I was lucky enough to get press passes for a sneak peek of Monster’s University the other day. Even better, I was able to take both of my kids!
While I LOVE reviewing any movie, I think the true test is with the kids. Will a 5 year old sit through Monsters University? Will a 6 year old sit through Monsters University?
I can easily say YES to both of those questions. In fact, my son probably would have filled a full cart full of energy cans with his laughter through this film.
Mike Wazowski follows his dream of being a scarer whole-heartedly through this film. You get to see him as a wee little monster where he first sets his eye on becoming a scarer. Fast forward to his arrival at Monsters University he is actually first dormed up with Randall!!
Unlike Monsters Inc. Mike and Sully are not the best of pals from the get-go here. Sully comes from a long line of successful scarers and is the “brawn” with no brain in class. Mike, meanwhile is as dedicated as could be to learning everything by the book. Their head to head stubborness ends up getting them BOTH kicked out of Scaring class though!
Helen Mirren plays Dean Hardscrabble — a scary looking dragon-like monster who holds an all time scaring record. She personally kicks Sully and Mike out of Scaring class. Lucky for them, there is a scaring contest that could just get them back in.
Sully and Mike will have to work together to make it happen and you get to go through the ups and downs of both of them overcoming their stubborness and lack of humility.
Plus, you get to meet this goofy bunch of monsters from Oozma Kappa!
I don’t want to give the whole story away so I will stop there.
But from the words of a 5 year old… “We MUST buy this movie”.
I am so looking forward to the new Monters movie. I don’t have any children, yet, but I just love Disney and Pixar movies. My husband does too. I really enjoy a good movie that includes adults and children into the humor.
Diana C