Quick reminder!! Only a few days left to enter! 🙂 And we are already almost to 17,000 now!! Woot!
Woohoo!! We did it! We reached 15,000 fans on Facebook!! What an awesome way to start the New Year 🙂
As always, I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate my readers! I love hearing from you too — one thing which I want to concentrate more on this year is helping you save more money on the necessities. If you have ANY questions about how to coupon or about how the blog works, be sure to ask — I try to get back to everyone. 🙂
In celebration of reaching 15,000 fans I am giving away up to $150 to Amazon or Paypal CASH — winners choice! By popular demand I am splitting this into THREE — so 3 of my awesome readers have a chance at winning!
As usual, the ONE mandatory entry is that you subscribe to the Wheel n Deal Mama daily emails. All other entries are optional but of course increase your odds of winning.
Use the Rafflecopter below and GOOD LUCK!
I was already a member of No More Rack!
dont buy unless you REALLY need it.
unless its SUPER cheap : )
Always check prices of things on different sites!
already signed up with nomorerack.
i <3 that site.
I am already a member of No More Rack. If I could pass on one saving tip I would say I only buy things on sale, clearance or marked down and usually with a coupon. If it isn’t marked down or I don’t have a coupon I don’t buy it!
Don’t spend money you don’t have the intrest when you borrow is like your buying the same thing over and over depending on the intrest rate! just save some money up for it and you’ll be saving a ton!
Already member of no more rack and my one tip would be shop around for best price and use coupons
Learn to coupon… I still haven’t learned it! LOL
Was already signed up with NMR
Don’t clear the shelves and don’t buy it if you don’t use it
I hope I win
Already signed up with nomorerack.
Try your hardest to only buy the items you need ON SALE! 🙂
Already a member of No More Rack!
Do the cash for things like groceries, gas, etc. It really helps you see how much you are spending and stay within your budget.
here is the post I shared on facebook
awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
I make my own laundry detergent. It’s simple and easy to do, lasts forever lol, and cleans super good. This saves me a TON of money!!
Already had signed up for nomorerack.
Already nomorerack member and dont let coupons expire that you could use. Dont buy what you dont need.
I have already signed up with Nomorerack.
I always try to use coupons on sale items.
My money saving plan is to have a limited spending budget. Only take a certain amount of money everywhere so you won’t overspend. Always works for me.
My link to the shared post.
https://www.facebook.com/cristinmiller/posts/304214396284495 already signed up for nomore rack sorry
I write to the companies of the things I use the most and most of the time they send me coupons and sometimes coupons for free items 🙂
Think about it for 24 hours before you buy it!
I am already a member of no more rack! Thanks
Buy things that you use often in bulk! 🙂
One tip on saving money… I shop clearence racks first… combined with store coupons, there are some really good buys out ther.
One tip .. I share the info I get about freebies, coupon and deals with my family n friends =)
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=294118420640948&id=220499671355060 SHARED
I shared on my facebook wall: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=291839787534496&id=100000818036857
I am already signed up with No More Rack!
organize before you go
Do NOT go grocery shopping when you are hungry and don’t leave home without your coupons!!
I am already signed up. Thanks
Was already signed up with No More Rack
I highly recommend watching the sales cycles so that you can buy when it’s on sale and have it on stock and not have to buy at full price when you need it but have run out.
shared on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=221307777948349&id=100000294862486
Don’t be an impulsive buyer! Save up to buy the higher quality product so you pay once instead of replacing the cheaper quality products multiple times.
I’m already signed up for NoMoreRack 🙂
I was already signed up with nomorerack
Match coupons with sales.
Shared on Facebook.
Only use credit cards if you are sure you can pay them back in a short amount of time without getting into debt.
Never go to the grocery store hungry..you will almost always end up spending more thank you planned!
read your blog helps me save money
I shared http://www.facebook.com/tammydod/posts/165474716893286
Always watch as the cashier rings up your purchases and check your receipt before leaving the store. You’ll save time and be less frustrated if you catch mistakes before you leave the store. Not to mention save on gas, not having to drive back. Thanks for such a great prize and the opportunity to win it. 🙂
Already joined Nomorerack!!! Love the site
Always stick to your meal plan budget
already signed and confirmed with NoMoreRack
Money saving tip would be to buy in bulk and use the coupons!!
Already signed up for NMR. My best tip is to only buy what you need. Even if it is a deal, if you don’t need it don’t buy it.
already been spending money at NoMoreRack!
And thanks for always having such great giveaways!
Make a shopping list of deals the day before you go to the store. then before you go shopping, go through the list again and take out anything that is a good deal but you won’t use. Then you won’t be spending money frivolously.
Just because it is a good deal, does not mean it is a needed deal for you.
I was already signed up with no more rack!
I like to cut out every coupon, even the ones I wouldn’t normally use, because you nver know when it will make something free or at a really discounted price!
Already with NMR….thanks for the awesome giveaways!
Already a member of nonerack. Dont impulse buy.
always check blogs sites often before you go out shopping. they might link coupons you need and for other better deals online than instores
and for nomorerack Insanity Deals use a addon that auto refreshes your browser(i use opera. it has one built in) so when that Insanity Deal pops up click and try to buy it! so you dont have to spend f5 all day long 😀
Follow Wheel N Deal Mama, and I’m already a No More Rack member.
great way to stretch a buck is sign up for free samples
and enter this contest 🙂
ALWAYS and I mean ALWYAS have a grocery list and stick to it!!! It’s so tempting to make impulse buys but don’t, only get what you need.
already signed up with NMR!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway! CONGRATS on hitting 15K
shared on FB
Already signed up for nomorerack.
My one tip for saving money is to use what you have already!
Always eat before you go grocery shopping, when your full you don’t buy as much unneeded junk!
Already a Nomorerack member…To save money…always wait for items to go on sale..use coupons regularly…and pay attention during checkout to make sure coupons are credited properly!!!! God Bless..
Use coupons and look for deals!!
already been a member at nomorerack
To save, do not just use coupons because you have them, wait a bit for a great deal to come around and get the product for nearly free or free…
Here’s my fb link, sharing the giveaway: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1445888291&ref=tn_nonslim
I’m already signed up with nomorerack and with your emails. 🙂
Already a member of no more rack, under my Kwestling24 email. Coupons are the best to get a great deal of items for cheap and possibly free!! Never leave home without the coupons.
I am already a member of no more rack.
My tip for saving money: make a list for shopping and stick to it! Oh, and go through coupons before you get to the store, add what you need to your list, but not what you don’t. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it just because there’s a coupon. 🙂
Cut out coupons even if you don’t think you will use them. It will surprise you how many deals come up later that you miss out on!
use coupons! Easy way to save money!
Always have your coupon binder with you….you never know what unadvertized sale or clearance you may see.
Shared on my FB: https://www.facebook.com/jessica.conkey/posts/270196246369009
Already signed up with No More Rack. =D
Was already a member of No More Rack.
Shared on FB…..https://www.facebook.com/dlhjward/posts/292256764153580
One tip about saving money: Don’t spend it. lol =D I know for me, it’s easier for me not to spend any money if I’m not tempted by going to the store. So, if I need to go out to the grocery store for a few things, I make sure to go to just a grocery store and not somewhere like Wal-mart. I swear, I can’t get out of that place without spending at least $50!
Already a member of NoMoreRack.
I already subscribe to no more rack 🙂
Check multiple websites for the best price or just check with Wheel N Deal first 🙂
Here’s the link to my facebook share ~
Already signed up at NoMoreRack w/heathera172@gmail.com
Always use coupons! and if something is free with a coupon stock up!
My one tip on saving money is..
Even if its only ONE dollar, put aside SOMEthing out of every paycheck/earnings etc. It all adds up and gets you in the habit of saving!
I am already a member of NMR. The biggest thing I save money on it kids clothes. I buy everything a season ahead and gently used whenever possible.
My tip is to only buy an item if you really need it. Don’t spend your money just because something is on sale.
Thanks a lot for the giveaway! And congrats on your FB fans!
Money saving tip: leave one thing at the register before you check out, chances are there’s something in your cart you don’t need.
My biggest tip on saving money would be to make sure you’ve got all the NEEDS met, and THEN set up a small fund to have fun with. There are so many great bargains out there – but if I got everything I thought I wanted, I’d have no money left for the things I need!
Saving money is easy with websites like these AND COUPONS! =)
I shared this giveaway on Facebook. Here is the link”
Already member of no more rack
Make a shopping list. Buy Store Brand if possible and coupons
I am already a No More Rack member. Also the biggest way I save money is to wait for a sale and use my coupons, and get rewards back also helps save money.
Already signed up with No More Rack
My tip is try to never buy anything at full price, it will go on sale eventually!
Don’t buy unless you need it. It isn’t a good deal if you can’t use it.
I’m already signed up with No More Rack
use coupons and match with store sales
I am already a member of nomorack… and to save money, my tip would be to not go overboard on things. Only buy what you absolutely need. I am not an impulse buyer, but i know alot of people are..
Shared on facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=206490006107462&id=1305936749
I was already a member of No More Rack! 🙂
Always keep a list of what you really need to buy and what you can go about without! This helps me save! 🙂
Shared on facebook! I think a good way to save money and help those in need is to buy those things that you don’t need but can get for cheap or free and then donate them to charity!
I love matching Walgreens coupons with Manufactorer coupons as to save big bucks on clearance cosmetics!
double coupons are the way to go
My tip would be to start slow and not be overwhelmed.
I am already signed up on No More Rack and I confirmed through email. As for a good way to save money…I think coupons obviously is the best way to save cash but I also think that checking all of your local stores for the best deals is a great way to save money to. And I shared the giveaway post on my page…here is the link…https://www.facebook.com/kygirl21/posts/305640289474594
ALREADY a NMR member
already signed up with no more rack and my tip is always watch the register sometimes things ring up wrong and u have to catch it
Saving money….my tip make sure you ALWAYS do price comparisons and ALWAYS search for coupons and discount codes!
already on NMR
i have been signed up for nomorerack for about a week ty for the giveaway
shopping by myself saves me money (no kids and no husband to add things to the cart) 🙂
link to facebook share https://www.facebook.com/sasluvbooks/posts/247434861993271
I was already a member of NMR.
My tip is don’t buy it just because it is a good deal. If you don’t need it or won’t use it, it isn’t a good deal!
Already Signed up for no more rack
Always combine coupons and store sales.
Pay with cash! You’ll budget yourself.
coupons, and always shop around for the best prices or use promo codes for online shopping!
don’t buy things just because you have a coupon, you’re just wasting money buying things you don’t really need
try to find coupons for anything you need to buy.
Always have printer paper and ink because you never know when you will see a good coupon to print!
The lowest price isn’t always the best deal when it comes to food. Be sure to compare the sizes of the products to make sure you’re getting the best deal.
I shared on FB https://www.facebook.com/tgreenacreficher/posts/105421506245284
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My tip is.. always check for coupons. I know that seems so basic but a few years ago.. I never had used a coupon. lol And now…well.. my purse is loaded with coupons lol
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am already signed up on NMR
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Already a member and confirmed of NO MORE RACK.
Always plan a menu.
i was already signed up with nomorerack 🙂
My tip is for coupon newbies…dont buy something JUST because you have a coupon, make sure it is a good deal and it is something that will be put to good use whether it be by your family, friends, or being donated 🙂
Already signed up for nomorerack
know the store’s coupon policy because many times the checker don’t even know it.
Already signed up with No More Rack..
Money saving tip – Dont buy bottled water. Do gallons if you must!
Already signed up for nomorerack.
My money saving tip would be, make a list and stick to it! Only buy what you REALLY need. And if there is something you want, but is not a necessity, sleep on it!
I shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/ajax/sharer/?s=99&appid=2309869772&p%5B0%5D=100000225202818&p%5B1%5D=337017479660833 and am already a nomorerack member.
I’m signed up already for nomorerack
Use cash…..
Already signed up for no more rack & emails.
Best way to save is know what you want & watch for sales. If shopping online… Always look for coupon codes first!
My money saving tip is actually that I buy 99% of my kids clothes at Gymboree, but out of season for the next year. At the end of the season they mark things WAY down (like I just bought a bunch of tops for my daughter that were about $3 each and pants for $5) plus you can use their 20% off coupons on top of that. My daughter looks like a million bucks, but she’s only wearing pennies 🙂
My tip would be to compare prices and take advantage of stores price-matching policies to save time, gas and money.
Retailmenot is my favorite online promo code site. 🙂
I think my best money saving tip is don’t buy what you don’t need.
Already signed up for Nomorerack. 🙂
already signed up with no racks lgothard@comcast.net
The comment I would say about Wheel and DEAL Mama is that she gives some great giveaways and very informative about deals!! Thank you
Posted the giveaway
Eat before shopping so you do not shop with your belly and sweet tooth! Also make a list–stick with it =)
My advice is never pay full price for anything!
I guess my best tip for saving money is to always look at the size of a package and the price. If it’s only a little more expensive to buy a package that’s twice the size of the one you normally get, you’re actually saving money in the long run.
I am already signed up for NMR astroqueen67@hotmail.com
Link to my facebook share
Plan your expenditures. Know what you can spend, plan some for unexpected purchase needs, good sales, etc.
Have a coupon mentality. I always save money, because I always think about how much I would save if I had a coupon, or only buy when I do have one.
I was already a member of NMR and I have so many different ways I save money.I got rid of the mobile phones and got a magicjack (cost 19.99 a year for all my local and long distance calls). Got rid of cable (another 140.00 a month bill) I bought a roku box and spend 16.00 a month for a netflix and a hulu plus subscription. Just a couple ways i save money.
I already am signed up for NMR
Sometimes buying in bulk is cheaper such as big packages of hamburger meat or chicken and then you can seperate it in ziplock freezer bags for use with multiple meals. Also use coupons when something is already on sale.
My best tip is to use coupons.
I am already signed up with no more rack and I get your emails.
Already signed up with No More Rack!
.. And.. if I had to say one thing to a person trying to save money, I would say to keep eyes peeled for online deals. A lot of times I can buy vouchers from daily deal sites that cut my costs in half. Also, I have ShopRunner and Amazon Prime memberships, which offer free 2 day shipping and Amazon offers a lot of great deals without having to leave the house (and use up gas!) 😉
It would not let me tweet it, the page would never download and I left it up for a good 20 minutes trying to get it to come through.
Don’t window shop. You will always see something you like and then it is hard not to buy.
I shared on facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002093644509
already a member of NMR, shared on my FB timeline, and I am not a good one to ask about saving money!
I was finally able to put it on twitter. 😉
i am a member of NMR and i am already on your email list
i shared the blog and liked the post
my tip is to never shop hungry. i buy more junk when i am hungry or tired
Only spend what you have now and not what you think you’ll have later!
http://www.facebook.com/Trasina/posts/336354369727540 Like to FB share, no field for it on the RC!
here is my facebookshare link jan4
no impulse buying is the best tip i can think of, if you leave the store to think about it often you decide you dont really need it
i am already a member on no more rack
staceyx at telus dot net
I shared this great giveaway on fb kymi adams https://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=218236854925437&id=716285375
I am confirmed through email and I have been signed up with no more rack 🙂
my one tip would be to shop with coupons, it will save you great $$$! thank you for the giveaway
using coupons is fine but buying stuff you will never use is still a waste
I posted on my facebook time link but have no idea how you get an individual posts url (like how we get the twitter individual urls) esp as my timeline is constantly getting stuff hid
my fb id is
I HOPE that my wall is private, thats what I hope my settings are at (Sigh not too sure though) so unless you are my friend I doubt you can see my posts
Already a member of Nomorerack
My tip is to always have your coupons with you, you never know what you might see on sale.
Shop around and compare prices
My tip is to always research for best price. So you know a great deal when you see it.
I am already signed up for nomorerack.
Put monthly budget in cash in different envelops, that way you won’t overspend.
Shop the clearance rack of clothes first
I was already signed up for nomorerack and have confirmed through email.
One tip about saving money – budget, budget, budget! This way you won’t be as tempted to be spending money that you don’t really have available to spend.
Thank You!
Don’t take the kids shopping with you! 🙂
My most important tip is actually two-fold: 1. Don’t be a slave to a brand, and 2. Just because you have a coupon for it doesn’t mean it’s the best deal.
Already a member of Nomorerack and already a subscriber to Wheel N Deal Mama. Thanks for a chance to win.
My tip would be go to garage sales. I love them and have gotten great items at a fraction of what they would have cost in the store and many are new never been used or opened. I have also found great furniture pieces at a fraction of the cost. : )
already a member of no more rack
shop at stores that offer bonuses like CVS with the extra care bucks and Bilo with the credit to save on shell gas. My mom, mother in law, our family and my grandmother all share a bonus card (and they let me have the gas discount) last year we saved over $2000 combined on groceries and it was super exciting for me when I could get a full tank of gas (approx $65 value) for less than $2! 🙂
coupons and sales
The tip I have is for people that don’t have a double couponing in their area. I stack my coupon are Meijer, Target, Riteaid, Walgreens, and CVS. You can save so much money even without a double coupon store.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001512128012 here is the link from sharing on facebook.
I am already signed up for NoMoreRack.
Thanks for a great giveaway!!
My tip is to use coupons as much as possible and make sure that what you use your coupons on is something that is on sale. Also having rewards/savings cards for the stores you shop at is a huge deal!! Check out your grocery stores to see if they double coupons, too.
already joined no more rack.
always check all sales in different stores to get the best use of coupons!!
i am already an email subscriber stores1957 at yahoo dot com
shared on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/claudia.smigel/posts/294482550597361
use coupons coupons and more coupons
i am already a subscriber to no more rack s1sboo at yahoo dot com
shared on my fb
i am already no more rack member/wilson12@comcast.net
my tip would be watch for sale and collect coupons from online and from sundays papers
I would recommend having a shopping list. You don’t know how many time I go to the store for something to get home and buy everything else except the thing I went to the store for. Make a shopping list, it will save you time and multiple trip to the store.
Already have an account with No More Rack 🙂
My tip on saving money is never buy something you don’t need, even though it is cheap or almost free 🙂
Shared the post on my facebook page 🙂
one money saving tip would be to sit down and look at your actual bills and set a budget….if you don’t have the money to pay cash (even if you use your debit card), then don’t buy it.
Shop clearance racks and sections of stores. I have found some amazing deals that way …
Be frugal! Coupons are your friend. Don’t feel bad about getting something for free.
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=501984093
facebook share
was already a member at nomorerack
I suggest opening a savings account and having a certain amount go into it every pay check
If you online shop, use ebates
understand difference between wants and needs
Shared on Facebook 🙂
A tip would be always try and use coupons yes, but, don;t just use them because you have one, you end up getting things you don’t even need really, Try and make a list and stick to it.
be consistent, buy only what you need
stack coupons whenever possible
always price check that alone has saved me tons on driving around and on meat and vegetables that walmart doesn’t always put on sale
I was already signed up for No More Rack
The best tip for saving money is to wait to buy an impulse purchase. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in the store and just decided to buy something that I wanted and then later regretted it. Another bonus to waiting is that you can go home and research to see if you can find a better deal for what you want and if you do decide to buy it, at least you got it at a discounted price.
im already a member of no more rack! also always try to gt things you need on your coupons, and also make sure the cash register has the right price wehn they are scanning
check the expiration dates on the products that you buy. only buy as many as you will use before they will expire. even a cheap deal is not a good deal if you have to throw it away , speaking from experience
FB share:
I read a study a few years ago (I wish I remembered the names!) that revealed that the frequency of shopping affects the amount of money spent. The more times you go to the store, the more you spend–even with a list, even on things as mundane as groceries. To save money, do larger trips less frequently.
to save money never use credit cards and always pay with cash!
I shared this on Facebook and here is the link:
I shared on Facebook;
already a member of nomorerack
Make a list before you go to the store and KEEP to it.
Budget, budget, and, um, budget!
my tip is: even though most stores do sales like 2/$4 or 3/$6, etc – you usually don’t have to buy 2 or 3 to get the sale price – if you only need one (and you’re not stockpiling), just buy one!
Thanks for the giveaway
Coupons, coupons, coupons!
One tip about saving money – for me it is to BE ORGANIZED!! Plan your shopping trips and stick to that plan (shopping sales, using coupons, etc)!
I shared on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ma2anangel/posts/342567729088166
And I’m a member of No More Rack
Shared on Facebook. Link to my post: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=349997628360119&id=100002907944118
I was already signed up with NomoreRack with email 216yellowvwbeetles@gmail.com
My one tip for saving money would be to make sure to do a lot of research before buying to make sure you get the best price.
I’m already signed up for NoMoreRack. One tip for saving money is if you have direct deposit have a portion of your paycheck deposited directly into a savings account. Keep that account off-limits for anything other than emergencies.
Always remember your coupons, you might think you are just running to the store for milk, but you might miss a great deal if you leave your coupons home.
Never pay full price. Use a coupon, shops sales or use store discount cards
Money saving tip: use coupons and buy on sale!
Already signed up with NMR.
I scan all the circulars and stock up when it is a really good sale.
Live way below your income so you will have extra money to put in savings.
Keep track of what you’re spending your money on & make cuts where you find you are blowing money. Coupon & follow sales!
Already a member of MNR!
Coupon, coupon coupon!!! Save as much as you can all the time.
Just signed up with no more rack! =)
Shared on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/suellen.jennings/posts/332027780148477
a good way to save money is buy buying in bulk if its a good sale and you know you use that product a lot!
I try to always buy things when they are on sale, and if i have a coupon to pair it with, then I def save!!
It sounds obvious – but in all seriousness, WAIT FOR THE SALES! And never plan your budget around advertised sales. I always like visiting my store before I plan my big shopping trip because there are a lot of unadvertised sales!
Here is my FB link https://www.facebook.com/ajax/sharer/?s=99&appid=2309869772&p%5B0%5D=1424341463&p%5B1%5D=192266147536973
I was already signed up for NMR
And the best couponing tip I have ever received is start slow any savings is a good savings and you don’t want to burn yourself out before you get good LOL
Thanks for the chance
Live within your means 🙂
Paypal is so nifty!
Keep and stick to your budge!!
Tip for saving money: Only buy what you need when you need it. Don’t use credit cards.
I use coupons!!!
Always cut coupons!!! Try to find a coupon for everything you can =)! Be patient for sales if you wait they shall come!!!
im already a member of no more rack,great site,love it
Trade coupons with friends and neighbors, less waste and they might not use the same things you do!
Already a member of No More Rack!
i always take my time when shopping,as im going up and down aisle,i look for markdowns and clearance stuff,lots of times ill have coupons to match these.i also check out the day old items and buy those,they can be frozen and used later. i save a lot of money this way.
don’t impulse buy
I am already signed up for no more rack…one way to save money is to make a lot for a couple of meals and use the rest for leftovers.
My tip would be to always use coupons.
FB share
Already signed up with NMR, thank you
My money saving tip is the most widely known and least used, Budget!
My fb share link: https://www.facebook.com/swtsgrsheray/posts/10150480585188183
The easiest way to save money is to not spend any. Even if something is an “amazing” deal, it is a waste of money if you are not going to use it.
Buy the cheapest you can, buying in bulk sometimes gets you more for your money:)
Already signed up with NMR.
Shop consignment shops and thrift stores for good deals. Saves money and supports recycling!
Am already a member with NMR 🙂
Already signed up for NoMoreRack!
My advice is to purchase only what you need/will need. An unused product is not a deal or savings.
Not to buy drinks when dining ‘out’. It is SO much more expensive than you can serve yourself at home.
already signed up for nmr
We use our FoodSaver for leftovers. Works great for us.
1/5/12 Facebook share
I was already signed up with no more rack.
Recently, I’ve saved lots of money by buying gift cards from resellers like cardpool.com, plastic jungle and giftcards.com (you can even get a rebate on them through ebates and shopathome). Then I double my savigs by using coupons and discounts at the stores when I use my gift card.
Here is the link to the Facebook share for today:
One tip for saving money… If you don’t NEED it then don’t buy it.
Already signed up for NMR.
FB link… http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002538456824
Daily facebook share for extra entry 1/5
no space in the entry box for it.
daily facebook share
all ready signed up for no more rack
save money by being aware of how much you have and what you need to do with it
Don’t buy something you don’t need/like just because you have 50 cents off coupon
shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=322849451082849&id=100002433695748
facebook post
Daily FB share 1/6
I was already signed up with no more rack 🙂
http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=271551586233154&id=681406034 Shared on my facebook page 🙂
Thank you very much for the giveaway and gla!! 🙂
My tip for saving money would be to definately start clipping coupons and make SURE to hold on to them until there is a sale worthwhile to use them with 🙂 Also, it only helps you save money if your actually buying things you NEED and WILL use.
My favorite money saving tip is to sign up for every deal you can find on the internet and monitor your saving sites for deals, contests, and other deals.
I am already a member of nomorerack and have confirmed through email.
I don’t really know how to leave a link to the page where I shared this giveaway, but it is on my facebook wall here: https://www.facebook.com/Fern.Hobbs.Lehmann
daily share link… http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002538456824
Here is the link to the Facebook share:
shared 1/6:
already signed up with no more rack. my tip would be to use coupons!
daily facebook share jan 6
Here is a link to my share post for 1/6 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=295445710505754&id=100002907944118
shop with cash, not plastic
daily facebook share
Already a member of no more rack.
Lots of coupons, look for deals.
already a member thanks for the giveaway
always compare prices
been sharing alot hope to win please just once !
Shared on Facebook
My 1 money saving tip would be to comparison shop before you use your coupon so you get the best value!I tweeted about giveaway.I shared.I already belong to No More Rack.I follow on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win!! 🙂
Daily Facebook share for 1/7
Spend some time clipping coupons and always shop around for the cheapest price!!
I am already a member of nomorerack..
shared this giveaway http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/319565551408330
I shared this giveaway on Facebook and here is the link:
daily facebook share link jan 7
facebook share 1/7
shared 1/7:
buy refurbished electronics to save money instead of buying new
I already subscribe to your email list and NMR 🙂
My saving tip would be couponing!! And always search around the net for best prices on major purchases.
Shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chevy.roper/posts/140017826114273
Already a member of Nomorerack!
win win win I wanna win.. lol..
I am signed up with No More Rack and waiting on my first order. I’m super excited.
Make sure to use those coupons!!! Take them with you everywhere even if you just have them in the car with you cause you never know when you will see a sale. You can’t save if you don’t try!
My money saving tip would be to take the time to look at the deals between your stores and coupons. They are out there, but you need to take the time to look for them.
Make a list of what you need before you leave your house and stick to that.
Shared 1/7: https://m.facebook.com/home.php?__user=501984093#!/home.php?__user=501984093&soft=side-area
my one tip is to subscribe to awesome blogs like WnDM and bookmark the printable coupon sites.
Already a member of no more rack!
Stick to cash – you can’t spend what you don’t have.
I save the most money by planning my grocery shopping around what coupons i have 🙂
To save money: Coupons and sales combined are your best friends!
use lots of coupons
already signed up for nomorerack
Already signed up with No more rack, I would recommend to save money use coupons and price match as much as possible. The one thing I love about Walmart is the price matching, oh and also find a Male Cashier at check out so no hassles. They are easy-going.
Shared on facebook http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wheelndealmama.com%2Fcelebration-giveaway-50-to-amazon-or-paypal-for-three-readers%2F&h=zAQEuMSSyAQEZuzAOuXi6hI5X9vXJoDDWVy04IoWiAhLuIg
To save money always clip coupons and try to use them when there’s a good sale on the product. BTW, I shared your giveaway on my personal FB page…https://www.facebook.com/maggiebuerger/posts/296275717089924
I am already signed up to nomorerack and confirmed with email. i get an email from them as least daily, just haven’t bought anything yet. Hint: need some money.
Just signed up for nomorerack and confirmed through email. Couponing is always a great way to save money!
Already Signed up with NMR… been trying for an insanity deal for forever! 🙂
My tip on spending money is… don’t spend what you don’t have!
It’s so hard to get out from under debt!
Here’s the link to my Facebook share……https://www.facebook.com/#!/loramccracken/posts/205416619551548
My savings tip is plan plan plan and plan ahead. : )
I’ve been a member of No more Rack for nearly 2 years.
I had already signed up with No More Rack
My money saving trick would be dont be brand loyal! Always do the math and get whatever is cheaper by volume
shared on facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ma2anangel/posts/165840916853531
here is my daily facebook share link jan 8
link to my FB post (share) http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/204930829600032
shared again.
Daily Facebook share for extra entry 1/8
Facebook link to sharing this giveaway:
shared 1/8: https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=341846089178760&id=100002433695748
i like to shop the after xmas sales for the following year u can find some amazing deals!
I’m already signed up with nomore rack have been for months purchased quite a few things too! love that site!
my favorite time to shop is right after big holidays at all the big sales! Also dont buy something the first place you find it there is almost always somewhere you can find it cheaper!
buy appliances during holiday sales
Here is a link to share on Facebook for 1/08 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=308551899184196&id=100002907944118
Shared on Facebook. 1/8
The onlytip I have for saving money is coupons. Oh, and shop around for the best price.
I am already a member of no more rack.
win gift cards and so on to pay bills
Already a member!
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1155317650 use as many coupons as you can
daily facebook share linnk jan 10
Clipping coupons always saves me money! I like to buy in bulk too, it lasts longer and I get more for less money! Thank you for this chance!
Im a member of Rack and my tip would be buy stuff while on sale with coupons! thanks for the chance!
shared 1/9:
FB shared link… http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002538456824
Here is a Facebook post:
coupon organization! clipping coupons isn’t enough, it’s about organizing and using them for optimal savings!!
also, I am already signed up with no more rack
Daily Facebook share for extra entry 1/9
Shared contest on my facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/cheryl.bravo1/posts/326743520679088
Already a fan of NMR
link to post Jan 9th http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/152212451556014
A tip on saving $ – Make a list before going to the store and don’t be tempted to purchase things not on the list.
Shared on Facebook. 1/9
Shared on Facebook:
daily facebook share link
always appreciate anything open to Canada,there’s not a whole lot of bloggers that are willing to email codes out
I shared on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=205448806216747&id=100000294862486
1/10 Facebook share
FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=501984093
Daily Facebook share for extra entry 1/10
Shared the giveaway on my personal facebook page
Try to wait and buy things when they are on sale.
My tip would be don’t use coupons on items you wouldn’t normally buy unless it would make the item totally free.
Coupon coupon coupon. create a stock pile.
Don’t buy something just because you have a coupon for it. Only buy what you will use and need and find coupons for those things only.
Already signed up for NO More Rack
Shared your giveaway on my facebook page:
Here is a link to post:
I shared again on FB. https://www.facebook.com/tgreenacreficher/posts/274977362556934
I’ve already signed up for No More Rack.
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/dara.nix/posts/148819601897437
I am already a member of No More Rack!
My tip for saving money is to make a grocery list ahead of time and then STICK to it! Avoid the impulse buys!
Shared on Facebook 🙂
Already signed up with NoMoreRack 🙂
My tip is to stick to your budget & dont buy a bunch of items u dont need!!
I am already a member of no more rack.
my tip to save money would be to think twice before buying something, it is more likely that what you want you don’t really need.
Shared on Facebook. 1/10
Eliminate unnecessary purchases!
Here is my post for today 1/10http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/304625782906963
Research what you want to buy before heading to the store.
I will make the list and collect all coupons before I go shopping 🙂
Don’t use a credit card unless you can pay the balance off immediately. Interest is money in their pockets and not in yours.
FB post http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=161715413943527&id=1406122306
Was already signed up for No More Rack
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.
Don’t shop hungry, take a list, stick to the list, and invest 🙂
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1593252393– you’ll find my blog on Facebook about this giveaway– TY
I am already signed up with No More Rack and have confirmed through email.
Money saving tip. Make your list and get your coupons for the items that you need, check your sale ads and find a place that has things on your list for sale and just stick to your list when you go to the store. That way you don’t spend more than you need to.
here is ny share link
Daily Facebook share for extra entry 1/11
I’m already signed up with nomorerack under neenersisme42@yahoo.com
don’t use coupons of things you normally don’t use just to use a coupon stick with stuff you always buy!!
Sorry I am already a member on NMR
Shared again on fb!
Shared on Facebook. 1/11
One tip on saving money – COUPONS are one of the easiest ways to save money on almost every grocery shopping trip
Here is my Facebook share:
Only buy stuff that is on sale! http://www.facebook.com/alicia.zirjacks/posts/163475733754866. Already signed up for No more rack
I’ve found that a great way to save up some money is what I call project Christmas. You get a huge jug, or box, bin, whatever; and you throw all the change from your purse/pockets into it every day. It might seem trivial, but let me tell you, you will be amazed at how much money you have at the end of the year; enough to buy most if not all of your Christmas presents!
I NEVER buy anything unless it’s on sale! 🙂 Adding coupons is even better!!!!
Already a member on Nomorerack
link to FB post for 1/11 http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/100406180081969
daily facebook share
My tip to save money is Coupons! Clip them from the paper, ask companies for products or coupons, and print them from coupon sites. You can buy things you need for pennies, and save thousands over the year. Beth Gomez, solicitationsemail via gmail or loginemailforfacebook via gmail.
I am already a member of No More Rack.
my tip is to really be sure you got the most out of something before you throw it out. I once used one lemon in 5 different ways before i tossed it…into the compost heap!
shared http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=166654316774322&id=1164675873
Shared on Facebook. 1/12
Always keep your coupons organized so they are easy to find should you come across an unadvertised sale
daily facebookshare link
Here is the link:
Shared on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=310926028952857&id=100000982192626 🙂
My one tip to always save $$$$ when shopping is to check the coupon sites and definitely clip coupons prior to walking out the door. 🙂
Do not buy impulsively
My tip is to look for the deals!!!!!
I was already signed up for nomorerack
If I gave one tip for saving money, it would have to be to look online if you are getting ready to place an order for a coupon code. I have saved many times doing this!
To save money, you need to be able to distinguish between wants and needs.
link to my FB share for 1/13 http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/167356363369428
Daily Facebook share for extra entry 1/13
daily facebook share link
FB share: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002941610287
Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher
Buy things on sale only and/or when you have a coupon. I also go to Aldi first because just about everything I need/want (as far as groceries are concerned)is there at much lower prices than anywhere else. Then, I go to WalMart, which is in the same shopping plaza so I don’t use too much gas by doing this.
Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher
already a member of No More Rack but honestly haven’t used it.
lovescrissangel at hotmail dot com
Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher
Shop sales and use coupons
I shared this on Facvebook. Here is the link:
email subscriber (email included)
My biggest tip is coupons, coupons, and more coupons. Pair them up with sales to maximize your savings! Also watch sale cycles so you know when you’ll be able to get the deal again.
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
Facebook Post link: http://www.facebook.com/Allhoneyhere/posts/10150465676970044
Already signed up with NoMoreRack and confirmed.
Follow the experts.. the bloggers!!
Shared on Facebook. 1/13
Only buy what you really need and always check sales and clearance first!
FB share for jan 14 http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/101423936646176
My one tip for saving money is NEVER impulse buy – it always leads to overspending and you usually regret it.
Also, I already subscribe to No More Rack via this email – tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com
Daily facebook share 1/14
Facebook link:
daily facebook sharer link
coupons, coupons
FB share 1/15 http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/347257791968455
daily faccebook share link
Daily facebook share 1/15
shared on fb-01-15-2012
Facebook post:
shared on fb… http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002538456824
I am already signed up for No More rack
Be absolutely diligent in couponing!
Facebook share
Shared on Facebook.
shared on facebook
Daily FB share http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/283483958375863
SHARED on Facebook:
Ues more coupons…lol
Ment to say I would use more coupons……
Daily Facebook share 1/16
Organize your coupons.
Shared on Facebook. 1/16
Keep up with organizing your coupons and always carry them in your vehicle 🙂
FB Share.. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=118350758284968&id=100003301328164
My tip for saving money is to use cloth hand towels and not paper towels. Not only are you being eco-friendly but you’re saving money by not having to buy paper towels.
Check out clearance aisles. You can get killer deals out of season.
Always check sales!!
I shared the giveaway on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=176433339125226&id=100000818036857
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Already signed up with No more Rack!
Shared on fb: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1445888291
Share on FB: https://www.facebook.com/crazymadskill
shared http://www.facebook.com/guyanesegirl/posts/360360350646978
already signed up and my money saving tip is to use more coupons and in conjuction with sales.
already signed up for NMR
You don’t need it unless you can save at least 50% on the item or you need it in order to survive. Cheetos, Gummy Bears and Coke Zero do not count. These items are often free. 🙂
facebook share – https://www.facebook.com/dyanna.o/posts/255459344526359
Already signed up for No more rack
I was already a member of NMR 🙂
always organize and never buy anything you wont use
make a list and follow it
I think my one tip about saving money would be to stay informed about current offers/deals/coupons, but NOT to stress out when you miss something 🙂
Clip coupons, only shop in stores that are offering sales combined with coupons.
Take your time and stay organized!
Already signed up with NMR – divalicious9009@aol.com
Always compare prices online.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
I already signed up with NMR 🙁
Shared this giveaway on Facebook:
My tip – always stack manufacturer coupons with store coupons – such as target, walgreens, etc
I would say to do your research and to price match if you can
Already signed up with no more rack
always have your coupons organized and ready. Hard to do 🙂
Always go to the grocery store with a list. It will help you avoid impulse purchases.
Already signed up with NMR
already signed up with no more rack , my tip would be to be patient when using coupons and wait for the good sales
Already a mbr of NoMoreRack @ ann_gwish_777@yahoo.com and posted via Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/jenibolding/posts/342332689124757. Thanks!
Already a mbr of Nomorerack. Follow Wheelndelmama to save money.
Already signed up for NMR – smatos04@hotmail.com
Shop sales and use coupons!
Shop clearance sales and match your sales to coupons
Already signed up for NMR under you about a month ago and confirmed. cathy_can@hot.rr.com
My tip – do not buy something just because it’s a “good deal”! If you need it and will use it, great, but if not then chances are you’re just wasting that money.
My tip is to check here for the best deals first!
i was already signed up with nomorerack
always research prices before making a purchase
Shared on Facebook 🙂
win 50 dollar amazon
already a member of NMR
Use coupons on sale items
Use coupons
I already subscribe to No More Rack. Use coupons and you will save lots of money.
My tip is to always use coupons when you can
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
My tip is: shop around. Don’t feel like you have to buy everything in one store. If different stores have different items you need for less, go ahead and shop at three different store. As long as the stores are not so far away that using more gas in counterproductive, then making extra stops at other stores will save you money. And always carry your coupons with you, you never know when you may have an unexpected shopping trip or find an awesome deal “if only” you had brought your coupons.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/MidniteEcho75/posts/351465731532478
My Tip: Even though couponing and searching through the adds and browsing blogs can consume of your time, if you’re able to, do it! I’ve been able to save so much money since doing those things! Even if you don’t have the time to coupon with your own eye, take advantage of all the wonderful blogs and websites(most have mailing lists putting it directly in your lap!) that are there to help you! It takes some time to get it under your belt, but the reward and savings will soon rack up and make it so worth your time 🙂
Already a member of No More Rack
My tip – I always shop the BIGI free sales and also use coupons for these items, making them almost free 🙂
Link to my post https://www.facebook.com/ObertoBeefJerky?sk=app_119145321465581#!/sue345678/posts/174393522660987
already signed up with nomorerack! my tip to save money is always use coupons!
I was already a member of nomorerack…One of the easiest ways to save money is to always round up in your register.
My tip to save money sounds corny but should be the cornerstone of any frugal shopper…eat before you go…cuts down on the “hunger” binge buys! Oh Yea…and if at all possible…let Hubbie or Grandma watch the kiddo’s when you go shopping…the check out line is purposefully made for “temptation” and add $$$ to your shopping bill! 🙂 It is hard enough for oneself to resiste…much less trying to say no and explain this fact to them! 🙂
I am already signed up for No More Rack.
i would say dont get discouraged with using coupons, it takes time to get real good at it and dont over load on buying things u dont NEED!!
FB share for 1/17 http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/268088826592186
Daily Facebook share 1/17
Shared on Facebook. 1/17
Using coupons, looking for sales & clearance items are a good way to save money.
Giveaway Post:
was already a member of no more rack
savings tip!! stack stack stack your coupons. great with cvs walgreens target and walmart!
Definately check off season merchandise for cheaper clothing.
I posted the giveaway on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=234677906608893&id=814378157
save money on bottled water by buying your own water filter system
cuttn ur bills in 1/2. meaning cut lghts off use only 1 tv..etc
My tip for saving money would be to go old school and wait until you have the money you need to make purchases, especially those in the want category. If you avoid impulse purchasing, you might find that what you thought you wanted wasn’t all that in the end.
I was already signed up for no more rack
Always buy with cas never a credit card.
Shared for today! http://www.facebook.com/jenibolding/posts/212708192152967
daily facebook share
I just learned how to link from twitter is it the same for FB?
I posted on FB, but well…
Already a member of nomorerack. My tip would be to use those coupons and combine them with sales.
My FB post @ http://www.facebook.com/solitarydragon77/posts/138854792897943
When you go and buy food…..don’t go while your hungrey. One it’s not healthy and then you feel like you have to go on a diet. I postest it on my facebook, but don’t know how to post a link on here.
Already a member of no more rack
i am already signed up for no more rack. my tip for saving money is always shop the clearance racks first.
Look for the clearance racks, you can find good stuff at a better price
I’m already signed up at NMR.
My favorite tip is don’t buy it unless you are going to actually use it or give it to someone else to use.
Facebook shared link:
Was already a member of no more rack
Price match, it will save you time and money!
Thank you for the giveaway!
I shared on facebook:
Facebook share for today: https://www.facebook.com/groups/178507468873937/#!/profile.php?id=1469400854
I’m already signed up with nomore rack as tstasko@stny.rr.com
Use coupons to save money
My tip is never use Credit Cards. If you can’t pay cash then you can’t get it.
I am already a member of no more rack through dhealey123@yahoo.com
To save money I always check the prices online, use coupons, and ask them at the store for a discount, many stores do discounts.
I’m a member of No More Rack.
My favorite tip for saving money is to research your purchases and make sure you’re getting a good price.
already a member at no more rack
Already signed up for no more rack.
DOnt buy in bulk at warehouse clubs unless you know for a fact you will use it all or eat it all. I love to shop at Marshalls and TJ MAxx for those brand name items at a huge discount.
A tip would be to buy only what you need. That’s how I save money. Using coupons on things you’ll never use prob isn’t the best way. You can trade coupons for things you don’t want for things you do.
already signed up with no more rack
only buy what you will use and use coupons!!
Thanks for a great giveaway! I shared this on facebook here.
Angela Michels
lilsweeper76 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for a great giveaway! Recycling is a GREAT way to save money. Think outside the box and refurbish old dressers, containers, and more! Look on Pinterest for more great ideas on how to re purpose old items! 🙂
I am already a member of No More Rack
Shop the after season sales for clothes.
Here’s my link of Facebook (I think)….not really sure just how to do this task. https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wheelndealmama.com%2Fcelebration-giveaway-50-to-amazon-or-paypal-for-three-readers%2F
Facebook share link
never be in a rush to buy something…you will definitely save money
Stay on top of your coupons and stay organized.
I am already a member of No More Rack. Thanks for the giveaway!
I try to only use coupons on things that are already on sale
Subscribed: welindsey at gmail dot com
If i could give one tip, it would be to pack a small cooler or lunch box when out running errands so you’re not tempted to hit a drive through. It’s healthier and CHEAPER!
already a member of nomorerack
Saving money tip is pay off your credit cards every month. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I’m already a member of No More Rack.
Already a member of NMR. Confirmed.
fb link 1/17 https://www.facebook.com/vlbsweeps/posts/252620074811007
My tip would be save your coupons and use them when the item goes on sale.
Shared this on FB http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=307075082661497&id=1075714774
My money saving tip would be to plan out your meals in advance for the week and shop according to the items you need to complete those meals. Thanks for the chance to win!!!! 🙂
To cut all coupons even if you might not use them!
Shop sales and use coupons
I am already a member of No More rack.
utilize coupons with things you need not just things you want.
already signed up on nomorerack so it wouldn’t let me sign up again
I love stacking coupons with rewards cards for maximum savings
I’m already a member of NMR and my advice about saving money is to clip all coupons…even if you don’t think it’s something you use. I’ve become creative for free things!!
My saving money tip would be to use coupons!!
allready signed up
shared on FB
Coupons are like cash.. they save you money!
always buy something when its on sale
shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/jspeed4lyfe/posts/328442237188902
already signed up and confirmed for no more rack
I’m already signed up for No More Rack, thanks!
Money saving tips – coupons – sales, price comparisons, thrift stores
dont hang around malls
already signed up with NMR
my tip would be always check internet for coupon codes and printable coupons before you go shopping!
thank you!
Jan 18: shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=623580078
Tip: Pay yourself first. Before you pay any bills or anything put aside a little (even $10 a pay period will add up over time).
Already signed up with No More Rack.
Get an online savings account like Sallie Mae. They have much higher intrest rates and you are less likely to spend from them because the money isn’t readily available like your credit or ATM card.
FB share: http://www.facebook.com/alicia.zirjacks/posts/300527386665323
I would tell people to pay close attention to your site and others like you. You guys are amazing and do all the hard work for us. I watch your page for where to go to get the good deals. Oh and I am already a member of no more rack
Shop around for the best prices and use coupons when available. I’m already a member of No More Rack.
dont go near the shops, dont spend it and you’ll save it.
Check prices of local stores and price match if available/necessary. Also use coupons, .50c might not be alot but if you have a good amount of coupons you will be able to see the difference. Also, I already have signed up for no more rack and here’s my link to my share on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heavenlyangel32/posts/251467358257512
I shared on FB (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=157867957656809&id=100000743000649)
Always comparison shop, and check for coupons & deals!
Always use your coupons and shop around to see where you will get the best deal..use your sales papers to do this
Shared on fb on Jan 17th at http://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=153893568056456&id=100003074418246
Only use debit or cash, do without until you save bc using credit cards can often end up costing you extra or put you in debt, we’ve never used credit and never will.
I already belonged to No More Rack
check for coupons and discounts brfore buying
At the end of the day, I always throw my coins in a jar. It adds up really quickly!
FB share-https://www.facebook.com/pkbw28/posts/309689569072808
Im already signed up and confirmed on nmr. You dont need every deal out there saving money is great but if you dont get it thats ok too.
Shared this on Facebook!
I’m already signed up with NoMoreRack and have confirmed it!
facebook share 1/17
My tip for saving money is to eat a meal just before going to the grocery store! If you’re hungry, you tend to buy more! I know if I’m hungry at the store, I tend to “binge shop”! Also, make a list and stick to it!
SHARED on Facebook
Already signed up with NoMoreRack.
My tip is always check the clearance aisle and use coupons.
Already signed up for No More Rack
My money saving tip? Start a stockpile and never run out of things you use, never pay full price 😉
My tip: Don’t use credit cards UNLESS you can pay them off that month. NEVER carry a CC balance. If you can’t afford to get something, save and pay yourself by not paying interest!
Shared on Facebook 🙂
already signed up with nomorerack
my tip is check for clearance items and use coupons with them if you happen to have any
Already a member of no more rack an shared on my facebook page. Budgeting time and money
i was already signed up at Nomorerack
and best way to save money.. use coupons even if it is only 30cents off or something… and keep your change and add to a change jar!
Shared: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=224781687607743&id=100002461543006
fb post
use cash for little purchases
already signed up with No More Rack
jenhedger at hotmail dot com
I signed up before for No More Rack.
I would say take advantage of meat on quick sale and freeze it for future use.
email used for daily subscriptions is yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com
FB Share (Bianca Roman) – https://www.facebook.com/yobonks/posts/340903592596198
My one tip about saving money would have to be to always try and use a coupon for the product you want and even better to use it when the store is having a sale!
My fb post is here:
Sorry wrong link. Should be
To save money, keep your coupons organized.
Facebook shared on 1/17/12:
shred https://www.facebook.com/PennyPinchingPolly?sk=app_204684816209053#!/dyanna.o/posts/281958928525346
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Tip would be to try and match up coupons with store sales on the product.
Be prepared to spend lots of time looking to save money. Coupons are time consuming,
I was already singed up with No more rack.
My advice about saving money is to not watch any of the home shopping channels. They talk you into buying things you don’t need!!
Always ask yourself if what you are buying is a want or a need.
One tip on saving would be to clip coupons & check sale papers.
I’m already signed up for No More Rack
Only buy things you need.
I have already been a member of nomorerack
Already a member of No More Rack
Buy things on sale
If you could share ONE tip about saving money what would it be?
~Even if things are on sale- do not buy them unless you need them! 🙂
signed up and confirmed for No More Rack
Already signed up with No More Rack
Posted on my FB page “Living Frugal, Not Cheap”
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Already signed up with No More Rack.
Money saving tip – look for coupon codes or coupons to pair with a sale!
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Already signed up on No MOre Rack
How to Save Money?Avoid Credit Card Debt!
Already a member of No More Rack….Use coupons buy only what you use….
Already a member of NMR!
If I could share one tip about saving money it would be to only buy what is on sale and use coupons!
shared on facebook
Always use coupons.
I am already a member of nomorerack
Make a budget for your household and stick to it.
Pair up coupons with what’s on sale…and don’t buy it if you don’t need it.
Already belong to no more rack. My tip would be don’t buy something you don’t need just because you have a coupon.
FB share http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/199172173512656
I like you on F.B.
daily facebook share
Start saving as soon as you get your first job, invest in some good mutual funds and let compounded interest make you some money over the years.
FB post link:
Research before you buy.
Don’t shop on an empty stomach! You will spend wayyyy too much money!
Here is my link from sharing on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=282151145177555&id=100001512128012
Daily facebook share 1/18
Shared on Facebook. 1/18
Jan 18: shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=623580078
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1586883644, i shared on my wall from your page
i have been a member of no more rack for a long time, wdionisiolover@aol.com
my money saving tip is watch the sales and get the most out of your money, dont buy it just cause it is on sale, if you dont need it then your spending money on nonsence
My tip: Don’t buy anything (besides the absolute bare necessities) unless it is on sale AND you have a coupon.
Facebook share post for giveaway on Jan 18th as Yvonne Woodstock at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003074418246#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=146884268760351&id=100003074418246
Look online for better prices and for info about deals.
Coupons and sales! And don’t buy anything that you won’t use once for every dollar you pay.
Always search online for coupons before you buy anything online or at bricks and mortar stores.
Already signed up to No More Rack. Here’s where I shared: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=151779371603305&id=1032980552
Money saving tip: Always check what’s on sale in your grocery ads and see if you have a coupon for it—makes it much cheaper!!
shared on facebook. Here is the link : http://www.facebook.com/nursejude/posts/10150537568358674
One tip about saving money, when you see a product you use a lot on a good sale or you have some good coupons (or both) by a few and stock up. It’ll save you money in the long run
I am already signed up for No More Rack, sorry I couldn’t help you
Never shop Hungry!!
I use coupons for saving money
I am already signed up for No more Rack.
daily entry, shared on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/srowemiller/posts/330601106963354
and im already a member of no more rack. thanks!
already a member of no more rack
definetly use coupons for savings
use coupons on sale items
My tip would be to set a budget, and live by it.
check prices and use coupons!
use coupons and i was already signed up
Already a member of No More Rack
Don’t buy stuff you don’t really need.
already a member of nomorerack
don’t become so stringent with your money that you feel like you are depriving yourself as you will end up binge spending
NEVER EVER get into using credit cards. If you can’t pay cash, you can’t afford it.
Already a member of NoMoreRack
If you’re on a tight budget and to prevent over spending only go into departments and to stores that you need to purchase something at… don’t go to the clothing section of wal-mart if you’re just there for groceries. When going to the mall to get a watch battery changed, don’t go into Bath & body works to see what the deals are… it sounds funny, but it really will help curb spending =)
Already signed-up for No More Racks: foreverxoch99@gmail.com
Don’t carry more money than you intend to spend – leave it at home to avoid temptation!
facebook share 1/19
my tip,check sale ads and clips coupons
I already signed up at NMR
Daily FB share http://www.facebook.com/missjohnston.usa/posts/222726797811967
Sooo excited!! My very first time entering these contests!! Best of luck to all <3
Fb share
last daily faccebook share fingers crossed
FB post https://www.facebook.com/vlbsweeps/posts/192519407512337
already subscribe to no more rack
one tip would be to avoid impulse buying
Daily facebook share 1/19
Daily facebook share 1/19 .
Don’t buy things just because its cheap. If you don’t use the item then you’re really just wasting money!
the best way to save money is not to spend it.
I tell people all the time about sites like ebates and mypoints to help save.
My one tip/advice about saving money would be to use coupons wisely. Only use them on items you REALLY need. Don’t go shopping for an item just because you have a coupon for it!
All signed up AND confirmed for No More Rack!! I am new to this site and it looks awesome! Thanks!
shared http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=214856551937033&id=1164675873
Never go shopping on an empty stomach and bnever believe something is a good price just because it is “on sale”.
Stick with shopping list and avoid impulse buys which can be expensive.
I’m subscribed with email lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
Don’t buy something you are not going to use just because it is on sale.
I shared on facebook. Jeanette Mays https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1219667092
Not sure how to share a link with out a share button so I hope I got this right.http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wheelndealmama.com%2Fcelebration-giveaway-50-to-amazon-or-paypal-for-three-readers%2F&h=rAQFqaVtAAQFAQH1UBZprhtRSO197DI3CpYqaAjwUe_aiXw
alr a member of no more rack and thanks so much for the give away and price match with coupons when you shop
My tip..don’t buy things you don’t use just because you have a great coupon unless you are planning to donate the item to someone who uses it.
Never spend beyond your means
I shop sales for Christmas all year long, It saves me ALOT and everyone is gets what they really want
shared on my facebook timeline
I am already a member of no more rack
my savings tip is that when an item that you actually use goes on sale, especially a really good sale, stock up. especially if you have a coupon. If you can get something that you use and would buy anyways and it goes on sale and you have coupons and can get it for $2 instead of $5 buy as many as you think you can use in a reasonable time. That will save you money in the long run.
Don’t charge it if you don’t have the money to pay the bill when it arrives!
Save money by buying only those things that are a necessity. Try your best not to splurge. Look for and shop sales.
Always carry coupons with you because you never know when you may need them. Carry them for eveything..not just grocery items but clothing stores, entertainment things and even amusement activities..
Shared giveaway on Facebook:
Signed up with No More Rack! Confirmed Email.
I only buy things on sale, clearance or marked down and usually with a coupon.
Before you buy anything online do a search for coupon code or free shipping for the site!
Shared on Facebook 1/19
Shared on Facebook
already a member of no more rack
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
try to use coupons and try to sign up for sites that gives you points and you can get giftcards
facebook link
Thanks for a chance
Already signed up with NMR and email from WNDM
Be willing to shop off season! October $80 Bass leather summer shoes $5 etc. Winter sweaters in April, your wallet will thank you!
My tip is to sleep on a purchase…you just may see that it is not a need and is a want and you would have bought on a impulse!
shared on facebook
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
I was already signed up for No More Rack
My one tip would be don’t use a coupon because you have it use it because the item is on sale & you have a coupon!
Jan 19: shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=623580078
Spend cash or debit only not credit & I’m already signed up with NMR.
Already use NMR
here it the link to my facebook share!!
Use rags to clean. See how much paper towel you can eliminate in three months!
Use coupons.
Already use NMR. Don’t buy it unless you need it!
my tip is use cash only. get out what you will need for the week and only use cash no debit cards. we are far less likely to use cash on a splurge item then debit or credit cards.
If I could give one tip it would be never to leave home without your coupons. You just never know when an awesome deal might be found.
Already a member of NMR
Always use your coupons!
I already signed up for no more rack and my money saving tip would be to eat out less and spend more time having family dinners at home!!
My money saving tip is: Always take a step back before purchasing a non-necessity. Think about how much you really are going to use it. IF you think you really want/need it, then wait until it goes on sale to purchase it. Guarantee it’ll cut your non-necessity cost down by at least 50%.
Check prices everywhere and enjoy the search.
i would suggest to always pair coupons with on sale items to maximize your savings!
My tip would be don’t use coupons just because you have them. Only use them on items you’d normally by and use them when the products are on sale to save even more money!
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
my tip is to buy only if needed and not get sucked into a buy just because it seems a good deal
I subscribe with a different email than my facebook email, its blueroomraven {at} gmail {dot} com
I shared on my Face Book
Already joined nomorerack! Thanks! Money saving tip stock up on those items you can’t live without when you can get them at the best price. It has been a lifesaver for us when my husbands work is slow!
Shop around and yes, make sure they are things you need and not just want because you can get them for cheap. Coupons are always a plus!!
Already a nomorerack member, swt42023 at yahoo dot com
shared on facebook too http://www.facebook.com/lisa.m.peterson/posts/307092359328267
thank you all for the chance!!
SHared on FB here is the Link, https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150488753316714&id=522671713 I am already a member of Nomorerack and I would use the money to put heat in my apartment, I only work PT and need a deposit on the propane. I would also buy groceries and load up my freezer as well as get Cat food and also donate to the local humane society…
Already joined nomorerack. For saving money, I check your blog everyday, stay organized and match coupons with sales.
Oh and I also use coupons to save money
already a no more rack member
Always check prices against size. Just because it’s cheaper doesn’t always mean it’s a better deal!
Already a nomorerack member! I love checking your blog for savings just in case if its something I need!! LOVE IT!!
Buy items when they are on sale and combine coupons. Every penny saved counts.
I posted about the giveaway with a link Jan 19th on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003074418246#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=256309094440425&id=100003074418246
Only buy what you really need.
I am already a member (and confirmed email) for NoMoreRack
Alrady signed up with No More Rack.
Stop and think “Will I be okay without this?”
Hello; another Facebook share: http://www.facebook.com/jenibolding/posts/346885898663267
Shared on Facebook 🙂
Thank you
Shared on facebook
I never take more money with me shopping than I’m willing to spend.
I am already registered with No More Rack.
My money saving tip is I always try to use cash and I will try to break a bill rather than pay with exact change. I end up rounding up to the dollar anyway when figuring out what I will spend. I then throw it all in a piggy bank when I get home. The change really adds up.
Already signed up with No More Rack 🙂
This is the link to show I shared on my FB pg
I do NOT want to sign up for NMR @ this time. Sry 🙁 I hope this doesn’t dq me.
There are LOTS of GREAT money saving tips above in which I use also. I try to shop around before buying esp for a BIG purchase.
GL to everyone! TY for the giveaway!
No worries! Signing up with NMR is an optional entry 🙂
My #1 tip for saving money is to shop around. For a few extra cents in gas money you can end up with great savings by discovering little traveled spots. I recently found a small bodega down the block from me that has the BEST deal on Scott toilet paper (30 cents a roll). I feel so good when I save my money for the things we want instead of spending ridiculously on the the things we need. I <3 your blog!!!
Already signed up with NMR. Thanks for the contest.
Tip #1 > Find products on sale and use your coupons to buy that product on sale in bulk. Before long, you will have a stockpile of items that cost next to nothing. And when your husband asks why you have 13 tubes of toothpaste, tell him that eventually you will use them and you got them for free or nearly free so quit complaining.
I’m already signed up for no more rack and it was confirmed. My tip for saving money is to always look for the things on sale first!!