As promised!! I am giving away another brand new 24cm Black Signature Coach Duffle (as pictured above)!
Coach has been having regular Factory blowout sales online recently – these are invite only and are DANGEROUS! 😉 I figure with the New Year coming up one lucky reader should win a brand new Coach purse! (Note: If you want to sign up to get invites to these exclusive invite-only sales, you can go here to sign up)
This is a 100% genuine Coach Factory Signature duffle, it is GORGEOUS (in fact, I have and use this same one!). The MSRP on this is $348.
Coach purses have been my “Splurge” item for years now, they are pricey but so worth it when I can afford it!
Giveaway will end 12:01am EST 1/3 — GOOD LUCK! 🙂
I was already a member of NMR before today email same as above, also my favorite splurge item is my MAC brush # 127 I <3 it!!!
Also I am already a member of your email list too! Thaks!
for shared post i love pocketbooks thats my plurge
Shared on Facebook.
My splurge item is a Coach purse!
My splurge item is usually hair products.
My splurge item is a nice dinner out with the whole family. 🙂
Starbucks coffee is my splurge item
Coffee Drinks
Shared! 🙂
Shared on Facebook
already signed up with NMR!
my splurge item …. are any kind of boot! I LOVE BOOTS! lol
I would have to say Wine:)
My only real splurge items are clothes for my daughter and snacky food for my husband 🙂
My favorite splurge item is nice shoes!
I am already signed up with No More Rack…on 2 separate emails and both are confirmed.
I love to splurge on coach bags. Unfortunately I’ve only been able to splurge once. It doesn’t stop me from online browsing the site though!!!I REALLY REALLY want this bag!!!!!
Already signed up for NMR! Thanks!
My splurge item is perfume! I love so many different ones I can never decide!
I was already signed up for Nomorerack
My splurge item is starbucks 🙂
shared on facebook
signed up with nomorerack already, my splurge item was a laptop on amazon lightening deal—my link to facebook sharing
my splurge item is bke jeans.
already signed up for no more rack and confirmed
My favorite splurge is my estee lauder eyeliner!
I’m a purse gal and this would be a GREAT addition to my collection.
my splurge is my coach handbags. i get one for every special occasion or
Here’s my Facebook link, sharing the giveaway:
Been with No More Rack for quite a while and love it. My splurge item…hmm, interestingly enough…PURSES…just love them!
My splurge item are my Coach bags 🙂
Please delete my response above.
Already subscribed to no more rack
My splurge gift to myself is purses and wallets.
Already a NMR member 😉
I already receive emails,I tweeted,follow you on facebook and twitter,
My splurge item is perfume and I’m already signed up with nomorerack.
I was already signed up with NMR and it was confirmed through email. 🙂
I’ve already been signed up with NoMoreRack. =D
I already like wheelindealmama on fb, and I’m already signed up with nomorerack.
My splurge item this year was an iPad2. Loving it! And I think I’m now addicted to Apple!!
My splurge is coach purses
Right now accessories for my Kindle Fire are my splurge item!
Also, there was no blank for me to leave the link for my facebook share so here it is (I hope this is alright)
And I was already a member of Nomorerack!
Thanks for the contest!
Here’s my facebook share.!/LindaSanders3308/posts/136433743137655
Sad to say I don’t splurge on anything! If I did it would be getting my nails done.
Shared on FB!
I shared on Facebook:
My favorite splurge is starbucks :o)
I was already signed up with NMR. My splurge item this year was a Keurig for my hubby…a coffee adict
I didn’t get anything for myself this year. We focused all on our boys. =D I guess the biggest “splurge” for them was a new double sided art easel. =D
If I was able to splurge on myself tho, I’d love to have gotten a Wii or an iPad2.
Starbucks coffee. Mmmmm
I am already signed up to No More Rack!
I was already signed up for no more rack
expensive make up
I splurge on Starbucks!
My splurge is jewelry.
Usually, if I splurge on anything, it is for my son or husband. But, if I could splurge it would be on a RED KitchenAid Stand Mixer!
My splurge items vary depending on what my mood is….my Burberry handbag, my Coach bags, my J Brand jeans.
Shared on Facebook
I was already signed up with NMR and it was confirmed by email. My splurge item is lipsticks and glosses.
My “Splurge” item would be an Ipad 2
I don’t splurge on anything, we are strictly budgeted right now, hopefully I will be able to spurge after things get back on track 🙁
My splurge item is Starbucks when I can – soooo yummy! 🙂
I was already signed up with NMR
If I were able to splurge….it would be on a new handbag 🙂
Coffeee Dunkin Donuts
I have been signed up with NRM for a while. Love that site!
My slirge is gourmat coffee
share link is
My splurge item is an iced coffee once a week
i wasnt able to splurge on myself this year all about my kids
First “thank you” for you this great giveaway! I’m already signed up for no more rack.
Facebook share link:
My splurge item is getting a manicure
Already signed up for NoMoreRack and confirmed
My splurge is one Cappucino Tassimo a day! Lol
Starbucks and pedicures!
I splurge on nice shoes. Years ago I had 3 years of foot pain/problems and learned the value of good shoes. I tried a few good ($$$) ones and finally found THE ONES. I get the (Kalso) Earth shoes. I’m on my third pair of the same tennis shoes because I love them so much. I’m due for another pair (it’s been 13 months; and I only wear these). I’ve been buying them at the only store I can find nearby that sells them, but this time I’ll be buying online at or and saving myself over $40!
BTW – I LOVE this purse! I’ve never splurged on a purse (usually get something on clearance). I have my plain/simple mom purse (for an extra kids outfit/diapers) and a couple of small non-mom purses for running to the store without kids. I like that this Coach purse looks simple yet ‘fancy’ (if that’s possible) and could be an all purpose purse vs. switching depending on if I have kiddos in tow or not.
I don’t have any right now, but willing to be corrupted!!
I normally don’t splurge
shared on my FB
getting my nails done 🙂
i like to splurge on expensive cologne at least once a year…my fav was obession but now it is Burberry Body!
already signed up to no more rack
Thanks for the very cool giveaway. I splurge on Bath & Body works lotion.
I am already signed up with nomoreracks and confirmed for a while now!/jessie.boggetto/posts/166513536784086
link to fb share
My splurge item is a pedicure.
i was already signed up for no more rack and have confirmed my email. have been signed up for about a month now
i hope u all had a great christmas and have a safe and happy new year
Here is my Splurge Item: I LOVE CROCS to work in. I can be on my feet at work all day and my feet never hurt.
Here is my link to my FB post:
Already signed up with Wheel and Deal Mama and No More Rack.
AND this IS my blog post!
my spurge item is my jeans. i pay no less than $80 a pair to have the kind i love.
Hope i win 🙂
This is the link to my share on facebook. There wasn’t a space to put it on raffle copter.!/Pameula68/status/151443094120828930
going to get a mani/pedi
I am already signed up at no more rack. My splurge is candles. Always have them going in the house.
Shared on facebook. FB name Jan Peoples
Already a FB with no more rack…shared this with friends
I love to splurge on purses! I can’t do it often but love them!
purses and getting my hair done! Love changing styles and colors
ALREADY No More Rack member!
i am on no more rack already my splurge is to buy things for my family that i wouldn’t buy for myself
One thing I SPLURGE on is anything for my daughter…if i see it and really want it i get it for her!!!!!
I love coach bags. Although I can’t afford one for myself. There’s never enough $to just treat me.
I was already a member of NMR. I shared this giveaway on my wall here: and I have tons of splurges, but purses are my main splurge!
I signed up previously for No More Rack and confirmed.
My splurge item is nice perfume…thank goodness I got some from my mother in law for Christmas!
I have a shoe and panty fetish. There was no box to leave comments in my twitter is tweetmitz and I already get your email at misty_labean # yahoo com
Already a member of NMR. However my holiday splurge would have to be the specialty coffee I buy myself w/o a coupon or discount LOL
My splure item is a manicure/pedicure
My splurge item perfume and purses
I’m already signed up for no more rack and is confirmed
FB post:
My “splurge” items just so happen to be purses! LOL So this would be GREAT!!/ shared give away
A new phone and going to get a new color and cut and a facial soon 😉
Without a doubt, purses are my splurge item. Most of the ones in my collection are Dooney & Burke’s signature line, because my initials are “D.B.” – so that means they made them for me, right?
I’ve never known the thrill of having a Coach bag, and – although there is an outlet near my home – I’ve known it was too much of a temptation to even go in one of their stores.
As I’m entering this, I’m taking a break from bathing all my possessions in white vinegar before packing them to move, because my apartment is fully of mold and mildew and the landlords refuse to do anything about it. One of the casualties of this calamity was my black Liz Claiborne bag that was very similar in design…could this be a sign? 🙂
Already signed up to NMR
My SPLURGE: Bath & Body …. Works & Victoria’s Secret. Love so many items at these stores.
I dont splurge on myself, boys come first
i have already signed up for no more rack.
My splurge item was a Keurig, have been wanting one since they came out finally found a good deal this year!!
I am already signed up with no more racks and it has been confirmed.
my splurge item is gourmet coffee
I usually don’t splurge on anything. If I do, it would be a necessity.
I’m already signed up with No More Rack.
shared on facebook!/profile.php?id=1492292334
I’m already signed up for no more rack
My splurge item is usually high heeled boots, I say I splurge on them because I have the entire bottom of my closet full of just boots.
Perfume 🙂
my splurge item is weekly cleaning help
Already a No More Rack member
Was already a member of No More Rack
Shoes are my splurge item!
I rarely splurge on anything
I have already signed up for No More Rack! Thanks! and MAKEUP is my splurge item
I’m already signed up with Nomorerack. I don’t really ever have any money to splurge on myself but if I could it would so be a Coach purse! One day I will own one!
My splurge item is my computer!!
My splurge is coach bags 🙂 Love them 🙂
My splurge was a Harveys handbag for 150.00
Lovin’ the black coach bag!
Already a Subscribed,& Confirmed Member of No More Rack
mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com
My splurge is Starbucks and my art/craft supplies! I wish my splurges could be coach bags! LoL
My slurge is a good cup of coffee.
i like getting facials and massages
Food that I do not have too cook!!!
My splurge item would be a Coach Purse!
Anything pretty for my granddaughter. I don’t spoil her…much.
i have already been signed up for NMR. my splurge items are HEELS!! i have to have them!
My splurge item is anything that is not baby related. Got my nails done this weekend – 1st time in a year. 🙂 I needed it!
Here is a link to the post I shared on Facebook!
Already a member to No More Rack.
email I signed up under with No More Rack:
My splurge item was a new zoom digital camera for Christmas.
I’m very close to making quite a splurge on some new boots…something a Coach purse would compliment very nicely 🙂
A Coach bag!
Already have a NMR account
shared on Facebook!/latisha.pabellon
already signed up with nomorerack
My splurge items are cosmetics 🙂
My splurge item is….workout DVDs
12/26 FB share
I’m already signed up with no more rack.
Already a member of No More Rack
I am already a member of nomorerack and I splurged on consignment clothes on my last shopping trip
Coach bags are my splurge……once in a great while. It would be so great to win this!!!
Already a member of NMR
My splurge is Starbucks.
I splurge on cute stuff for the kids. I am already a member of NMR.
My splurge is WEN!!!
I signed up for no more rack previously!
My splurge item is shoes, especially boots for winter 🙂
already a member of NMR. I splurge on purses!
Already signed up with nomorerack and confirmed
my splurge is nail polish and face care
My splurge item is bingo every now and then
already a member of NMR
I splurge for purses.
I shared this post on fb!/taralieb/posts/200807750010874
I splurge on my favorite perfumes and massages.
I have splurged lately on the GREAT VS finds you have lead me to… I got makeup remover and the bra with cami with the undies and perfume and the FREE lipgloss!!! I am already a member of nmr and LOVE your blog!!!
Already a no more rack member and get emails
My splurge item is when I shop at The Limited. I usually spend on my family and not myself. SHARED GIVEAWAY
My SPLURGE ITEM(s) my Nike Dunks or Nike Blazers since i dnt wear heels! i have nikes that go with everything LOL
Also my splurge is and always will be massage or pedicure,,,love the time away to spend on myself
I’ve never bought myself an expensive purse. This would def be a splurge item 🙂
Already sogned up to Nomorerack.
Already a member of nomorerack. My slurges are for decorating my home.
my splurge item a naw pair of boots
I like to splurge on shoes 🙂
Shared on FB:
Splurge item is kids clothes and electronic.
My splurge item would have to be a nice purse(Burberry or others) and the matching wallet.
I don’t really have a splurge item. About once a month I try to treat myself to something I need if money allows- this month is cheap pjs from kmart.
My splurge is on shoes!!! I work on my feet all day!
I’m already a member of NMR…
My splurge item would have to be purses!! I love them!!
Already signed up with Nomorerack
My splurge item is dinner and a movie with my hubby and kids 🙂 Love family time!!!
Already signed up for NMR.
I splurge on fun kitchen/cooking gadgets to make fun treats for the kids.
I splurge on clohes for my baby.
I’m already signed up with NMR.
I was already signed up with nomorerack and my splurge item would be eating out with my family.
My splurge is clothes!
Shared this giveaway…
Already fan of NMR
I am already signed up for Nomorerack. My splurge item is purses.
Ive been a member of nmr 🙂
How the hell do I sign up for the giveaway?
My favorite splurge (I don’t do it often, but when I do I like to get what I want 🙂 ) would probably be fun electronics.
I was already signed up for NMR, so I didn’t enter that one. I forgot to put my link in the rafflecoptor of my share on facebook. So, here it is
My splurge item would have to be mascara & nail polish. Thank you
i was already a nomorerack member and my splurge item is concerts….
I love boots =) I always share posts about giveaways and no more rack fan
My Splurge is nice boots and already a no more rack member.Love your site.
Liked, shared, and already a No More Rack member! I love Coach products. =)
Oh, and my splurge item is shoes!
My splurge item is shoes! love them!
My splurge item are purses and makeup. I can’t help myself. Facebook post link:
Already on NOMORERACKs email list! Yay!
Splurge Item : Anything! Clothes, Shoes, Purses, Jewelry. And CD’s! Might be old fashioned, I have an Ipod, but its just not the same. I dont get to do it often enough but when I do I feel great for a while!
my splurge item is fancy chocolate, i dont like the cheap stuff, i love the expensive stuff.
my splurge item is shoes!
I love to splurge on Uggs
Always splurge on books for my kindle.
my splurge item is betsey johnson bags. i only have a few but i love them! i have been signed up with nomorerack for a few months now.
I really can’t think of a splurge item. I am normally just buying my two kiddos…lol If I do have a some money left over I do like to by myself something nice for just myself sometimes it might be as simple as just a nice shirt to wear out.
I like to splurge on a nice dinner….I would love to splurge on a nice dinner carrying my new Coach purse.
I already like wheelindealmama on fb, and I’m already signed up with nomorerack. My splurge are pedicures.
I’m already a member of No More Rack.
Already signed up with nomorerack and my splurge item is Victorias secret
12/27 FB share!/kneedeep/status/151639472361062400
already signed up for no more rack
already joined nomorerack and my splurge is things for my truck!
already a member of nomorerack
splurge is clothes
My splurge would be a purse if I didn’t have to save for college.
I am signed up for your newsletter at my email address because Feedburner doesn’t always send the confirmations to my account. And I posted about the giveaway on my Facebook page —
Thanks, Maggie
Already a NMR member. Splurge items are scrapbook embellishments.
My splurge item was a Sisley eyebrow brush. It’s so expensive, but has no red in the brown color. It lasts me a year. I am already signed up for No More Rack. Maybe they’ll have some splurge items for me!
Shared!! 🙂
already signed up with NMR
shared on fb!
I honestly haven’t splurged on anything lately, money has been very tight for us but this would be awesome to win! I love Coach! Thanks for the giveaway!
massages and shoes 🙂
Just shared again on fb…
daily fb share!/permalink.php?story_fbid=345726025443578&id=1355040978
Clothes are my splurge item!
FB’d – –
Tweeted – –!/papawheelies/status/151716297787445248
I want/need that purse really bad! Good luck to all!
I am already signed up with NMR
I no longer have splurge items.
Tweeted and Posted this wonderful Giveaway on FB
I shared this giveaway today. Here is the link. You do not have a place on the rafflecopter to put my link.
Coffee and purses are my splurge items! 🙂
Already a member of No More Rack
My splurge items are….anything I can buy with coupons!! 🙂
My splurge item would have to be shoes!
Times have been really tough the last few years, not only with the economy, but I lost my husband at the age of 47 in 2010. Along with losing my home, vehicles, etc. So my splurge is usually a new blouse or candles or maybe a nice bottle of perfume, etc. 2012 is going to be much better…I’m praying. SHARED on facebook!
My splurge item is purses.
I splurge on shoes!
I shared today…my splurge items are books, cameras and BAGS, handbags, totebags, any cute BAGS!
I am already signed up with No More Rack
I love to splurge on a good pair of Winter Boots!
Already signed up with Nomorerack love them:)
my splurge item this year was a coach bag for my daughter!
My splurge is dinners out or accessories, shoes, makeup, jackets, purses… lol Ok, so I have a lot of them…
i signed up today.
Books!! Now that my hubby got me a Nook Tablet for Christmas I won’t have to carry so many around. (plus splurge on games and such for kids can you say spoiled) (they are 18 & 20)
I was already a No More Rack subscriber
This is my “Splurge…I Want” item :)…the ONE thing on my Christmas Wish List…that I didn’t get!:)
Thank You for the Opportunity to Dream!:)
Shared on Facebook:!/WeEmpowerU/posts/2424923223167
I don’t have any splurges right now…I start nursing school in January!!
My splurge item is usually steaks~!/jessie.boggetto/posts/313145175386160
link to fb share
I am already signed up with nomorerack, and my favorite thing to splurge on is either buying clothes and shoes for my girls, or shoes for myself! = ) oh and I did share the link on my fb yesterday!
My “splurge” item is a weekend getaway at a nice hotel, with spa treatments, good food, and LOTS of me-time!
Already subscribe to NMR before this. My “splurge” are my energy drinks!!!
Love your site!
FB post for today:
My Splurge items are different Lumene skin care items, bought without coupons. *Gasp* lol
I am already a member of no more rack.
I like to spurge on clothes for me and my children.
My splurge item is always fancy yarns.
I haven’t become as addicted to yarn as Heather M yet, I like to buy myself clothes and COACH purses:)
My splurge item is always clothes and toys for my 1 year old!!
I have been signed up with Nomorerack for a couple months.
My splurge is usually Starbucks!
when I splurge I head straight to miss me jeans but would love to really splurge on coach but that’s definitely a wish that I have to make come true.
Shared on Facebook!!/stephen.a.radford
My splurg item is red bull lol
Books! I just need a Kindle because I don’t have space left on my shelf anymore.
Thanks a lot for this amazing giveaway!
Posted on my FB today, 12/27
I’m already a fan and signed up for email under swt42023 at yahoo dot com.
Shared you on facebook
My splurge item for me is something small. I usually buy a new polish. Once in a blue moon I’ll get a new top.
my splurg item is Bath & body works hand soaps shared 12/27
oops also forgot already at nomorerack again, swt42023 at yahoo dot com 🙂
I splurge on make up and handbags, but for the past nine months I have had no splurge money since I have been unemployed.
I shared this giveaway on my facebook
I was already signed up with No More Rack. Here’s my share on fb
I am signed up already for NoMoreRack. My splurge item is chocolate.
daily facebook post. FB name Jan Peoples
I was already a member of NMR. Here is the link to my FB share!/profile.php?id=1250448857
I was already a member of NMR. Here is the link to my FB share!/profile.php?id=1250448857 My splurge item is good coffee. I will pay extra money for quality coffee.
I splurge on 31 and scentsy! here is the link where I shared on fb
Would love to win one for me, I usually give one to my daughter for her birthday but this one would be for me.
Already a member of NMR!
My splurges are usually something like a dinner out. I’m clueless about purses, but this one looks classic and roomy.
Starbucks! (Already belong to NMR)
already a member of nomorerack and my splurge is some nice fancy face cream:)
oops forgot my share link:
My slurge item is bare mineral make up & Dolce & Gabanna Light Blue Perfume!
Shared on FaceBook
Thank You So Much To ALL the Sponsors for Giving Back & Paying It Forward…You Rock!
*:•.-:¦:-.•:*›‹(•¿•)›‹(¯`’•.¸++ HAVE A SAFE & HAPPY NEW YEAR ++¸.•’´¯)›‹(•¿•)›‹*:•.-:¦:-.•:*!/profile.php?id=1012110825
Shared on FB again:
fb share!/permalink.php?story_fbid=2982623288685&id=1355040978
🙂 Thanks again!!/jessie.boggetto/posts/1753871743759
fb link
Splurge item – Victoria Secret bras!!!!/ClipperSnipper/status/152065644249100288
Follow on twitter = clippersnipper
I don’t really splurge on anything. The one thing I have been spending on are my wraps and supplements from It Works! and building my business for it at I have been saving money trying to increase business in NY so I don’t really splurge at all.
Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
I splurge on my kids clothes!
already a no more rack member SHARED on facebbok!
My ‘splurge’ item is definately a good pair of shoes. Which can only be complimented by a fabulous purse!
I shared the link again today!
Already a member of NMR and my favorite splurge item is any MAC item!
Shared on FB today!!/profile.php?id=100000751055941
12/28 share on FB:
already signed up with NMR
here’s my link
I don’t splurge on anything usually – don’t have the money to do so
my only splurge is at tax return time,and even then i only buy sale,or clearance items usually i just buy more at one time!
Anything for ME is a splurge!
My splurge item is shoes.
Already signed up with NMR!
My splurge is Coach shoes!
soo would love to win….good luck everyone…
I splurge on COACH and shoes:)
My splurge is skin care products
Im already signed up with nomorerack. My splurge item in my keurig!
My slurge would be a coach purse. The last coach purse I bought has got to be over 10 years ago.
Already subscribed to no more rack
My splurge item would be a nice pair of leather boots. Or a real leather purse.
Facebook Post:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=3017879206291&id=1241946027
Already a Loyal Subscriber to Wheel N Deal Mama Newsletter
Follow @WheelNDealMama on Twitter
following as @jsg1818
LIKE this Blog Post (John Gulich)
LIKE Wheel N Deal Mama on Facebook (John Gulich)
Signed-up for NO MORE RACK
(jsgulich at yahoo dot com)
My splurge item is usually stuff my wife asks for. lol I never really splurge on myself. So when it comes to splurging, I splurge on handbags and shoes for my wife.
Happy Wife, Happy Life. 🙂
shared 🙂
My slurge item is fingernail polishes of all kinds. I love to paint my fingernails!/jessie.boggetto/posts/351667648182896
link 2 fb post
My splurge item is my coffee.
Have already confirmed w/NMR & dont know if it was posted to my page. I don’t really have a splurge for myself use it on kids (typical mom?) I usually by my purses from garage sales or clearence racks, this looks like a style i would pick so good luck to me.
philosphy products
a splurge item for me is chocolate 🙂
shared on facebook link
daily fb share!/permalink.php?story_fbid=348664365149847&id=1355040978
Daily FB entry:
Fav splurge is Godiva
Here’s the URL for where I shared this giveaway on my fan page!!
My ‘splurge’ item is always something for my kids, I rarely ever buy myself anything! (unless it’s yarn for my crocheting)
I shared this on facebook!/taralieb/posts/317710071583511
I shared on FB (
I am already signed up with nomorerack and my splurge item would be to go shopping for myself!!! Havent been out shopping in ages!!/Marya81
Electronics is my splurge!
I am already signed up with Nomorerack. My splurge item is usually spent on my kids.
I already a member on nomorerack
My splurge item are my Coach bags
Already signed up with no more rack.
If I had the money I would splurge on a Coach purse!
Already signed up with No more rack
My splurging goes on my daughter… never enough for mom anymore! Lol
already on your mailing list
i am signed up for no more rack 🙂
i am on your mailing list!
i shared it on my Facebook page! tanyettakimwilsonmckoy (Facebook) and twitter 🙂
New FB post about it here:
already a member of no more rack and subscribe to your emails (with this email address for both)
Daily facebook post. FB name Jan Peoples
my splurge items used to be shoes and purses. then i became a mom, now i splurge on my kids! LOL
posted on my fb page ::!/bruinlili
posted on my fb page ::!/bruinlili/posts/244694305599557?notif_t=like
Posted on my page again today also…
My big splurge item is anything lane Bryant!
shared!!!! 🙂
Shared again on fb!
Facebook Post/Share:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=351231738227179&id=1241946027!/permalink.php?story_fbid=314585228576077&id=1355040978
shared on facebook link
daily facebook post. FB name Jan Peoples
Daily Entry
Daily Entry – – LAST DAY!!! I HOPE I WIN!
Sorry, Its not the last day!! Got 3 more days!! Whoooo Hooo = More entries!!!/jessie.boggetto/posts/228483530560287
link to fb post
facebook share 12/30!/LindaSanders3308/posts/161228063982892
My splurge is of course Coach bags, I need a new one desperately
thank you
I guess my biggest splurge item is my computer and Christmas gifts for my family. Would love to win this purse!
I don’t splurge on myself these days as I have 2 young kiddos. But, I do love a good purse and shoes!! I also love a good mani/pedi.
already signed up!
I splurge on books and now I need a purse!
already a member at no more rack
my favorite splurge item is Coach. It drives my husband crazy
shared on facebook
Shared on Facebook:
My splurge is shoes! I don’t have a lot of money or any for that matter but when I get/see a good deal, they are mine-bwahahaha!
Thank you for the opportunity;)
already signed up and confirmed, kyfaithw at aol dot com
Above, No More Rack
Splurge item is purses, and books.
My splurge item is a shoes
I generally splurge on electronics. They make great toys!
Facebook post the rafflecopter didnt have a place to put it
Dont have a splurge item, but if i did it would be this bag!
Already a nomorerack member
shared again!!
FB post link:
shared on facebook link
daily facebook post. FB name Jan Peoples
daily fb share!/permalink.php?story_fbid=330556176964301&id=1355040978
New Years Eve ENTRY!!
Happy New Year!! shared on FB!
My splurge item is my Earth shoes. I love those and will buy them even if they are not on sale. My favorite shoes.
shared on facebook…
Daily Facebook Share/Post:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=247105142025572&id=1241946027
My splurge this year has been BOOTS & Coach! Love, love, love them!
Shared on Facebook!!/profile.php?id=100000153802115
Already signed up with No More Rack & Have confirmed thru email!
I never splurge on anything for myself its always for my kiddos..So my main splurge item is toys mostly! Lol
I usually splurge on classic items that can be used for a long time, and match different styles, like a nice bag, such as a Coach bag!, or a good pair of shoes. I also do spend more on good makeup, but only for specific makeup items, like foundation. I am in love with my MAC studio fix, so I splurge on that, But on other makeup items, I’ll buy the drugstore brands. Covergirl Lash Blast is amazing! I pick and choose which items that I can splurge on, and save on the others!!
Thanks for offering an amazing giveaway!!
shared via facebook, already a member of NMR, and I never splurge 🙁
I splurge on resturants I already subscribe to No more rack
My splurge is Birchbox..Every month I get a box of name brand sample cosmetics and treats for $10.00 and I love to try new things..
already a member at NMR – anger_family @yahoo dot com
My splurge item are Silver jeans
I have already been signed up with no more rack. kfgcrtire atyahoo dotcom
My splurge item is Starbucks. I get a coffee everyday to be able to keep up with my three boys. I do use a rewards card but it is still pretty pricey but it is well worth it.
I concur with the Starbucks! Sometimes I just need a Java Chip to get me through the day. 😀
I have shared this giveaway on Facebook at
already a member of no more rack
I am already a member of no more rack!!
My splurge factor is chocolate every now and then:)
I was already signed up for no more rack. My biggest splurge item is my highlights. I dont get them as often as i would like, because i always feel guilty that i can use the money on groceries, or things for the family. But sometimes, we just need to pamper ourlseves 🙂
shared on facebook link
daily fb share!/permalink.php?story_fbid=168348289932901&id=1355040978
I Shared on
I am already a member of No More Rack. My splurge item is definitely special bath products.I have a weakness for bath soaks and specialty bubble baths and salts,etc. Happy New Year and thanks for the chance to win this awesome purse!! 🙂
Daily share 🙂
I shared on Facebook every day of Contest!
Dec 31 , 2011 Facebook post.
Friday Dec 30 , 2011 Facebook share.
Happy New Year!!
I hope you were safe and had a great night!!
my facebook share:
I am already signed up with no more rack!
I indulge in clothes!!!!!
I would say Starbucks Vanilla Bean Frappachinno!!
Already a member of NMR
Makeup is my splurge item!/permalink.php?story_fbid=241620132575637&id=1069136108
My splurge item is my Coach perfume!
I splurge on FABRIC! lol!!! 🙂 and the kids too;)
hope I win
Signed up with No More Rack. My splurge item would have to be shoes.
My splurge item is Gherrideli Chocolate. It is my favorite.
shared on FB(hope this is correct)- I dont know how else to get the link since I have the timeline. also I dont have any thing to splurge on as I cannot afford it.
I have never owned a coach hand bag and would love to have one. Hope you had a wonderful New Year’s.!/permalink.php?story_fbid=290812047638154&id=100001280826555
Shared on facebook
I splurge on coffee starbucks
shoes!! 🙂 thanks for the giveaway
I am all ready a member of NMR
I was already a member of NMR.
My splurge is always for the kids or husband ,
already member of no more rack
im already signed up for no more rack 🙂
thanks for this – would be great way to start a new year with a new coach bag 🙂
Here is my FB link:!/krazed79/posts/264086516988381
My “me” splurge is a good cup of coffee. Also, I am already a nor member.
I splurge on Make up! Too much!
I’m already signed up for NMR.
I splurge on my kids. Thanks for the great giveaway and have a happy new year.
My splurge item is a new pair of jeans or boots!
I have already signed up for no more rack!
I am already signed up at no more rack.
If I had any money to splurge on just whatever I wanted I would so buy me a Coach Purse. I have wanted one for years now and just can’t seem to afford to get one. But oneday I will own a Coach Purse.
I liked and shared
My splurge item was a new pair of jeans
My Spurgle is Sweet tea at mcDonalds. Might be only a $1 but that is my one weakness when I drive by 🙂
I splurge on sports tickets and gifts for my wife , I am already a member of no more rack
Was already signed up with No More Rack and my favorite splurge is dinner out with my hubby!
I always use my splurge on my son.
I splurge on clothes and Blu Ray disc
My splurge is definitely my handbags!
My splurge item is make-up and skin care products! If my skin looks good, I feel good. =)
Shared on Facebook.
I’m already a member of NMR
I splurge on clothes and shoes
My splurge item would be Chinese food every few months.
I am already signed up and confirmed for NoMoreRack.
Thanks for the great giveaways!!
My favorite splurge items are my shoes! <3 me lots of shoes!
I splurge on gifts for my granddaughter.
im already a member of nmr!/profile.php?id=1312338424 sorry, posted the wrong link
Im not sure how to link my fb post..
Hmm, my splurge?? I guess I do get my hair cut every 6 weeks.. At $50 a pop, I’d say it’s a splurge!
I will just do a little splurge everytime I go to do my shopping, it could be anything from my fav ice cream or coffee creamer, to new shoes, purse or clothes. It all depends on the store, prices and buget for that time.
I’m already signed up with no more rack.
My biggest splurge is electronics.
I had to sign up for NMR and my splurge is beauty products.
My everyday splurge item are my kcups =)
already signed up for nmr
I don’t really splurge on things for myself, occasionally a kindle book or something. I tend to splurge on things for my kids.
shared on facebook….
Shared on Facebook
I’m already a confirmed No More Rack member sapphiresoda(at)gmail(dot)com
I splurge on coffee.
My splurge item is Bare Minerals makeup.
I splurge on eating out with my family. I’m already a NMR member…same email. I shared contest here —!/permalink.php?story_fbid=270923272961759&id=100001065243325 thanks for the giveaway!
My splurge item is my skin care products.
I’m already a confirmed No More Rack member
I am already a member of NMR. Same email as above 🙂 my splurge item is definitely shoes! I just love, love , love a cute pair of shoes!
Daily Tweet:!/jsg1818/status/153700162668199936
Facebook Share for Jan 1st!/permalink.php?story_fbid=3043677851241&id=1241946027 and my biggest splurge is makeup!
already subscribed to no more rack
chichijunk at cs dot com
My splurge item is good makeup.
I have already signed up for no more rack.
i cant afford to splurge on anything because I’m a pauper but I did have to buy skecher shoes for over $100 over a year ago because my feet were killing me and they’re already falling apart.
chichijunkat cs dot com
Shared on facebook
Tweeted about this great giveaway!/saphiresandiamo/status/153714428154613760
I posted the giveaway on Facebook This is the first Coach Purse Giveaway that I have seen in which I actually like the purse!!! Thanks for the giveaway! Happy New Year!
I am already a member of Nomorerack.
My splurge item is a $3.99 can of Maxwell House International Coffee’s Vanilla Caramel Latte.
Shared on Facebook:
Shared! I’m so excited!!
I am already signed up for Nomorerack
My splurge item is hot chocolate!!
daily facebook post. FB name Jan Peoples
Of course my splurge is BAGS!!!!!! 😉!/permalink.php?story_fbid=163017393805831&id=1355040978
daily fb share
Last day to enter!! Good Luck Ladies!
FB entry:
I shared the contest on my Facebook page. The link is
Lovin’ me some Coach! Great offer! Thanks! Good luck everyone!
My splurge is Bath & Body Works or Victoria’s Secret. And I’m already signed up on No More Rack and it was confirmed by email.
my splurge item is shoes
I shared and here’s the link to my post 🙂
my splurge item? purses and boots – specifically coach purses and cowboy boots… )
Shared, liked, tweeted, whistled and sung it up on the mountain lol! Thanks for the giveaway! These are so exciting!
shared on fb…
my splurge item is chanel cologne – i am already signed up for nomorerack
I got so excited I forgot to tell you that I rarely splurge but if so I would say shoes!
share link for my fb link, and sadly I don’t have a splurge item because I don’t have any money….the nursing school tuition is massive.
already signed up to nomorerack
Daily share on Facebook! shared on FB!
& i already have 2 NoMoreRack accounts…
I am confirmed at No More Rack)
My big splurge for 2012 is a trip to Disneyworld 🙂
Shoes are my splurge item!!!
Shared on Facebook:
Confirmed With NO More Rack with
My splurge item(s): Clothes for my kids, Starbucks for me.
Thank you for this AMAZING Giveaway!
Here is the Facebook post for sharing about the Coach purse giveaway.
My splurge items are usually craft supplies, but a handbag will do in a pinch! 🙂
Shared the ga on FB.
Shared! 🙂
My favorite splurge items are pretty much anything that is purchased just for me, that I don’t actually NEED right then. 😉
I’ve been signed up on NMR for a while now. 🙂
Also shared on FB, but don’t know for the life of me how to post a link to just that story with the new timeline deal. But, you know me. LOL!
shared on facebook link
My “splurge” is usually an outing with my girlfriends. Drinks and tacos.
Share Link
After becoming a Stay at Home Mom I don’t get many splurging opportunities. When I do though, it’s usually Hair and Makeup products 🙂
My splurge items are purses too and I get the online Coach sales also.!/jessie.boggetto/posts/265383686858595
already member of nmr
I was already a nomorerack member, and my splurge item is new clothing.
It seems like my splurge item is anything I buy for myself anymore. Everything is so expensive. I would love to win this.
It’s so funny cause my splurge item is Coach too! but i always go to the Coach outlets when they have 30% coupons — i try to buy the ones on clearance there and i can get a purse for about 60-70 bucks 🙂
i shared and as far as splurging goes i don’t usually get to do that for myself. I was really excited this weekend just to get me a new comforter for my bed lol
this is awsome begining to 2012 ….good luck everyone !!!!!!!!!
and i’m already a member of nmr and i already get your newsletter 🙂
I really never splurge on myself
My splurge is PURSES LOVE EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dplige is going out to a nice restaurant with the family!
My splurge item is: I don’t buy new clothes, I save all the money i get for birthday and christmas and I go to the nicer second hand stores and get twice the amount of clothes. I usually get clothes that still have the price tags on them (from walmart,target,etc) for 70-80% savings! It’s a slurge when your unemployed.
My splurge item is Starbucks!!!!!!!!!!
I was already a member of NMR
My splurge item is coffee
Dooney and Bourke is my splurge!
Its chocolate pomegranates!!! oh and I subscribed to your email but its with a different email (p2sample)
my slurge is a Latte
i usaaly dont but when i do its lingerie
My splurge is definitely coffee drinks. I seems to get more done with lots of caffeine in me!
I splurge on bedding. I am already a member of NoMoreRack.
Shared on FB ..
I splurge on bedding. I am already a member of NoMoreRack!
Theresa Sawyer Kelsey shared a link.
It’s a Giveaway!! Win a $348 Black Coach Signature Purse!! | Wheel N Deal Mama
Coach has been having regular Factory blowout sales online recently – these are invite only and are DANGEROUS! I figure with the New Year coming up one lucky reader should win a brand new Coach purse! (Note: If you want to sign up to get invites to these exclusive invite-only sales, you can…
Like · · Share · 11 seconds ago
My splurge item is monthly pedicures!
Already signed up for No More Rack. (odeliachavez@ gmaildotcom)
Bath and Body works is soooo my splurge items…all of them =)
My splurge is good coffee or dark chocolate.
I have been a member of NMR for a while now.
Already subscribe to NMR but I splurge on getting my nails done. Although I have a few coach items, last year was the first time I “splurged” and bought a coach for myself .. and it was sweet! Maybe 2012 will be the next coach splurge 😉 Thanks for the chance .. awesome giveaway .. great taste! is the link to my FB share!!!!
I was already a member of nmr and confirmed the email.
I already liked your FB page
My splurge is on kindle books!!!
Thank you for these giveaways!!!!!!
My splurge item is something from LUSH or Starbucks.
my splurge is clothes and instant lottery tickets 🙂
My splurge item would definitely be a day at the spa!
Smashbox makeup!!!
My “splurge” items are good face cleansers and hair products. They are so worth it! (Of course, shoes and purses too!)
My splurge item would definitely be something spa related!
OMG!!! Im sooo excited!! End already!
My favorite splurge items are in the range of electronics…which unfortunately are afforded infrequently. 😛
Technology is my splurge!
I already had a nomorerack account.
My splurge item would have to be Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and I don’t do it often!!
My splurge are shoes and purses!
FB share:
I am already a member of NMR 🙂
My splurge items would have to be my sons stroller and purses!
victoria secret
I splurge on good shoes and good handbags
I am already signed up for NMR and my splurge item is Victoria’s Secret!!
shared on FB:!/profile.php?id=1642792786
My splurge item is also Coach purses. I only get to splurge on them once every 4-5 years. I am so in need of a black Coach purse and have thinking about one for 3 years now. I am so excited to have this opportunity to try to win this!!! 🙂
I usually splurge on a purse each year
I don’t usually splurge but if I do it’s for clothes!
My splurge item is perfume, but unfortunately I have not had the luxury of buying my favorites lately. They are just so expensive. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity. 🙂
my splurge is the coach outlet. i cannot remember the last time i was able to splurhe though 🙁
i am already registered for nmr.
thank you so much!
Starbucks is my splurge!
Already signed up for NoMoreRack
Already a NMR member. Would LOVE to own a Coach purse!
My splurge is shoes!
My splurge item is jewelry! (Costume of course)
My splurge is a spa day and perfume. I have been wanting a Coach bag for years, this bag is beautiful !
My splurge is always for a purse it seldom happens but when I can I do
My favorite splurge is designer bags and shoes.
My splurge item is sparkling water- pierre water.
I’m already a member of NoMoreRack. Sorry 🙁
Forgot to say that I had already signed up with no-more-rack.
shared contest on facebook… fingers crossed that I win!
There is no place to put the link so here is mine—-
I already am signed up with No more rack
Clothes and handbags
I would say mt splurge item is CLOTHES!!! Love clothes!! LOL
My splurge item is usually something unhelathy and high in calories 🙂
I’m not one to splurge on myself
I splurge on my hair ( Kate Tetreault via Super Coupon Lady
It’s a Giveaway!! Win a $348 Black Coach Signature Purse!! | Wheel N Deal Mama
Coach has been having regular Factory blowout sales online recently – these are invite only and are DANGEROUS! I figure with the New Year coming up one lucky reader should win a brand new Coach purse! (Note: If you want to sign up to get invites to these exclusive invite-only sales, you can…
Like · · Share · ) my splurge item is shoes for my 2 kids they can never seem to have enough ….( sry wanted to make sure my share was seen
email used for daily emails is yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com – there wasn’t a spot for it
I would say purses and bags are my spulrge item. I am very frugal tho. My hubby got me a bulova watch for Christmas and I am holding back the urge to take it back (he gave me one in 2005 and I did take it back). I can’t see paying that much for a watch when I could get a lot of clothes or a REALLY nice purse for the same price.
shared giveaway via facebook on phone –!/story.php?story_fbid=2938764118509&id=1543334200&__user=1543334200
i splurge on purses!!!!!
I’ve subscribed to the emails, liked WDM on FB & blog post, shared blog post on FB (!/profile.php?id=1557535020), and I joined NMR quite some time ago. I splurge on camera & computer items.
Splurge on pedicures. I love them! Email address for newsletter is hgfcomments at yahoo
My splurge item is my old style Reebok Ultra Hi Tops. Hard to find.
My biggest splurge items are Josie Maran products, ugg boots and coach shoes
Love this, thanks!!!
would absolutely LOVE this.
love your freebies and all the info you provide
All of my splurging is normally on my kids!!! I need to take care of me more often!
I love to splurge on Coach bags and Pandora bracelets/beads. =)!/profile.php?id=100000383115308
A plurge is a coach purse.
FB share:
I am already a registered member with No More Rack
FB share:
Already signed up for Nomorerack
My Splurge is COACH purses but haven’t been able to afford them for awhile, Love this one- Thanks for the chance.
i was already signed up for NMR. My splurge item is power tools.
My splurge item are definitely my purses 🙂
I splurge on jeans!
My splurge is clothes!
I shared! 🙂
here is the link to the post i shared on my personal facebook.
my splurge is those lotion socks,,and lipgloss !
already belonged to nomorerack
Already a member of NMR!
My splurge is to go out to eat and to a movie with friends
i shared the giveaway on my personal facebook
my splurge item is handbags
Shared on Facebook
I am already signed up with No More Rack, with the email address i listed above.
My splurge item….hmmmm…I really don’t have any because we never have any money, but I DID buy me some new boots just the other day. 🙂
My splurge is buying my self jeans i love buying lots of pairs of jeans lol
My daughter!
Already a NMR memeber, at the address listed above 🙂
I was already a member of No More Rack
Coincident, but recently i have been dying to own a coach purse!!! My favorite splurge item is PURSES!!! I have been going through their website a lot…but their price are ridiculous!!! So glad i found this giveaway!! have my hopes really high!!
I am already signed up with No More Rack
Clothes and cozy pjs lol
I’ve already signed up for NMR but haven’t won any insanity deals. . . close…very close.
I am already signed up at no mor rack. My splurge is anything for me… the kids usually get what they need first.
My splurge item is getting my eyebrows waxed.
Already a member of NMR
Couldn’t sign up for NMR because I’m already a member!
My splurge item is purses!!!
I splurge on Heels! 🙂
I love Coach (and yes, it’s a great splurge!) I also love to splurge on really nice makeup brushes…Hakuhodo Brushes – OMG, amazing!
My splurge item is chips and salsa. It is the one thing that I get just for me.
my family:)
already signed up with no more rack 🙂
Shared on Facebook!/permalink.php?story_fbid=301999176508606&id=1026886971
my splurge is shoes. when i can afford it!
already have no more rack daily deal account
Already subscribe to NMR!
I shared!!/amberjean101
I had already signed up for No More Rack before this.
Cute purse I would love one!
My splurge is Redken 18 hairspray and MaryKay makeup!
Splurge item would probably be, body spray and lotions. I am obsessed. lol
Already signed up through NMR 🙂
My Splurge item is tea, I have to have this and something that I splurge on sometimes.
My splurge item would have to be a massage! I am already signed up with no more rack, already a email subscriber, and fan on facebook! Would be so excited to win this purse!
Dinner with my kids… usually Chinese!
Already signed up with NMR
splurge item is Chocolate!!
My splurge item would be to get my toes done once ever two months 🙂
My splurge is the Kardashian-styled acrylic makeup organizer.
My share on FB:
I’m already a confirmed member of NMR.
My splurge is on fabric or craft supplies! Thank you for the chance to win this amazinggg purse! 🙂
My splurge item is SHOES and BOOTS 🙂 Never have enough of either. lol
My splurge item is chips soda and some french onion dip Yummie o
My splurge item is probly makeup. I just cant stop buying it!!!
Lane bryant
I’m already signed up for No More Rack.
My splurge item is makeup!!
I am already signed up for the web sight, with the e-mail above. I would so much be appreciative for the Coach Purse. TY
I am already signed up with No more rack.
I’m already a member of No More Rack and love it. My splurge item is definitely purses….never could afford a Coach though lol
My splurge item is def purses…all kinds!!
Already signed up w/ NMR and I am going to do lots of splurges for myself this year
My splurge item is shoes.
I don’t splurge on myself any more I have three kids and spend all my money on them 🙂
My splurge item are my shoes. I get a new pair every week.
my splurge item is an LED hula hoop 🙂
My splurge is getting my nails done!
My items i love to buy are anything for my kids 😛 im horrible when it comes to them i gotta buy buy buy and purses for me my husband hates when i come home with a new purse 😛
My biggest splurge is on Starbucks! 🙂
I already signed up for No More Rack!
I splurge on anything fitness!
I splurge on shoes. My last pair was $100 >.<
Thanks for the chance. I need looking for a new purse for a while now. I hope I win it! 🙂
My splurge item is always from the craft store! Or clothes for my two little girls 🙂
My splurge is winter boots on 6pm ..
My Splurge Item is Online Deals through No More Rack, Amazon, etc…
Also, already been signed up for NMR.
my splurge is kids clothes and shoes..its a sickeness.
My facebook post:
I’m already registered with No More Rack.
I honestly don’t have any splurge items. I haven’t shopped for myself in years. Need money to do that.
My splurge item is always a nice purse for the Fall
Coach purses.
FB Share:
already member of no more rack.
My splurge item is always a nice purse for the Fall
Already signed up for Nomorerack!
Splurge item: clothes for me!
Makeup! 🙂
My fave splurge is electronics!
Didn’t get a purse for Xmas, been using the same purse for years. Would be nice to win.My splurge item would be toy for my daughter.
would love to win
My splurge item s makeup I have a weakness for cosmetics:)
Would love this!