If you live in or near Boston, Charlotte, Detroit, Irvine (CA), Kansas, Kentucky, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New Jersey, Northern Virginia/Southern Maryland, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Diego, San Francisco/San Jose, Salt Lake City, Seattle/Renton, or Stockton (CA) you can do just that with a job with Amazon Flex!
Amazon Flex is currently hiring drivers who live in the cities mentioned above to deliver Amazon packages including electronics, household essentials, food items, alcohol, and more to customers. With Amazon Flex, you are able to be your own boss and set your own schedule – schedule your work time ahead or pick up any available block of time. You do not have to make a minimum number of deliveries to remain eligible to deliver.
With Amazon Flex, you’ll make $18-$25 per hour but note that Amazon Flex is best suited for people looking to turn free time into supplemental or part-time income as the available delivery blocks may fluctuate week to week and are not guaranteed. To get started, head HERE to apply.
Don’t live in one of the cities mentioned above? Head HERE and join the waitlist to be notified when opportunities become available in your area.
If you are looking for other Amazon Job opportunities, head HERE to browse through the available job opportunities. Note that most of the jobs require you to live in a certain city.
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