Mission Giveaway started with the $100 Story where with $100 several people received the help they needed. We are on a mission to help people! We have gathered a group of bloggers that want to make a difference. Together we are the Mission Giveaway Group! We will have one prize for the winner and one prize for the winner to give to … [Read more...]
Winner of the $298 Coach Purse is….
Winner time once again!!! As you know I teamed up with a few other AWESOME bloggers to start a series of giveaways for gorgeous Coach purses! This is our way of giving back to our incredible readers -- something for YOU! The first of these giveaways ended last night and we have drawn the winner! The winner is... Gerri Briggs She is … [Read more...]
Winner of the $5 Amazon Gift Card!
Thanks for participating tonight! Out of 896 entries, the winner of the $5 Amazon gift card is.... Kami Bahnmiller Congrats!! Winner will be emailed tomorrow morning or she can email me at wheelndealmama at aol dot com to claim the gift card! Didn't win this time? Be sure to enter the 15k Fan Celebration giveaway for a chance at … [Read more...]
FLASH Giveaway!! Win a $5 Amazon Gift Card!
Are you ready for a quick giveaway?! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I just got a $5 gift Card from Crowd Tap so I thought I would share! One lucky winner will get it! Very quick and easy giveaway --- only mandatory entry is that you subscribe the Wheel n Deal Mama emails. (Please note, I do verify that the winner has … [Read more...]
Winner of the $90 Winter Boots!
Wooohooo!! We have a winner! Thanks to everyone for participating! Out of almost 3000 entries, the winner of the $90 Winter boots from shoescandal.com is.... Stacy Norris Email will be sent out tomorrow for her to claim her prize! Or, she can email me at wheelndealmama at aol dot com to claim it! :) Didn't win this time? Don't … [Read more...]
24 Hour GIVEAWAY! $90 Pair of Winter Boots!
I know that many of the email subscribers have missed out on the Flash giveaways that I have been doing so I decided to do a longer "Flash Giveaway" :) This one is 24 hours --- ends 12am EST 1/7 (tomorrow night). AND it is a good one! One lucky winner will win a pair of Winter boots from Shoescandal.com ($90 value). You can choose from … [Read more...]
Winner of Tonight’s Flash Giveaway!
I love doing these Flash Giveaways every night! I hope you are all enjoying them as much as me! Tonight's winner of TWO Fandango tickets is .... Michelle Couch Smith Congrats Michelle! Email will be sent out tomorrow (or she can email me at wheelndealmama at aol.com). Thanks to all who participated and be sure to enter the 15k Fan … [Read more...]
FLASH Giveaway! Win TWO Fandango Movie Tickets (up to $24 value)
Ready for another FLASH giveaway?! Here's a fun giveaway for a chance at winning a promo code good for TWO Fandango Movie tickets! Expires 4/2/2012. Worth a total of $24. How to enter? ONLY Mandatory entry is that you subscribe to the Wheel n Deal Mama Emails. Ends at midnight EST. … [Read more...]
Winner of the 2 Fandango Tickets!
I loved all the quirky and witty comments left on the Night Owl giveaway :) Thanks to everyone that participated! One lucky reader will receive a code for TWO Fandango movie tickets! Winner has been drawn using Random.org --- out of 146 comments the lucky number was #2! Brittany - iamd..... @ gmail She is being emailed … [Read more...]
Quick Night Owl Giveaway! Win 2 Fandango Tickets ($24 value)
This giveaway has now ENDED. Winner will be announced shortly. Everyone loves a good movie right?! Well here's a fun giveaway for a chance at winning a promo code good for TWO Fandango Movie tickets! Expires 4/2/2012. Worth a total of $24. How to enter? ONLY Mandatory entry is that you leave me a comment on this blog post. ANY … [Read more...]