Wooohoooo!! My readers are awesome! <3
We just hit 18,000 fans on Facebook — to celebrate I am launching a quick weekend giveaway with EIGHTEEN winners!!
2 – $25 Amazon Gift Cards
10 – $5 Plum District Gift codes
6 – Julep Nail Color of your choice
I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate all of you! Use the rafflecopter below to enter — giveaway will end Sunday night at Midnight EST — Good luck!!
I love your website!!! Congrats on the 18,000 fans!! We love you!
already signed up on PD~
Congratulations! Keep up the great work!
great website! : )
$60 for $120 Worth of Adorable, Plush Rockers from Rockabye.com – a $120 Value
The Acrylic Photo Blocks at PD are great!
$14 for a Personalized Children’s Book – a $28
I’m already signed up for Plum District
Toms giveaway…….I love giveaways!!!
Congrats! The Plum District Acrylic frames look neat – I’ve never shopped with them before. Maybe I’ll check it out again sometime.
My favorite deal is $22 for Three Wine Tastings for Two Guests, an Appetizer Tray and $20 to Spend on Bottles of Wine
Already a Plum District Subscriber
I like the deal to win Toms flats 🙂
awsome…thanks 🙂
$60 for $120 Worth of Adorable, Plush Rockers from Rockabye.com – a $120 Value
i lve the kids toys on there plum discrict
i adore your fb apage
I am already signed up to Plum District and I like the deal of $15 for $30 Worth of Merchandise at Kidorable, those rain boots are to cute
$14 for a personalized book!
I am already signed up for plum district
I like the daily money saving tips. Congrats on your 18K fans! May you get many more
My favorite deal is $35 for $69 Worth of Acrylic Photo Blocks, and More on Chic Canvas
I already signed up for plum district and I like the deal $25 on $50 for lingerie. This is great for valentines day.
Personalized Children’s Book
$30 for $50 Toward Decorative and Fun Glassware!
17 for Books from The Mother Company – a $29 Value
The massage and pedicure for sure!
Already a member of Plum and my favorite deal is this http://www.plumdistrict.com/moms/discount/houston/home-and-garden-deals/fabness-photo-create-usa-29-for-a-16×20-or-20×16-gallery-wrapped-canvas-a-129-val-okKFgs
I like the personalized children’s book deal
The deal with Tom’s Flats. Thank u for this opportunity!!
I like the acrylic photo blocks
Congrats on reaching a new milestone…18K fans!!! That is an accomplishment to very proud of!!
$30 for $50 toward decorative & fun glassware
already a member of plum district (crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net)
Already signed up for plum district & email confirmed.
$30 for $50 Toward Decorative and Fun Glassware
Favorite deal at Plum District currenty is:
Love the rockers!
Congrats on 18k!
Thank you for everything yo! I am currently also entered in your TOMS giveaway!!
Thanks for the giveaways!!! Cant wait to see who the lucky winners are!!
The Acrylic Photo Blocs
I am already signed up at the Plum District.
I am a plum distrect subscriber also My favorite deal is $22 for Three Wine Tastings for Two Guests, an Appetizer Tray and $20 to Spend on Bottles of Wine
My favorite deal is $59 for a Relaxing Couple’s Massage with Champagne Toast and Chocolates – a $130 Value for the Denver Metro Area!
I was already signed up at Plum District.
My fav deal right now @ Plum District is: $14 for a Personalized Children’s Book
I entered the “It’s a Giveaway! Win a Gorgeous Coach Bag! Retail value of $348!” and commented on that post. Thank you for the great giveaways!
I signed up for Plum District through your referral link and they sent me a welcome email but no confirmation link was in it. My favorite Plum District Deal is $30 for $50 Toward Decorative and Fun Glassware. I signed up for your Toms Ballert Flat giveaway and commented there: http://wheelndealmama.com/new-line-toms-ballet-flats-win-a-pair-for-you-and-a-pair-for-a-friend-courtesy-of-autism-united/#comment-33796 and also on this post: http://wheelndealmama.com/24-free-issues-of-better-homes-and-gardens/#comment-33799
I was already signed up for plum district.
I signed up for your TOMS giveaway. And the IPAD 2
My favorite plum district deal is the one for ladymate lingerie, love my intimates, you can never have too many pairs of panties.
I like the giveaways you have. I’m already signed up for your emails and like you on FB. Also already follow you on Twitter.
already signed up plum district, also signed up for TOMS giveaway. I love your web site – I check it several times a day in my Goggle reader to see what new and exciting things you have found. You do a great job!!
I’m already signed up with PD.
already a member of plum district
i like the Chic Canvas deal at Plumdistrict
like the tom’s ballet flat giveaway you are having have my fingers crossed, would love a new pair of flats…wear them everywhere and need a new pair 🙂
childrens book deal
like the tom flats!!
$25 for $50 Worth of Lingerie from Ladymate is my fav deal right now
Hey! The Plum Districts page says they are doing house cleaning! https://www.plumdistrict.com/?ref=uc614641102b What do I do now so that I am entered!!???
I like the Toms Flats!
Eeek! I doubt that will last long — giveaway is open through Sunday 🙂
I like the Toms Flats too… LOOOOOOVE shoes!!
ME TOO! 😉 Shoes and purses… dangerous!
Love the deals on this website!
I already was signed up for Plum District.
I liked the K-Mart 4% back!
My favorite right now is the ladymate $25 for $50 worth of lingerie…whoo hoo! That’s an amazing deal! And at a perfect time 🙂
Jamie Anderson
msjamesteagall@yahoo dot com
I have signed up for the giveaway and would LOVE to win!
my favorite deal on Plum District right now is the BeautyBar deal, just can’t afford it right now. I also like the SwOOPING deal..that is a great invention!
I am already a Plum District member but I don’t have a favorite deal right now. I’m kind of leary because I was one of the people who got the movie/Starbucks deal and it was a hot mess im trying to calm down from that. I liked your contact page but didn’t see a place to comment. It looks like that is where people put current deals. I love your site and love your daily emails and posts. Please continue to bring us awesome deals. We love them!
$25 for $50 Worth of Lingerie from Ladymate is my favorite deal…though I have never actually bought anything from Plum District. And I am already a member of Plum District and I did confrim through email.
I like the Toms Flats giveaway your having! 🙂
Already signed with Plum District. 🙂
LOVE your blog!!
Favorite thing on Plum District is the BeautyBar deal going on. 🙂
I don’t have a favorite, I just appreciate that you work as hard as you do to find us great deals and have awesome giveaways!!
Alreadt on pd
Fav deal is the magic school bus science kit! I loved those books growing up!
$35 for $69 Worth of Acrylic Photos
Left comment on: 7 Free Snickers at Walgreens
My fave deal is $18 for a Fashionable, Eco-Friendly Purse or Bag from Cheeky Green – a $29 Value
I also love the Toms Flats Giveaway…Tooo Cute!
Signed up @ PD!
The Movie Deals are my favorite!
Already signed up with Plum District. Beauty Bar deal on Plum 🙂
I already signed up for plum district. I like the shoes.
love the website keep the good deals comming
Love your site!!!
I love all the giveways! Thanks
i just love your website and look everyday to see all the new deals and savings!! thank you…thank you!!!
Wow! Thanks!
Congrats on the fans! What a great blog, keep up the wonderful work!
Thats great congrats on 18k fans.. Thank you for the giveaway.
Thanks for the Twilight giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Wow! 18k fans, now that is something to cheer about! I was sent over from 2kids and a Coupon to check out how amazing your page was for myself. The other blog follower’s were right, your hard work and dedication shows. keep up the great work!
Thanks for being a sponsor in the twilight giveaway. Your blog looks wonderful & I am happy to be here. 🙂
Congrats on the fan milestone, and thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I like the $25 for $50 worth of spinning tales merchandise.
The retro phone is great. I signed up for the first time and confirmed my email.
awesome giveaway
Found you through 2 kids & a coupon Twilight giveaway
Love your website! Keep up the great work!!!
Already signed up and a member
Thanks for the twilight giveaway!
Favorite deal right now: http://www.plumdistrict.com/moms/discount/everywhere/activities-deals/the-young-scientists-club-120-for-one-year-membership-to-the-magic-school-bus-sci-MPXNdy
Expensive but I love educational stuff!
There are so many deals I enjoy, took advantage of my $10 sign up and had bought makeup
Thank you for the Twilight giveaway!
Thank you so much! 🙂
thanks for the giveaway
Great site thanks for keep us upto date on the lastes deals.
18,000 fans is a great time for a giveaway!! I’m already signed up for plum district.
thanks for the giveaways
Toms flats
Up to 50% off Unlimited MoviePass Membership for Couples – Use Promo Code ‘cupid’
thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the twilight giveaway!!
Already signed up for Plum District
$14 for a Personalized Children’s Book – a $28 Value
Thanks for the twilight giveaway!!
would love to win
comment for the twilight giveaway!!!! thank you so much!!!!
Love Plum District and Julep Maven! Plus, hoping to win Twilight for my precious daughter who is a HUGE Twi fan.
Congratulations on reaching 18,000!!!
I was already signed up with PlumDistrict!
I love ur website an I love Plum District an Julep Maven an thanks for the giveaway an I want to say congrats to you on reaching 18K!
I love all your giveaways!
Thank you for the Twilight Giveaway!
Ty for the twilight giveaway!!!
$25 for $50 Worth of Spinning Tales Merchandise
Love Twilight!!
Awesome gateway
$35 for $69 Worth of Acrylic Photo Blocks, and More on Chic Canvas
thank you.
Thanks for all the great deals!
Thank you for the Twilight Giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the great giveaways. And all that you and the others do so thanks for the chances to win great prizes.
Thanks so much for the Twilight giveaway!!
The deal I like best at Plum District is $30 for $50 Toward Decorative and Fun Glassware.
18K Phenomenal! TY for twilight as well!
Thank you~
thanks for the giveaways!!! Love the blog!
love your site. . .helps to save me lots of money. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway. I’m coming from the Twilight Movie Package Giveaway.
Love it!
$25 for $50 Worth of Spinning Tales Merchandis
Hey sorry i didn’t know what i was suppose to be commenting about
hey sorry that was suppose to say I was commenting about the twilight giveaway
already a member of plum
Is the phone that you can plug up to you I-phone I think it is pretty cool. thanks for the chance.
I just subscribed to your blog.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the great giveaways!
I am also, like the others, commenting from a link from the Twilight Giveaway. But, here’s another one to enter, now, too. Love it! Thanks!!! :0)
Congratulations! Keep up the great work!
I am already signed up with Plum District. My favorite deal they have right now is the one for the decorative fun glassware.
Love the website! congrats!
i lve the kids toys on there plum discrict
already a plum district subscriber. i love all the deals
Thanks for the Twilight Flash Giveaway!
That looks yummy! Thanks, great site.
Already a Plum District Subscriber, through this email address-jewel_wood2000@yahoo.com.
This is my favorite deal at Plum District right-now!$20 for a Retro Fun Phone – a $45 Value! Great deal!
Thank you for sponsoring the Twilight movie giveaway! Thanks for everything you do for your fans!
I like the half price on first month of movie pass subscription!
I have to say how happy I am for this giveaway!! I am a big, big, Twilight fan and there are seldom giveaways involving Twilight! Thank you!!
You are awesome! Thanks for everything!
I left a comment on this post-7 FREE Valentine’s Day Snicker Cremes at Walgreens!!!
My randomness sent me
Thanks so much for all you do and for sponsoring the Twilight Giveaway 🙂
Thanks for the awesome giveaway !!
Already a member of Plum District!!:)
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
Congrats of reaching 18K!!!
$20 for a Retro Fun Phone – a $45 Value
Congrats too the 18k fans! Your doing a fantastic job! Cant wait too get started looking around your site! <3
From todays deals IO like the movie pass one!
Also hopped over from the twilight movie giveaway, thanks very much for being a part of it! Love those movies.
not really a huge fan of plum district, i do have an account but dont use it often
$30 for $50 Toward Decorative and Fun Glassware is my favorite deal:) Thank you and Congrats!!!
Thanks so much for the Twilight Four #Movie Collection, my daughter would love to have this set.
love it! such a cool giveaway!
Thanks for the great giveaway and congrats on the 18,000 fans
thanx and congrats
$30 for $50 Toward Decorative and Fun Glassware
I was already signed up for Plum!
Thank you!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I was sent over from Gone Klippin’ Krazy
thank you
Awesome giveaway!
sent from 2kids and a coupon. Thanks for the Twilight Giveaway!
Thanks for the Giveaway!!! =)
Thanks for the twilight giveaway :0
Love your blog 🙂
So cool..congrats!
I’m already signed up for Plum District.
The best offer on Plum District right now is the $49 for Sweetheart Facial, Includes a Neck, Shoulder, and Head Massage.
Congrats and thanks for the awesome giveaways!!! WOOT!
Thank you for the awesome giveaway! 🙂
I like’ this deal $25 for $50 Worth of Spinning Tales Merchandise”
Thank you for the Twilight Giveaway
I liked and left my comment via this link: http://wheelndealmama.com/hot-crowd-tap-possible-2-free-old-navy-tanks-or-tees-for-you-and-a-friend/#respond
Thank You So Much!
Thank you for all the great giveaways! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks so much for the twilight giveaway! love your site!
Thank you for the chance to win all of your great giveaways!!
Thank you 🙂
Thank you for the amazing Twilight giveaway!!
ty for the giveaway
I just love giveaway’s 🙂
Already signed up with Plum District…love all the deals!
Congratulations! What an accomplishment!
Thank you so much for the chance to win!
MY FAV WITH PLUM DISTRICT, HERE’S THE LINK:http://www.plumdistrict.com/moms/discount/everywhere/home-and-garden-deals/chic-canvas-35-for-69-worth-of-acrylic-photo-blocks-and-more-on-chic-canvas-ydEaFi….
$25 for $50 Worth of Spinning Tales Merchandise
Already signed up with Plum District
Love Twilight Thanks for the chance @ winning would love to own all of these movies.
That is a pretty color nail polish. what an awesome giveaway.
Thank you for the Twilight Giveaway!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Thanks so much!
$20 for a Retro Fun Phone – a $45 Value
Great deal! CONGRATS!
I would love to win the Twilight Movies!! But I would be just as happy to win an Amazon Gift Certificate!! So fingers crossed that I win something!! :0)
I was already signed up with Plum District. :0)
My favorite deal at Plum District is for the $20 for the fun retro phone!! :0)
Thanks for all the giveaways!
$20 for a cute retro phone!
I have been signed up for Plum District!
I loved the info about the Snickers candy at Walgreens, thanks!
I signed up for Tom’s ballet giveaway!
the retro frames on Plum District!
Love wheelndealmama!
congrats on the faaaaaaans =)
$20 retro phone is cool
I already signed up for Plum District
$15 for $30 to Spend on Valentine’s Day Gourmet Popcorn is my favorite deal
Thanks for the chance to win some amazing prizes!! 🙂
I am already a member of Plum District and my favorite deal is the up to 50% off the 1st month of the unlimited moviePass subscription! 🙂
Already signed up with Plum District
My favorite deal right now is the $30 for $50 Toward Decorative and Fun Glassware
Great site, will visit daily!!
I’m already a member of Plum district.
thanks for the giveaway
I was already signed up.
My favorite deal is $55 for a Massage and European Pedicure – a $110 Value
Congrats on 18k Fans!! I am already signed up and confirmed with Plum District. My favorite current deal is the Personalized Children’s Book! Thanks for all that you do for us and for the chance to win these great prizes!! 🙂
I love your site!!!
I wanna win!
I am already Signed up with Plum District.
Thank you for the Twilight Giveaway!
My favorite Plum District deal right now is the $15 for $30 Worth of Beer at Olney Beer and Fine Wine.
I just signed up with Plum District and confirmed email. My favorite deal is $20 for the really cute retro phone. Thanks for the giveaway.
I liked the Tom’s Ballet Flat giveaway. The shoes are soooo cute and very comfortable.
I signed up for and commented on the FREE Origins Skin Correcting Serum Sample.
My favorite deal is $22 for Three Wine Tastings for Two Guests
thanks for the great giveaways!!!
Thanks for the twilight giveaway! <3
I thought the retro phone was cute.
Love you website
I love the Tom’s Ballet Flats giveaway–they are really cute.
I like the movie pass deal on plum
I’m signed up for the breaking dawn and toms giveaways
Great website
I have been a member of Plum District for a while now!
My favorite deal over at Plum District right now is Up to 50% off of your 1st Month of an Unlimited MoviePass Subscription Membership for Couples.
I just signed up for PD!
I like The Acrylic Photo Blocs
already a member of plum district
I entered the Twilight movies giveaway also!!!
Hello, I came by to say hello. I’m entering your friend’s giveaway.
$20 for a Retro Fun Phone – a $45 Value
I signed up for the twilight giveaway!
Thank you!
Your Giveaways are soooo Fab!!!
Congrats on 18,000!!
$30 for $50 Toward Decorative and Fun Glassware
We are moving in a few months, I can’t wait to buy decorations and things to make the house look like a home!
TY for Twilight giveaway
Thanks for all you do!
Congrats for hitting 18,000 fans! I love your page and all the great deals. Thanks!
Hi. Nice site and very well organized and easy to navigate. The It Mom referred me. !
thanks for the Twilight giveaway.
stopping by from Follow The It Mom
I signed up and comfimed my email address for Plum D…I also signed up for the twilight giveaway…Thanks 🙂
Thank you!
thanks for the awesome giveaways!
Thank you so much for being part of the twilight giveaway!!
Thanks for all you do—
Thanks for Twilight Giveaway!!!
was already signrd up for plum district
Congrats awesome site 🙂
the retro phone is my fave on plum district
Thanks for all u do
Thank you for the giveaway!
$30 for $50 worth of decorative glassware
Signed up for Plum District (already a member).
Favorite Plum Deal right now is for the Acrylic Photo Blocks, and More on Chic Canvas!
Commented on the TOMS Ballet Flats blog post/giveaway! Thank you for this opportunity! 😉
awesome use of color
awsome give aways
Came to leave comment from MamaluvsBooks.
Entering the giveaway for the twilight movies
$14 for a personalized book.
I love this deal – http://www.plumdistrict.com/moms/discount/everywhere/baby-and-kids-deals/spinning-tales-25-for-50-worth-of-spinning-tales-merchandise-NmuXVp
Congrats on 18k Fans – you ROCK! Thank you for all you do.
I signed up for plum district and confirmed n
Thanks for this giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
My fave deal right now is $20 for $40 Worth of Cute, Comfy, and Breathable Bras from Breeze Comfort + Free Shipping!
Congrats…and I’m just stopping by to say my daughter would be thrilled if I won the Twilight giveaway for her. Thanks.
I left a comment on another blog post non-extreme couponing
Entering the giveaway for the Twlight movies!
I entered the Twilight giveaway
I entered the Twilight giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway!! Entering for the twilight movie giveaway 🙂
Thank You for the great Twilight giveaway
Entering for the twilight movie giveaway
Thank you for sponsoring with Savings and More for the Twilight Movies 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway.
already signed up
entering for twilight love twilight
Thanks for a chance to win on the twilight movie giveaway.
Thanks for such a great giveaway
Cool Website
Love all of your giveaways! You all ROCK!
Thanks for these great giveaways!
retro phone!
Plum District: I really like the $14 for personalized children’s books! Thanks for the giveaway!! 🙂
I like your giveaways!! I think I sign up for all of them!! Thanks for this one!! 🙂
Already signed up with Plum District.
$11 for One Pair of Stylish, Folding Flats + a $12 Bella Cash Coupon – a $36 Value…
Signed up for plum,
My favorite is the $7 for a One-Year Subscription to Vegetarian Times Magazine.
already a member of Plum District…like the canvas chic deal
My favorite deal over at Plum District right now, is $20 for $40 Worth of Cute, Comfy, and Breathable Bras from Breeze Comfort + Free Shipping! Love it.
I like and signed up for the TOM’s giveaway. I am New to your Blog and I am enjoying reading your posts. Thank you
Already signed up for Plum District and confirmed thru email and love the canvas chic deal
I am already a plum district subscriber.
the bella sole shoes
I entered the purse giveaway
Already registured at ~PD~
Congratulations on surpassing the 18K fans!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!
love the beauty bar deal
My plum district deal that I like right now is
$11 for One Pair of Stylish, Folding Flats + a $12 Bella Cash Coupon – a $36 Value
Fav ~PD~ and love the $14 for a Personalized Children’s Book deal.
$11 for One Pair of Stylish, Folding Flats + a $12 Bella Cash Coupon – a $36 Value…My fave deal at Plum District Right now
The Tom’s deal and contest is great!
I am already signed up with Plum district and i love the Chic Canvas deal at Plum district. Thanks for all you do for your fas!
I am already signed up with Plum District as gmasudie61@yahoo.com!
I really like the $10 for 4 Zumba Classes – a $20 Value Zoooom! I love Zumba!
My Favorite item on Plum district right now is $15 for $30 to Spend on All Natural, Skin-Rejuvenating Mineral Makeup from EcoGloMinerals[.com]
I was already a member of Plum district nattyann29@aol.com
I liked and signed up for the TOM’s giveaway. I am New to your Blog. Thank you
-Subscribed to your Newsletter with this Email: aliaskys (at) yahoo dot com
-Favorite Plum District Deal: $15 for $30 to Spend on All Natural, Skin-Rejuvenating Mineral Makeup from EcoGloMinerals.com
Email: starseeds88 (at) yahoo dot com
I am already a member of Plum district.
$14 for a personalized book
Entered the Tom’s Flats giveaway my daughter wants some so bad!!!
$15 for $30 to Spend on All Natural, Skin-Rejuvenating Mineral Makeup from EcoGloMinerals[.com]
Thanks for the chance!!
$15 for $30 to Spend on All Natural, Skin-Rejuvenating Mineral Makeup from EcoGloMinerals[.com]
Good luck everybody.
already signed up for plum distict and i like mineral make up
Love all of the store deals that you post!!!
I’m already signed up for Plum District! (:
already a subscriber
$15 for $30 to Spend on All Natural, Skin-Rejuvenating Mineral Makeup from
My favorite deal right now is – $20 for $40 Worth of Cute, Comfy, and Breathable Bras from Breeze Comfort + Free Shipping!
Signed up for the twilight giveaway also!
all ready
i like many of them ive just been saving up gc to get something real good