.
Amazon’s Cyber Monday/Black Friday deals saved us a ton of money on christmas shopping this year! Got True Blood season 2 on DVD for 9.99!
Thank you for this awesome giveaway! 🙂
I’m already a nomorerack subscriber
Already signed up for no more rack! for the FB share, no where to put it in raffelcopter.
already signed up with no more rack
The lets rock elmo at target for $29.50 plus a $10.00 target gift card.
Already a NMR member,
Favorite holiday steal was the free Elephant popper game won from Duracell!
holiday steal? stuff to stuff my stocking from walgreens. 300 dollars worth of stuff for less then 10!
My favorite deal was my old navy trip. 2 dresses for me, 3 tops for me and a pair of pants. Plus jeans for my mother, pants and 3 tops for my husband and a winter jacket. Plus a stuff car that speaks and a tube of socks for 38.91 a 92% savings after using groupon, friends and family discount and old navy credit card discount. Plus i had a return certificate so out of pocket i paid 16.11. Totally made my day.
Already signed up with No More Rack.
Already signed up for nomorerack! =0) My favorite deals have been the happy nappers!
The great deals that AMAZON has been offering
Not duplicate
My favorite deal was my old navy trip. 2 dresses for me, 3 tops for me and a pair of pants. Plus jeans for my mother, pants and 3 tops for my husband and a winter jacket. Plus a stuff car that speaks and a tube of socks for 38.91 a 92% savings after using groupon, friends and family discount and old navy credit card discount. Plus i had a return certificate so out of pocket i paid 16.11. Totally made my day.
All ready signed up…=)
My favorite steal was the Toy Story Operation for a buck!
My favorite steal was Amazon had the Happy Feet 2 Ice Breaker Game for $2.79 shipped. Awesome deal, and my kids are gonna love this game 🙂
already a nomorerack member my share url. I am already signed up at no more rack My favorite holiday steal was the Kindle touch at amazon for free when you sign up for
I got a bunch of Outfits for my Grandson
5 oshgosh outfits for 20.00…=)
Best steal were the megablocks from amazon used my GC so didnt pay a penny and the little toddler is very happy!
I am already signed up for No More Rack.
Thanks for the opportunity! I have signed up with No More Rack and love it!
A fur real deal on amazon
my favorite holiday steal was Kinect censor from, my friend wanted one for a while.It was only 99.99
printer ink 30.00, was 75!
My favorite steal has been the Amazon toy deals!
Thanks for the flash giveaway!
Hands down all my VS deals!! Thanks!!! You ROCK!!
Still looking for it!
I got an xbox 360 w/kinect for $199.00, on Amazon!
Already belong to nomorerack. I have found so many deals through all the great blogs…hard to pick just one!
Already subscribed to Nomorerack 🙂
Lalaloopsy dolls
I want to buy my hard working hubby the drill he’s had his eye on. Thanks!
Already signed up on NoMoreRack!
My Favorite steal was Rockin Elmo
my favorite steal this year has been using my swagbucks to buy all my Christmas gifts!
I was already signed up for No More Rack and confirmed via email
I am already signed up with No More Rack
My favorite steal was an MP3 player I nabbed on No More Rack! Woohoo!
already signed up for no more rack
I have scored a ton of amazon deals. Thank you!!
A wool pea coat from JC Penney’s that I got for $50. on Black Friday for my son (originally price $160).
The Glade deal at Target! Awesome!!
A huge box of Legos from a thrift store. About $300 worth of Legos for $5. They were in a huge box all mixed together. It took a couple of day to sort out. My 5 year old is going to flip!! gift cards for $1 was a great deal!
Already signed up with No more rack.
I am already signed up with No More Rack
shared on fb but not showing me a link on the new timeline 🙁
here is the link to my share about the giveaway 🙂
would love to win this to put towards a year of amazon prime
I shared on my Facebook page:
I love finding deals at resale stores.
holiday steal would be earning swagbucks and super points and turning them into amazon gift cards and getting my daughter stuff she really wants
link for my share on fb
Thanks for this giveaway!!
My favorite holiday steal has to be the Frappe machine that I’m getting for Christmas (got my boyfriend to buy it for me!)! It was a lightening deal on Amazon! =)
I am already a member of NMR
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I shared your post, I already was a memeber of nomorerack, and I love my free canvas print that I only paid shipping on!
I am already signed up at No more rack
Any time I save money I feel like I get a deal. I feels so good when I can walk out of the store and feel good about what I paid.
I was able to get a Leapfrog TAG Jr for FREE at Target! That’s been my best deal this season.
My favorite seal this season was a watch for cheap cheap cheap! Pick me Please!
The best deal was 8.97 electric shavers for my nephews
already signed up and confirmed by email for no more rack
Favorite deal was the Victoria Secret deal … All that stuff for super cheap!
my favorite holiday steal this year would have to be the silly hair jewel sparkles lalaloopsy with pink couch for 55.00 that is a smidgen under retail but it was super hard to find and the only thing my daughter wants 🙂
I am already signed up with No More Rack as
Found the leappad for the original
$99 price!!!
I am not sure I did the Link thing right,I hope so.I am already signed up for No More Rack. My favorite steal for Christmas has been a $40 Dress,from Old Navy, for my grand daughter,with sale and extra 20% off code I got it for $9.60.I was thrilled because the Dress is beautiful(even prettier than it looked on line) and I trust the quality of Old Navy.Thanks for the chance to win!! 🙂
Already belong to NoMoreRack.
Favorite Holiday Steal was stocking up on Crocs for the kids for the next year with the BOGO free/Free Shipping Sale!….and all the amazing deals I got on Amazon for free using my Swagbuck’s! 🙂
I think the best deal was the village pieces we were able to get his dad. We got them for 70% off at Kohl’s Black Friday PLUS we got $45 in Kohl’s cash and I used that Cyber Monday to wrap up shopping.
I shared this post on my Facebook page!
I’m already a member of no more rack!
I got a pair of $100 reebok sneakers for $30!
I was already signed up for NoMoreRack and it has been confirmed by email.
My favorite steal was a Leapster explorer on Amazon for $34.99!! Total steal!
I got Wii baby game for $5.00. Also got a20.00 babydoll set with stroller and playpen for. 20 cents at target after coupons.
My best deal was the Uno Roboto I won in a Giveaway at Musings From A Stay at Home Mom!
2 Kung Zhu Battle Arenas, 1 Kung Zhu Over pass, 3 Battle Ninja Zhu Zhu pets, 2 Crayola Color of Wonders Set, 1 96 crayon Crayola box.. all pick up at store.. total less than $10.. it was like $9.76 for all!!!!! All during Toys R’ Us buy 1 get 2 free!!!
already NMR member
I bought a Dora kitchen and an IPod touch and only spent $120 out of pocket!! I thought that was a steal!
Already a member or NoMoreRack with confirmation.
My favorite steal was a Bakuagan carrier for my son priced at .66 cents, love it… YAY!!!
I got a new laptop for $250 (original price was $400)
I’ve already signed up with NMR!
shared on facebook:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=297287810313205&id=100002433695748
Oops… posted in the wrong spot. 🙂 My favorite holiday steal would be the free toys I got from amazon bc of SB,. 🙂
couldnt leave share link in xtra info box
already a NoMoreRack member.
thanks 4 the last minute giveaways!
Already signed up with NMR 🙂 .. my fav steal this season was the bogo pogo for 59 🙂
Link to my FB share :)
my deal was a ring i got for my mama and here is the link where i shared this giveaway on my facebook
Already signed up with NoMoreRack !!
Debi B
Shared giveaway on FB page….
Debi Booth
FLASH Giveaway!! $50 Amazon Gift Card — Ends tonight!
By Wheel n Deal Mama, on December 22nd, 2011
Grandson’s outfits, on sale, 20% add’l off and paid for with a gift card I won!
My favorite steal was the Victoria Secret…voucher …purchased cami’s got perfume and lip gloss free plus 1 free cami……Really nice=)
Debi B
My favorite holiday steal were free transformers toys at Target a few months ago. I was already signed up with NoMoreRack.
Best Steal was the Best Buy Video Games!!!
Shared on FB!/permalink.php?story_fbid=311876135513623&id=1305936749
Already signed up with No More Rack
Victoria Secret deal
Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I really have an addiction to Amazon!!! I love it!!!
My biggest steal has been a tv!
My favorite steal was my Butterball Turkey fryer from Amazon on their lightning deals for $59.00. I almost bought it the night before for $69. I had been watching the price for several weeks and couldn’t believe it dropped to $59. Yay, fried turkey for Christmas!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Favorite holiday steal was the wii remote from best buy for under nine bucks (Thanks and YAY!)
Already have a No More Rack account.
the best steal this year was replacing all our lost-in-the-move ornaments for lass than $5 because they are 75% off!
Already have a nomorerack acct
Chenille gloves under $ plus shipping from kohls for my mother.
Rockin Elmo for $12.11 and Best Buy 3DS games for $6.99 and Wii games for $8.99
Love love Amazon, 80% of Christmas shopping was thru Amazon…..
Happy Holidays everyone….
Now a nomorerack member!
buying $190 worth of groceries for $82.00
My favorite holiday steal was earning $100 in crowdtap redeemable as amazon code and stocking your page for leappad posts and FINALLY being able to snatch one in seconds. Thanks to you!!!!! 🙂 Love your fb and blog pages.
Already a member of NMR.
Steal: Digital Photoframe $24.99!/permalink.php?story_fbid=248113258587785&id=1251037843
Long time Nomorerack Member 🙂
My holiday steal was the 3ds from bestbuy with a 50 giftcard. I bought it and shipped the giftcard overnight. When it arrived the giftcard was invalid. I called bestbuy and they mailed out a new one and gave me a 75 refund on the 3ds making it almost free.
i love your site! been viewing for a long time now! thanks for the deals 😀
I am a Nomorerack member.
My favorite holiday steal is the bluetooth earpiece that I got for free after rebate at!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I shared this giveaway on my facebook page.
I got my 5 year old that big optimus prime that runs about $90, I paid half that on black friday, pays to be one of the first 150 peeps in toys r us.
already signed up & confirmed at Nomorerack.
Lovin the deals, this is my first Christmas shopping that I feel like I’m saving money! Can’t wait for the VS deal to show up..
Ok, shared the post, but not sure how to link it…
I got a Vtech laptop top for $10 (originally $20)
Already a member of NoMoreRack and confirmed email
My favorite holiday steal was the 100% free Duracell batteries at Staples. Buy the batteries and pay for them, then receive 100% back in rewards.
Hmmm. I was able to get a great deal for a 3Ds at QVC for my son! 🙂
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Here’s the link to my fb share.
I already have an account with NMR and have a confirmed email!
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I’m already signed up with nomorerack.
My favorite holiday steal was a great deal on a 3DS for my son.
I forgot to leave my share fb link in the rafflecopter grrr here it is
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Already a member of no more rack. The best deal was the julep nail deal
I would love to win, I wish myself luck. Thanks for the chance!!
Already signed up with nomorerack. My fav. holiday deal was a vtech laptop for $10.00 gift certificates for only a buck!
My favorite deal was $12.50 for the Jonathan Park Audio CD series “The Voyage Beyond” for $12.50 through Vision Forum. WOOHOO!
I am already registered through NOMORERACK
I have found great deals at Target on stocking stuffers using coupons and matching ads.
My favorite steal has been the amazon elephant and the Omaha Steaks
Already signed up with no more rack and confirmed with e-mail…
I like the Old Navy Groupon today, $10 for $20.
Favorite holiday steal… A Thomas the Train set on clearance. Also already a No More Rack member.
on black friday: target sheet sets $35 (550 thread count!)
ipod touch for $195 but with store $50 credit which I used towards netbook
i am already a member of no more rack and have comfirmed that through email
i got the leap frog Tag reading system for $15 on black friday for my son…thats my favorite holiday deal this year :]
here is a link to my post “share on facebook”
My best steal has been a really great deal on a kindle. O am also already signed up with nomorerack.
A video game for my son
My favorite holiday steal was the Nestle Peppermint Coffee samples. Sooooo yummy <3
my favorite holiday steal was getting nba 2k12 for ps3 for only $45 ohh and the ps3 for only $150.. not much else since I got most the gifts from target on there 75% clearance back in july
Already a member of no more rack
I am already signed up and confirmed through nomorerack. I love the great deals I found on toys at Amazon.
Already a member of nomorerack and confirmed by email
I’m already signed with no more rack.
Biggest steal has been electronics from amazon! This month there always seems to be cheap tablets and computers.
I got 2 of the Crayola Wonder Light Up markers and a pack of crayons for only $1.36 at Toys R Us! 🙂
I didn’t buy much this year, but I got some great Partylite items on clearance!
Probably the 2 transformers I got for free from Target with their coupons and
i got the laugh and learn puppy for 1999
already a member of no more rack.
I’m already a member of nomorerack.
I didn’t really get any great deals, just stuff on sale…best I did was 30% off.
Already signed up for No More Rack and Confirmed.
Favorite Holiday deal was a coat I got at Macy’s for my mom $160 and it was marked down and with coupon I got it for around $40!!!!!
A digital camera for under $50.
My recent Victoria secret order a cami and underwear for .4 cents!
My fave steal has been the DailySteals site – I bought 3 things on there and saved sooo much money!! 🙂
havent found any real good steals 🙁
that was suppose to say briana aka shopaholic101.. didnt mean to put the .com on the name.. and i already had a no more racks account.. but I did all the other.. even tweeted twice. because I forgot to copy the link
christmas candy
Fisher Price i XL for $26.99
already a memeber of no more rack
My fav holiday steal so far was using 2 groupons for Old Navy today and getting 8 hoodies for a total of $22.36. 🙂 I was already signed up on nomorereack, so I checked that I was done with that.
already a subscriber to NMR. favorite steal was the $39 U-Draw for the wii from Amazon lightning deal! I had already bought one from Target for double that price and was able to take it back and save a lot of $$!
my favorite holiday steal was getting a cell phone for only 35 dollars!
I would looove this! My son’s birthday is not even a month after Christmas and i could use some help!
It wouldn’t let me leave my link to my post on FB so here it is…
my favorite deals this christmas was the transformer manufacture coupon stacked with the target coupon. FREE toys for my son!!!
My best deal was getting two tablets for $130!
My best holiday steal was a PS3 game for my hubby for $5!
I am already signed up with Nomorerack. I loved the great deals that I found at Victoria’s Secret.
my favorite steal this season is nba2k12 for $40 and the ps3 for only $150 – no longer showing not sure y
was already member of no more rack and my best steal was 30 percent off coupon kohls on top of 10 dollors off special coupon sent to me so saved 41$ and change christmas shopping
Already a member of No More Rack!
I scored this iPad I’m typing on …. During black friday
Already signed up with nomorerack. Best steal was a cheap Kendama toy for my son at only $8.00.
Victoria Secrets
my favorite holiday steal is a camera for $60 also I’m already a member of nomorerack.
My favorite steal was buy one get one free fisher price toys at kmart. I got my son two awesome toys worth $80 for only $40 🙂
My favorite holiday steal was, a really nice electric can opener for 2.00 i was like wow.
I’m also already signed up with nomorack
Shared giveaway on my Facebook page. Thank you for the giveaway. 🙂
Already a member at No More Rack and my best holiday deal so far has been the sweaters I bought my mom at Belks today. They were on the 50% off rack with an additional 40% off at the register and then they let me use a 15% off coupon!
The Victoria Secret deals!
vs $25 for $100 dollars worth.
I haven’t got that lucky.
my favotite steal this year is all the free candy i have been getting with coupons and sales 🙂
Already an NMR member.
i got a digital camera for around 5 bucks for my nephew
Already a member of nomorerack
I got a nice digital camera for half price!
my fav steal was my sons pokemon stuff it was 25% off at riteaid and was free wit my up rewards 🙂 merry christmas !!! & thank you !!
my fav.steal was a free pair of jeans from YMI Jeans…
I scored a three dollar penny whistle. I’m also already a member of nomorerack.
Game Stop – I got buy 2 preowned games, get 1 free
The best deal I got was the crayola buy 1 get 2 free deal from toys r us
already a member of nomorerack 🙂 My favorite steal has been the deals on dailysteals!! too many to mention 🙂
My best deal this year was an xbox and kinect bundle for $199 with a $50 giftcard!
Favorite steal is getting my 4 girls their Christmas pj’s, 2 pairs of boots, 2 pairs of leggings, and wrapping paper at Kohl’s for $30 out of pocket.
I shared! 🙂
Shared on FB:
Already a no more rack member. Best deal was the victoris secret $100 worth for $25. Big score!
My favorite holiday steals have been Melissa & Doug toys for my Granddaughter:)
already a fan of nomorerack…….FB post….no entry place on Rafflecopter
New email subscriber. Already with nomorerack. Also fav deal was the amazon happy mapper for $7
Already sign up for no more racks
shared on my wall
I am already signed up with nomorerack and confirmed thru email.
my favorite steal was the fleece blankets for 20.00
I went shopping on Black Friday and I saved more than I spent! I got a $200 comforter set for $30! What a steal!
There has been tons of awesome steals online, but the best one I have found and bought was a $20 memory foam mattress topper, Queen size on
all ready signed up at nmr and I havent been able to cash in on any deals, If I won this I would get gifts for my kids. 🙂
my favorite thing was the epic mickey i got for 10 dollars Merry Christmas all…
I was already a member with No More Rack 🙂
Already a member and confirmed through e-mail. My best holiday steal was my 2 pack of joe boxer house shoes for less than 5.00!
Best holiday steal buy 1 get 1 toys at walgreens
I am already signed up with NomoreRack
shared on Facebook:
Probably the one I was the most excited about was the UDraw on Amazon for my daughter:)
Keeping my fingers crossed! all that was requested has been done. God Bless and Good Luck to ALL. Semper Fi!
My best deal was a free Wii game, yippee. I am already signed up and confirmed with No More Rack. I shared on Facebook:!/tammyt1963
I think I did everything right….I hope so anyway 🙂 Good luck everyone and congrats to whoever the winner is 🙂
I got an amazing deal on a digital camera for my brother. 🙂
Shared on my facebook page from using ur post
Thanks for turning me onto nomorerack!
I shared on Facebook!/profile.php?id=100000153802115
I shared this on my Facebook.
Oh I just paid a dollar for a pair of Levis 🙂
I am already a member of NoMoreRack!
I am following you
Already signed up with NoMoreRack 🙂
Today I got 2 really nice boys zipper hooded sports sweatshirts for less than $5 each at JC Penny’s.
Shared this giveaway not sure of the link post that u want so this is to my page where it shows i shared
I already have an account with NoMoreRack. 🙂
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My favorite is Victorias Secret..They have had some awesome deals!!
I got the Tonka Ricochet R/C Replay on amazon at 60% off it’s normal price b/c of a special sale
“Like” Wheelndealmama on Facebook
items from VS
Sign up with No More Rack
My favorite holiday steal has to be the 16 Hot Wheel cars that I got for $10. I’ll also be picking up two Leapster Explorer games tomorrow for my son that are on sale at Wal-Mart.!/womackcm/posts/347256378621240
Kinect game! On Black friday for $29.99!!
Subscribe to the Wheel n Deal Mama Emails
I was already signed up for nomorerack.
A Kitchen set from Walmart for my daughter.
My favorite holiday steel was best buys website was selling ps3 games for super cheap and I got a few things for my family for xmas that way.
Got slacks for $0.11 at kolhs with no coupon.
My favorite steal was buying gifts at Hallmark where I had coupons for $5 off whenever I spent $10.
46 lcd tv for $400 🙂
stocking stuffers under 1.00 each is the best
email is different from my facebook that i signed up for your feeds with.
was already signed up for no more rack.
thanks so much for the chance to win
No More Rack Member confirmed thru email…thanks 🙂
no more rack!/aprilmbest
Here is my link
I am already with no more rack
My fav steal this xmas has been the notebooks i got for each of my 3 kids. 7.5 in screen, everything already uploaded, all i have to do is put in my password for wifi and set the perental controls, and i only paid $75 per notebook!! Mom is going to be the hero this year lol.
I was already signed up and confirmed with No More rack. I’ve ordered through them a few times, as well 🙂
best steal of the holiday….I wait til the next week after christmas and buy all my wrapping paper for the next year. Usually I am able to save 75-90%
You rock!
My favorite steal this season – The coats I ordered through JC Penny’s! regularly 79.99, on sale for 19.99 each, I ordered 2 and used a $10 off coupon code! 159.98 down to 31.42!!! AND Free shipping!!!
I am already a member for no more rack and my best holiday deal has been free 8X8 photo book of my daughters 6 month pictures for free on shutterfly for hosting a Shutterfly house party (plus 10 free Christmas cards). My mom and dad are going to love the hard cover book!
Favorite holiday steal was a nerf gun for my son. I got a $10 of a $10 purchase so it cost me 1.49. Sweet!
My biggest steal has been a uDraw for $19.99!
Pick me! Pick me! 🙂
Already a nomorerack member. My best deal was towel wraps I got for my paren ts even got them personalized!!