Thank you to everyone that participated in the quick 48 hour giveaway for a $50 Educational Insights Gift Certificate!! Out of 610 entries a winner was drawn using Rafflecopter! The winner is.... Katie Ringbauer - katies.... @ aol Congratulations!! Email has been sent! :) Didn't win this time?! Be sure to enter the $100 Amazon … [Read more...]
It’s a GIVEAWAY!! Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card or MORE!!!!
In celebration of reaching 13,000 fans on Facebook I am launching a giveaway to give back to my readers! :) Just in time for Christmas!! ONE lucky reader will win a $100 Amazon gift card! Help spread the word about how you like to save money, tell your friends about the site, get them to like the Wheel n Deal Mama Facebook Page! The … [Read more...]
It’s All About YOU!! Enter to Win $150 in Amazon or Paypal Gift Cards!! 4 Winners!
Yep, it is that time. Where I get to show you that I appreciate you. To show that appreciation, I have joined with 24 other bloggers to have a day that is All About You, our readers. The giveaway will be open for 1 day only. Starting at now and ending at 11:59 EST on 12/8. During this next 24 hours you will have tons of opportunities … [Read more...]
It’s a GIVEAWAY!! Win a $50 Educational Insights Gift Certificate!
Are you familiar with Educational Insights? I LOVE their toys --- they are very educational and perfect for getting the kids interested in learning WHILE playing :) In fact, I have a few of there toys in the house right now that I will have reviews and giveaways for soon (I'm behind... :(). A couple months back, Educational Insights offered … [Read more...]
Winners of the Flash Giveaway are….
Thank you to everyone that participated in the Flash giveaway last night!! Out of 883 entries, winners have been drawn :) ONE (1) $50 Voucher to Mandy Keddleman --- mked.....@ yahoo ONE (1) $50 Voucher to Colleen Thompson - cthompson.... @ gmail ONE (1) $40 Voucher … [Read more...]
FLASH Giveaway!!! 3 Winners! ($140 value!!)
It's a FLASH giveaway!!! What does that mean --- that means that this giveaway will end at 9:30 am EST tomorrow morning! This gives everyone a chance to enter! Prizes: ONE (1) $50 Voucher to ONE (1) $50 Voucher to ONE (1) $40 Voucher to Here is how you enter: Mandatory … [Read more...]
It’s a GIVEAWAY!!! Win the Leap Frog LeapPad Explorer!! Out of Stock Everywhere!
Win a LeapFrog LeapPad Learning System!!!! We have decided since nobody can FIND a LeapFrog LeapPad then it is time for us to GIVE ONE AWAY!!! The LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet is the HOTTEST toy of the year and is out of stock everywhere!!! This toy comes with: *A built in camera and video recorder *Ultra eBooks *Create … [Read more...]
Holiday Hop and Shop Giveaway with edRover, $200 in Gift Cards, and an XBOX 360!!!
Welcome to the Holiday Hop and Shop Giveaway featuring edRover! Please join edRover, Klippin' Krazy Koupons, and 19 other fabulous blogs as we offer up the chance to WIN $200 in gift cards and an awesome grand prize of an XBOX 4GB 360 with Kinect! All of this is in thanks to our wonderful sponsor, edRover. If you have yet to hear about … [Read more...]
Giveaway Winners! (Amazon Gift Cards + Flash Giveaway)
Thank you so much to everyone that has participated in the recent giveaways :) If your name isn't below, don't worry --- there will be more exciting giveaways VERY soon!! I have pulled winners of both the Amazon gift card giveaway and the Flash giveaway and they are.... $100 Amazon gift card: Carrie Maloney - cmb2.....@yahoo $15 … [Read more...]
FLASH Giveaway!!! 2 Winners!!! Ends at Noon EST 11/22
Ok --- are you ready?!?!! As promised here is a flash giveaway!! Because I love you guys so much I decided to do BOTH the $9.50 Amazon gift card AND this cute little Sherpani purse full of surprises from my "goodie shelf". The goodies included will be anything from Physician's Formula make up items to samples, Almay + more, who knows what I … [Read more...]