I decided to take the day off today, Â but I figured we could have a FLASH giveaway tonight! Â I hope everyone had a great first day of 2012!
These flash giveaways are always very simple and easy to enter, Â all you have to do is use the rafflecopter below. Â ONE mandatory entry which is that you sign up for the daily emails from Wheel n Deal Mama. Â All other entries are optional.
Tonight’s giveaway is for a $40 voucher to InspiredSilver.com! Â Â Nice thing is — they have a huge $10 and under sale going on right now too!! Â The voucher includes FREE shipping.
Giveaway will end tonight at midnight EST — GOOD LUCK and be sure to share this giveaway with your friends 🙂
i plan on quitting smoking.
Already signed up with NMR
ALREADY a nomorerack member
I already joined No More Rack and confirmed through email
My only resolution is to read more scripture and devote more of my time!
ive already been signed up with nomorerack and i absolutely LOVE it! i get so excited to see the new deals.
&my new years resolution is to use coupons more and try to be more frugal
also already signed up with nomorerack with this same email address.
shared on facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002379925160
No real resolutions, just pressing the reset button on getting healthy and organized.
my resolution is to try and enjoy the small things in life…
to live a stress-free year and have peace on Earth! ty for the giveaway =)
Entered and hoping for some good luck!
I have so many resolutions…weigh less, make more, get organized, stop yelling!!
Already a no more rack member, too.
already signed up with nmr
My New Year’s resolution is to get organized!!!!
my resolution is to lose weight and get healthier
nope I always break them lol
Already a nomorerack member.
Spend more time with Family far and near!
This is where I posted my share.
To spend more time with my family!
Already signed up and confirmed to NoMoreRack
To be more thankful for what i have and not as many poor me days!! I take chemo and tend to have a few pity partis.. HAPPY NEW YeAR and good luck everyone!!
also i am already signed up with nomorack
I am already signed up a Nomorerack.
to quit smoking this year
My resolution(s) are to be a better, calmer mama, and to not eat out as much!
My New Year’s Resolution is to exercise more.
To be healthy and happy 🙂
Already a No More Rack member 🙂
My new year’s resolution is to cook 4 dinners a week at home from scratch!
my new years resolutions are to be the best husband and father to my stepdaughter I can o my new wife on 11-11-11. I also want to quit smoking.
I have already signed up with NMR.
im already signed up for nmr
To be more organized
Already signed up with nomorerack
Already a NMR member
No resolutions this year!
Same old Same old New Years Resolution lol I am determined to finish losing the weight! Wooo Hooo!
Already a NMR member.
To lose some weight
already signed up for nomorerack and confirmed through email as well.
already a NMR member. My resolution is to schedule my time better to be more organized!
My resolution is to continue losing weight. and get healthier. I lost 50 lbs last year. 🙂
Already a NMR subscriber
My new years resolution is to build up my business more.
Mine would be the usual… to lose some weight!
shared on facebook
Shared: https://www.facebook.com/kimberly.fiscus/posts/291916824191876
Resolution: spend more time with family and not working.
already a NMR memeber.
My resolution is to lose weight… again…
Already a No More Rack member- angel_bunnies69@yahoo.com
I am already a member of Nomorerack 🙂
shared on FB here’s a link https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=270123793041579&id=1127649090
Posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jdjrferg/posts/224846957593487
It dont have a space to leave the url to facebook that I shared this giveaway so here it is!!!
I am already a member of Nomorerack
already a nomorerack member
no I really don’t make New Years Resolutions
already a NMR member too!
I already signed up with Nomorerack!!
I don’t do resolutions but I’m committed to maintaning my healthy eating through out the year.
No new years resolution! 🙂
I don’t have no resolution this year!!
http://www.facebook.com/SoldiersWifeArmy/posts/10150563978567814 = link for shared post
Resolution = Be a better person all around.
resolution is to be more organized
already signed up with no more rack
My resolution is to lose weight.
My New Year’s resolution is to start living again after losing my husband of 28 years, two years ago at the age of 47. Wish me luck!
I don’t do resolutions anymore
I am already a member of nomorerack.
great giveaway thank you
already signed up with nmr
I don’t have a new years resolution
Save money, pay off debt, lose weight, fix vehicles, get rid of crappy vehicles and get a new one, win some great prizes throughout the year, and just to be happy (not so stressed all the time)!
Shared on Facebook
My resolution is to eat more healthy and be more organized at home.
NYR:Eat healthier and lose 40 lbs !
Already a member of NMR, and I plan on losing weight………
Try to be more healthy
I am already a member of NMR
Already signed up with No More Rack.
New Year’s Resolution is to learn how to say no.
to move out of the state I currently reside in.
No New Years Resolution!
Here is the link to my post about the giveaway: http://www.facebook.com/barbara.mayes1/posts/184193298346684
I was already a NoMoreRack member!
My New Year’s Resolution is to get more active, and lose weight.
I don’t have a New Year’s resolution.
No I don’t have any resolutions.
I was already signed up on NoMoreRack
I really need to increase my income and improve my health, while living more spiritually.
hi…already subscribe to your blog..love it , already a nomorerack member under my other name Mzshngstar@att.net. No new years resolutions for me, I never keep them..LOL
Very nice giveaway. Thanks so much for your generosity!
my resolution is to eat healthier. and Itoo am already a memember of no more rack.
I am already signed up with NoMoreRack
I don’t have a set resolution. My husband and I are currently working towards eating healthier but that started prior to the New Year.
I am already a NMR member. My new yrs resolution is to put Jesus 1st in everything I say, think and do.
I plan on sending a thank you note of gratitude to someone different each week this year:)
I’m already a No More Rack member sapphiresoda(at)gmail(dot)com
My New Year’s resolution is to get back in shape.
I did tweet but didn’t understand the copy and paste thing.
nope none this year
I already signed Up with no more rack. Mynew years resolution is to save better.
I want to Smile More! 🙂
My New Years resolution is to allow more peace and love into my life.
I have belonged to NMR for a while now.
New years res is to finally lose the baby weight!!!
Shared on FB…Theresa Sawyer Kelsey
Shared on FB at https://www.facebook.com/slwarner1956/posts/338279789534315
I already belong to nomorerack
I am already a No More Rack member.
my new years resolution is to be a great new mom!
My New Years Resolution is to be the best person I can be.
Be more organized, create more time to just BE, and be happy!
No New Years Resolutions made this year as I always break them…lol
Shared on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/chevy.roper/posts/225923034151739
Already a member of Nomorerack!
My resolution is to lose a few pounds & get our finances into tip top shape (stop spending so freely & start saving more!) Thanks for the giveaway!
Stop Smoking
My new years resolution is to loose the 200 pounds I need to
Already signed up with NomoreRack.
New Years resolution — commit to being healthy and active. Not just a say, but a do
already signed up with nmr