Nothing too exciting, we had company over and that’s the only time my hubby cleans, dusts and basically we have a brand new house again it’s so clean. That’s VERY exciting to me. It gives me more time to coupon and organize.
didn’t do much of anything really i am still recovery from pneumonia so i have been slowing cleaning up my house with 4 girls and being that sick and babysitting rough! lol but i love my husband he has helped me out alot the past 3 weeks. and just ow starting feel better!
This weekend we went to Monster Jam at the Bradley Center and then to applebees afterwards. We also created our pinewood derby car for the race that is this weekend. We created a tank. Hopefully he will win.
This weekend I just did some of my reward programs and surveys. Spent time with the children watching a movie and eating pizza, and watching my little 8 month old try to stand o her own.
Finally got a babysitter and had dinner and a movies with my husband. It was much needed. Thanks for asking and thanks for the chance to win. How was your weekend?
This past weekend I was the bait for a 40th surprise birthday party. My friend’s husband was definitely surprised when he saw that a dinner with my family turned out to be a party with 50 of his friends. She got him good!
Pick me
every 5 bucks helps :):):):)
Went out to eat. Watched a the movie The Ides of March. Watched tv w/my daughter.
I love these quick give aways… Thank you 🙂
facebook share
I spent time with my kids and my family. Best weekends are family weekends IMO.
I wrote reviews!
I spent time with my children playing games and watching movies 🙂
No, I did not do anything excited. My kids were sick all weekend:(
nothing at all played on facebook
above is the link to my facebook share…
i subscribe with email
and my excitement for the weekend was spending 5 hours in the emergency with my son cause he had stomach pains 🙁
I went sledding with the kids and hubby. First time in years I actually went down the hill too. I can’t wait to go back LOL.
I just worked! Nothing exciting this weekend 🙁
Made a snowman with my 3 year old, his first one!
YAY! I just joined this list. Hope to win anything! 🙂
I mostly sat around on my tush. LOL I just hit the 3rd trimester and my body is slowing way down on me.
went to park on sat and shopped and church on sunday
I had a wonderful weekend at church!
Nothing exciting. LOL
I shared it as well.
I veg’d all weekend because it was snowing:)¬if_t=like
Thanks for the giveaway!
it was snowy saturday, so I just stayed home for once!
We went tv shopping. other than that nothing too exciting
Nothing exciting this weekend. Caught up on some sleep!
I took my daughter shopping for her winter formal and picked up my freebies at Bath and Body Works, and that was about it…pretty good weekend!
I tried to stay warm at home because we went 4 days without power because of the snow storm. :/
Shared 🙂
Nothing exciting this weekend, here’s hoping next weekend is more fun! 🙂
here’s the link that I shared the giveaway. Rafflecopter didn’t give me a space to leave the link.
I was lazy on Saturday b/c it rained 🙁 and I had to work on Sunday. I at least got in one lazy day though! 🙂
Nothing was sick all weekend
My son had a basketball game, other than that we RELAXED!!
I love this giveaway! I can never get enough AGC’s!
I bought a potato dice on Amazon so I don’t have to do it by hand, with my hurt hands!
Here’s the link to my Facebook where I shared the giveaway…there wasn’t a space for me to put it on Rafflecopter…
oh and I receive you emails as
No I didn’t do anything exciting this weekend except for work, but I did buy a couple of cute clothing stuff to add to my wardrobe! 🙂
I didn’t do much of anything over the weekend….stayed home and watched Kentucky Wildcats basketball game 🙂
relaxed 🙂
Nothing at all we just sat at home all weekend lol
Shared on FB:
Nothing too exciting, we had company over and that’s the only time my hubby cleans, dusts and basically we have a brand new house again it’s so clean. That’s VERY exciting to me. It gives me more time to coupon and organize.
Not a darn thing, except I unfortunately had to go to the grocery store.
Nothing really. Ran errands. Hung out with my kids
I was sick…yuck
Stayed in most of the weekend and watched METv, but did make one shopping trip to CVS.!/eschipps/posts/353452168001361
spend time with my grandson
I did not do a darn thing all weekend lol!
Nothing exciting this weekend. I have been sick with Strep Throat. Not too fun!! Hope you had a great weekend!! 🙂 wouldnt let me post on the rafercoper
Home relaxing. Hoping to win this great contest. 😉
didn’t do much of anything really i am still recovery from pneumonia so i have been slowing cleaning up my house with 4 girls and being that sick and babysitting rough! lol but i love my husband he has helped me out alot the past 3 weeks. and just ow starting feel better!
What did I do this weekend? I worked! But, I work in a nursing home and totally LOVE my residents, so I could have done something far worse!
Quiet weekend, other than my son’s Pinewood Derby
I cleaned and played around on the computer.
Stayed home relaxed and watched some movies.
shared on facebook:
I went to my fiancé’s beat battle then spent the rest of the weekend being lazy with the best little man in the world my son Elijah!
No relaxed with my fiance and watched the playoffs.
We relaxed with the dogs this weekend
shared on fb!/taralieb/posts/290231177698406
We put the baby crib together.
I was on a trip with my daughter. Took her antique shopping for her birthday. Had a great time.
I went to a quarter auction for the 1st time and had a blast
Shared on Facebook
I had to work this weekend – my 1 weekend a month requirement. 🙁
Nothing to exiting since we were sick 🙁
This weekend i was sick with a cold and was in bed all saturday and disinfected my whole house sunday so my family wouldnt get sick
nope, nothing exciting :-/
just work and work!
fb share -!/dyanna.o/posts/314596771914880
This weekend we went to Monster Jam at the Bradley Center and then to applebees afterwards. We also created our pinewood derby car for the race that is this weekend. We created a tank. Hopefully he will win.
email subscription – used email addy
spent the weekend at home with my kids and granddaughter watching movies and playing games
Just stayed home all weekend.
Stayed home and relaxed with my little family 🙂
This is the fb post to the giveaway 🙂
Love going to your website. Always surprised at the giveaways. Thank you. Love the color purple, my favorite.
Stayed home and made forts with the kids and watched movies in them.
always love the giveaways.
This weekend I just did some of my reward programs and surveys. Spent time with the children watching a movie and eating pizza, and watching my little 8 month old try to stand o her own.
I shared the link but not sure how to post it correctly but it is on my facebook page:
thank you for the giveaway
I work weekends and play on a Bowling League. Thanks!
Finally got a babysitter and had dinner and a movies with my husband. It was much needed. Thanks for asking and thanks for the chance to win. How was your weekend?
Nothing exciting really, daughter was sick, so worried about her.
nothing exciting, cleaned house
Spent time with my kids 🙂
Shared on facebook
watched it snow!
love amazon
i took my boys to chuckie cheese
I mainly relaxed and enjoyed the nice warm weather with my man this weekend. We love our quiet time.
did nothing all weekend, we have a sick household 🙁
Email subscriber: helenitarico[at]gmail[dot]com
Shared this giveaway on Facebook:
Nothing interesting, we don’t have a car, well, we have a car but is going to be retired because didn’t pass the Smog check test.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
replaced a hot water heater.
House cleaned and talked to my kids in Canada
kids had soccer on Saturday (all day thing for us lol) and we had dinner with my mom & sister on Sunday.
This past weekend I was the bait for a 40th surprise birthday party. My friend’s husband was definitely surprised when he saw that a dinner with my family turned out to be a party with 50 of his friends. She got him good!
not really, just spent time with family!
Thanks for the chance! (:
Watched the playoffs !!!:)
Babysat the kids I watched and enjoyed the little bit of snow we got! 🙂
Went to the er for a spider bite!
watch tv all weeked