Here is a nice coupon for you!!
Toys R Us and Babies R Us are hosting a friends and family event this weekend and you can get a whopping 20% off your entire regular-priced purchase in store!!
Definitely something you will want to take advantage of if you have aBirthday coming up, or need anything from either store!!
Print coupon here. Valid through 6/15 only!
*Offer available in store only. Excludes baby food, diapers, formula, wipes, Red Hot Deal and Hot Price items, electronic learning toys, netbooks, tablets, laptops, Isis products & classes, video game hardware, video games, Apple products, Buyer Protection Plan, gift cards, phone orders, Special Orders, assembly fee, breast-pump rental fee, delivery fee and shipping & handling. One coupon per guest. Not valid with any other “R”Us total transaction offer, on prior purchases or at Macy’s Express. Must be surrendered at time of purchase. Value is forfeited if item is returned. Coupon prorated among eligible items purchased. Void where prohibited. Valid USA only. Cash value 1/100 of 1¢.
[…] Thanks Wheel N Deal Mama! […]