Note: Be sure to do the Health quiz too — that is listed as something you need to do to be a “qualified participant”.Â
All day long today — every hour on the hour (through 8:59pm EST), you can head over and register for the Dr. Oz’s Transformation Nation: Million Dollar You program.  Every hour, Dr. Oz will be giving away a limited number gifts (a total of 8,300 prizes will be given away today!). Â
Here is how it works, each hour — at the top of the hour, they will show these 11 prizes available — you have to be fast!
* 1,000 Comfort Revolution Hydraluxe Gel Pillow ($69.99 value!)
* 200 Vitamix 5200 Blender ($449 value!)
* 1,000 Philosophy The Microdelivery In-home Vitamin C Peptide Peel ($65 value!)
* 1,000 Healthy Foods Yonanas Maker ($49.99 value!)
* 1,000 Dogeared Transformation Nation: Million Dollar You necklace ($80 value!)
* 1,000 Peter Thomas Roth Dr. Oz Holiday Hot List Kit ($227 value!)
* 100 Sony Tablet S – 16 GB ($499.99 value!)
* 500 BISSELL Healthy Home Vacuum® ($199 value!)
* 1,000 Nature’s Bounty Mini Softgels Premium Strength Fish Oil 1290mg – 90 count ($136 value!)
* 500 Reebok RealFlex Sneakers ($90 value!)
* 1,000 Starbucks gift cards ($50 value!)
I found out about this giveaway right before the 11am EST giveaway and I actually GOT THE SONY S TABLET!!!
Here is how I did it:
I went here and clicked on the register button up top — I then signed up through Facebook. Â When I got into the Sharecare site, a pop up came up showing all 11 prizes “gone for the hour”. Â I left that page open on my computer and refreshed the page about 2 seconds before :00. Â When I refreshed everything was available so I was able to select the tablet, fill in my address and submit!!
I am hoping many of you have the same luck!! Â Let us know if you do!
(Thanks, Hip2Save!)
EXCELLENT! You deserve it! Happy Holidays 🙂
I closed it out by mistake and now when I go back to site can’t get it to come back up..wonder what I can do?
same here
I was able to click on it and go to the next page but I didn’t win one. Maybe next time.
Thank you so much!!! I think I just won an S Tablet too! I clicked and it let me enter my address. I hope I actually get it! Thanks!!!!!!!
Yay!!! Congrats!!!!
That’s so cool your so lucky
Did it stop showing you the prizes after you won the tablet? I can’t see them anymore. I’m hoping that means I’m no longer eligible to win anything else. 😉 Apparently there is only 1 tablet each hour!! Yay!!!!!
Yes — you can only get one prize — there are a total of 100 tablets so a few each hour 🙂
I got to choose and as soon as i hit submit then it went to the forbidden error, hopefully next hour
I won a vitamix!!! How long did it take for confirmation of your win? I have not received an email yet but it said I won it, asked for my address and said I will receive it in the mail.
Thanks! Your post and your suggestion on how to win a prize worked for me! I got the Peter Thomas Roth Dr. Oz Holiday Hot-List kit valued at $227!!! So glad you got the tablet! You certainly deserve it for all the work you do to share the awesome deals and giveaways!
That is awesome! Congrats!! So happy to see others winning too!
I got the RealFlex shoes! Happy birthday to this mama!!! Congrats on the tablet!
Would love to win
Thanks for the info, This is so hard. I logged in and the pop up wont pop up and show that the prizes are all gone. any sugesstions on why or what to do. My pop up blocker is turned off.
Yeah! I got a yonanas!
I won the necklace!! I’m pretty excited about that!! Thanks for the info!
Where is the health quiz? Can’t find it!
Where is the health quiz you have to take?
When you sign in — through the link above — you should see it.
I found the quiz, but I accidentally closed the pop up with the prizes and can’t get it to load again.
Won a $50 Starbucks Card~
Thank You, just got the sneakers!
I just got the Reebok’s for my husband – BUT, I’m a little concerned, lol. I entered my address and info, and received a pop-up saying “Congratulations!” and all seemed confirmed and what not, but no confirmation e-mail. Same for everyone else?
That is the same for me! 🙂 Last time Dr Oz did giveaways, I didn’t get a confirmation email until a few weeks later (around the same time I got the prize!)
YAY! That’s good to know. Eek, my husband is going to be excited – he has a half marathon coming up in February and this is going to make an awesome January bday present for him. THANK YOU for posting this information, I never would have otherwise stumbled across it. 🙂
Question. I registered, did the quiz, and when I tried just now to go into the link, I never got a prize page at all? Any suggestions?
I won the Yonanas…thanks for the post 🙂
Just got the Peter Thomas Roth Dr. Oz Holiday Hot List Kit ($227 value!)
I signed up for Transformation nation and took the quiz but I didn’t see anything about prizes… what have I done wrong or where can I find it?
Nevermind I just seen that it was thru yesterday only
i won the ‘hot list” makeup bag… 🙂
I was just wondering about the prize I won as well.. but now that I see most of you haven’t received an confirmation email as well.. then I think I feel better lol
Yeah, I haven’t gotten an email yet either — I am sure it will come though! 😀
I was going to ask too! Glad I checked here. 🙂 Still really hoping to have that Sony tablet show up at my door. 🙂 🙂 🙂
You and me both! 🙂 Can’t wait!