Did you know that Microsoft offers students a special discount on this productivity suite? For only $79.95 students can get Office Pro Academic 2010, which is packed with the same applications as Office Professional 2010─Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher and Access─ at less than a sixth of the cost! Tips and Tricks Show … [Read more...]
Win $100 Cash from MooLaLa! Back to School Giveaway Event
Moolala is sharing the “moola” with us to give away $100 cash to one lucky reader! For those of you that haven't heard, allow me to introduce you to Moolala... Moolala offers a deal from a local or online merchant every day. Each deal will save you 50-90% off retail. The big difference is between this deal site and all the others is that not … [Read more...]
Win a JM Cremp 6ft Teepee ($129 value – Back to School Giveaway Event
JM Cremp's is a one stop shop for your young boy. This site specializes in supplying the perfect products to help create the adventures boys love. They carry everything from military surplus items for your little action hero to coin collecting kits for the next banker on Wall Street. JM Cremp's provided the Bargain Network with a 6 Ft Great Plains … [Read more...]
Win 1 of 2 Casio Graphic Calculators! Back to School Giveaway Event
New teachers, new friends, new shoes, new notebooks, and a new COLOR graphing calculator from Casio America Inc., PRIZM™, fx-CG10. The ideal tool for students and teachers, Casio’s PRIZM™ graphing calculator combines form and function - style and substance. High-resolution color LCD with full textbook-style display Picture Plot enables … [Read more...]
Win 1 of 3 TheraBright Plus Tooth Whitening Kits! Back to School Giveaway Event
TheraBreath is the #1 selling premium oral care brand. They provide complete solutions for handling problems related to oral care. TheraBreath products use scientific research to offer products that really help to eliminate bad breath. For the Back To School Giveaway TheraBreath is offering up 3 TheraBright PLUS teeth whitening kits to Bargain … [Read more...]
$100 Graveyard Mall Gift Card Giveaway! Back to School Giveaway Event
You all have probably seen me post about the GraveyardMall.com Mystery boxes right?! Well they not only sell these fantastic surprise boxes, they also sell a ton of unique gifts and items at 40% - 90% off retail prices! You can score a ton of great items and I recommend checking their site often as their items are always … [Read more...]
GIVEAWAY! Melissa and Doug Trunki + Accessories! (2 Winners!)
Woohooo! I am very excited to offer my readers another GREAT opportunity to receive some Melissa and Doug items. Melissa and Doug makes some incredible toys. They really are at the top of my "go-to" list for my kids. We just received their Sand Toys from the last Melissa & Doug Giveaway about 4 hours ago and have been outside playing in the … [Read more...]
GIVEAWAY: Scentsy Warmer & Scent Bars!
Have you heard about Scentsy yet? If not, here's your chance to check it out! Scentsy Warmers use a low-watt bulb to melt specially formulated wax slowly, maximizing the fragrance time of the Scentsy Bar or Scentsy Brick. With no flame, soot, smoke or lead to worry about, the Scentsy system is a safe way to enjoy more than 80 … [Read more...]
GIVEAWAY! Melissa and Doug Sand Toys!
Melissa and Doug Toys are right up there on the top of the list when it comes to my favorite brand for the kids. They are excellent quality, plus they have some great educational toys. With Summer starting, the kids LOVE playing outside and these awesome Sand Toys are the perfect accessory! They have given my readers the opportunity to … [Read more...]