Just because you have a coupon for it — does NOT mean that you need to buy it!
Before planning out your shopping trip with your coupons, ask yourself…. Will you use this item? Is it for something that is going to just sit in your pantry, or clutter your bathroom, or fill up your garage and may or may not ever get used? If you aren’t going to use it, or don’t really need it — DO NOT buy it.
Even if it is FREE after coupon, in many states you will still be paying tax on the free items and believe it or not that adds up! Not only that, but if you are stocking up on “Free” items that you will never use — someone who needs that item may not be able to get it (unfortunately shelf clearing is all too common these days!).
The ONLY exception to this rule – from my point of view — is if you are going to MAKE MONEY buying the item. In which case, consider donating the item that you will not use. Even then — do the deal in moderation, please (don’t clear the shelf!).
Take a step back from the rush of getting a “great deal” and make sure that it is something that you will in fact use. I know what it is like to be new to the couponing world and it is very easy to get wrapped up in the how much you are saving — but you have to make sure you are in fact SAVING 😉
What are your money saving tips? Share here in the comments!
I coupon with a friend of mine we both buy the same number of newspapers but our households use different items and eat different things so we coupon swap and even purchase bulk items and split between the two households.
A great tip is to always double-check the boxes your goods came in for possible promotions, rebates, etc. before recycling the boxes. You may have just made a qualifying purchase so not only did you just snag a major deal at the store but you can use the box’s UPCs to further sweeten the deal! On top of that, some boxes may even have MORE coupons inside. Awesome!
i’m bad about this,i hate not to use a coupon!
I love using coupons and saving. I give my extra coupons that I know that I will never use to a cousin. He takes the coupons he needs and passes the remainder of the coupons to someone else.