I hope everyone is LOVING the flash giveaways!!  🙂   It is my way of saying THANK YOU for being readers of the blog!
Tonight’s flash giveaway is for the $70 Ghiradelli and Lindt Chocolate Plum District deal I posted about earlier today! Â Winner will get a pound of various Lindt, Ghiradelli and Green & Black chocolates in this nifty canister!
If you missed it — you can check out the deal here — as low as $26!
Plenty of options to enter through the Rafflecopter below! Ends tonight at midnight EST. Â Good luck!
I was already signed up with No More Rack.
Already signed up at nomorerack. Love all types of deals! I can always find something for everyone…thank you for the giveaway!!
I like to see deals on games and products that we use everyday.
I am already signed up with NMR 🙂
i love coupons and freebie love love love the giveaways
I like to see giveaways on kids stuff mostly.
I love Amazon! Favorite place ever!
Forgot, I am already signed up with no more rack
I love Amazon deals! Oh, and I’m waiting for a truly awesome Omaha Steaks package so we can try it out! 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Here’s a link to my FB share https://www.facebook.com/lisalonglash/posts/261026807286564
Im already signed with Nomorerack.
already signed up for nomorerack
I like all good deals anywhere I can find them! Thanks for a yummy giveaway!
I love Amazon video game deals 🙂
I am already a member of nomorerack.
Shared on FB- Gladys Macias
mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com
Oh wow….it’s so hard to say…..I like it all……I guess right now while I am Christmas shopping it would be Amazon….but on a regular basis it would be store deals:)
I like Amazon and Walmart deals as that is where I shop the most
I Love NMR been signed up for months!!!! 🙂
Was already signed up with No more rack. Thanks!
Love Amazon Deals!
I’m already signed up with Nomorerack.
fb share- https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=306510729379323&id=100002380203548
Already signed up on nmr.
toy deals are good. So are Amazon or any electronics.
I love giveaways for gift cards well anything really just like having a chance to win 🙂
Amazon is da bomb!
heres my fb share: https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=208350379247819&id=1355040978
I was already signed up with No More Rack.
Signed up already on NoMoreRack
I like coupon deals!
Already a confirmed subscriber of No More Rack!
mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com
Amazon deals. I love those!!
I like makeup deals the best! there was no place to put my fb share on RC: https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=208350379247819&id=1355040978
I got some great deals on some kids toys for my daughter on amazon!
Love to find Amazon toy deals
I already signed up at nomorerack. Love all type deals! Thanks for all you hard work on keeping us up to date.
here it the link to my facebook shared post of your giveaway!
My facebook link
I am already signed up for NMR.
I love anything for girls on deals.
I have a 7 year old daughter 😀
I really like the Amazon deals.
amazon is my favorite place of all <3!!! they have amazing deals and no more rack is AWESOME too!!!!!! 😀 thank you for this!!!
I love Amazon Deals!
mysteri_015 at yahoo dot com
I am already signed up with nomorerack…
I love the amazon codes!
Also i was already signed up and confirmed for No More Rack! Thanks
http://www.facebook.com/blountlady3/posts/217875711620904 on fb
I love freebies, coupons, & great deals especially for the kids
already signed up with no more rack
love amazon deals!!!!!
love kids deals, toys clothes
I was already signed up for No More Rack they have great deals
I would love to see more toy and Amazon deals
I like to see deals on necessities..paper towels , toilet paper..etc
already signed up with NMR
I love deals like this, ones where a mom (or anyone, really) can find something to indulge themselves in.
I’m already signed up with NoMoreRack
I am already signed up at No More Rack and confirmed email
I like seeing deals for babies and housewares but also beauty stuff like from Utla.com, etc.
My facebook link is https://www.facebook.com/anna.rush
I like seeing deals for babies and housewares but also beauty stuff like from Ulta.com, etc.
I already have an account with No More Rack.
The deals I like best are Walmart freebies or under $1. I don’t shop online. I also like coupons that can be mailed.
I personally love the amazon deals Thanks so muc for all you do for your fans! This lil flash giveaway could make my whole month if i were to win! I wll be praying! When times are tough … chocolate always seems to make them better! Thanks! God Bless! <3
i’m already signed up (and confirmed) with NMR
amazon here is my link to share on facebook http://www.facebook.com/tammydod/posts/309734545714173
Love Amazon deals but love all good deals truly! Who can pass up a good deal?
I’m already signed up with nomorerack!!
Deals on movies or giveaways
I like a variety of deals!
madamerkfnat aol dot com
I like amazon deals, and freebies!
Beauty deals!
i love giveaways!!! 🙂
I like anything that has to do with toddlers!! Thank you!! XoXo
was already signed up for nomorerack! LOVE that site! my favortie deals are amazon ones! thanks for the giveaway!
amazon deals are great
I like freebies!
I love coupons anything to get $ off or free…
I already am a member of NMR.
I’m already a member of nomorerack!
I love amazon deals or book deals. I’m a shopper! Thank you!
I really like the Amazon deals and especially like the coupon/freebie deals.
I love No More Rack and get their daily deals.
I enjoy the deals on baby items as well as gift cards.
Love Amazon deals, kids stuff, and big savings coupons.
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
I love all kind of deals! Like the Victoria Secret deal I got for only 3.87 shipped! Its so hard to chose but Im going with the coupon deals from grocery stores.
Already a member of no more rack
I like to see deals on kids stuff: clothing, games etc…
I love Amazon deals!
I was ALREADY signed up with NOmoreRack
I love ALL DEALS!!!! Any deal that can save me money is a deal for me!
I LOVE Amazon deals!!!!
I love FREEBIE sample deals for 2 reasons, ONE I usually get a coupon, and TWO, the little samples are great for donating to the homeless shelter in our downtown area. Win / Win
I love Amazon’s diaper deals!
I love Amazon’s diaper deals:)
i shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=235070873232808&id=100001451978613
i was already signed up with no more rack!
I love chocolate!
i love your toy and amazon deals the best!
I like seeing deals for common products and neccessities. I also like seeing great deals on toys.
I am already a no morerack member!
link to my Facebook share….https://www.facebook.com/#!/loramccracken/posts/258481770871556
I’m already a No More Rack customer.
I love all the deals you bring to us! My favorites are the ones that save me the most money.
I already get emails from nomorerack…The amazon deals are the best!! Thank you!
I don’t care what kind of deals you post…I review all of them, if they don’t work for me, I usually have a friend or relative that I can pass it on to…thanks again.
I am subscribed to your newsletter thru my main email misty_labean at yahoo.com
I love seeing deals on electronics myself since my 3 sons are older and their wants are more expensive these days. lol
I already signed up at No More Rack! Thanks for the giveaway! I love chocolate!
No more rack is fabulous. Thanks for your site!
already signed up for no more rack. I also love chocolate
Amazon deals
I love to see baby clothes deals as I have a 5 month old.
already a member of nomorerack
Love the Amazon deals. Love the coupons. Love to save!!!!
I like store deals, especially unadvertised finds!
Toys, especially this time of year…any other time, anything kids!
i’ve been looking for a good deal on some nice, reliable earbuds/headphones….
I love the coupon deals. Thanks for all the advice you give on your blog. Thank you also for the chocolate giveaway!
I love your site… period! I always look forward to the coupon match ups that you do for CVS and walgreens. Another huge thing that I follow your page for is HOT coupons for Wal-mart. Recently, I have been a huge follower for the toy deals for Christmas shopping! And of course the flash giveaways that you have been doing! Thanks again Wheel n Deal Mama!
I love Amazon Deals (:
I love to see coupons , anything to save a little money always helps out 🙂
I am already signed up with No More Rack
I’m already signed up with nomorerack
Already signed up with No More Rack
already signed up for NMR
I like to see coupons
I love coupon and amazon deals!
I’m already with no more rack. Love to find great deals for my family on Amazon!
i like amazon deals
I like Amazon deals! 🙂
Shared 🙂 http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000153802115
I am a member of nomorerack
I love Amazon Deals!!!! Well I love all deals but Amazon has some VERY good ones.
Already belong to No More rack. Love Amazon deals! Love Chocolate too!
https://www.facebook.com/karma2u is the best I can do and ask that you see it on my profile as I dont know how to obtain a link of the sharing.
I love giveaways, freebies or combo deals.
Thanks for the opp!
link to FB share https://www.facebook.com/SandD2003
Already signed up with No More Rack 🙂
What a great giveaway for a Chocoholic like me!! I am already signed up with no more rack.
I LOVE coupons and store matchups. Toys and games and household WANTS are always good TOO <3
I love deals on toys since i have 3 little boys!
I was already signed up with NoMoreRack
I am a fan of NMR and did in fact comfim through email
Awesome giveaway! I like any kind of deal!
I was all ready signed up with No More Rack
I’m looking for deals on any baby boys stuff. Cloths furniture, play yards, toys etc..
I love Amazon deals, chocolate, toys and electronics. Thank you!
I posted the giveaway page to my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=286923858011546&id=100000818036857Thanks for the giveaway!
I like the coupons and store deals
I like any that involve free or nearly free 🙂
“Like” the Blog Post: Like You like this. · Error
Already Signed up with No More Rack
I love to see all kinds of deals…esp Christmas items right now…and always CVS and Rite Aid.
I love giveaways that has to do with cash,make-up, pots ,pans,etc
I am already signed up with No More Rack.
I like coupons, mainly ones for drugstores. I already am a member at no more rack
I was already a member of nomorerack.
amazon deals!
I like seeing deals posted on diapers, and wipes. I also like coupons for products and match ups on free items.
I like to see a little of everything. I get the coupons in the paper but don’t so a lot of searching on-line so that info is real helpful.
Definitely Amazon deals!
i like deals on necessities toilet paper, paper towels, deodorant etc.
link to my facebook
already signup for nomorerack, i love all that you put on your blog, i dont think i can say there is anything that i want to see, cause you have it all, im serious
signed up for NMR
I am already signed up for No More Rack.
I have just signed up and confirmed through email!
amazon deals!
Love the Amazon deals and high value printable IP coupons
I like the drug store match ups or knowing in advance to hold onto a coupon for a deal the next week. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have loved entering all your flash giveaways!!! I’m hoping to win one someday soon- I would love chocolate for me for Christmas but I have a sister who I would share this with, kind of pay it forward!
I enjoy coupons and store deals.
already signed up for nomore rack
I’d like to win this for a Christmas gift
I can honestly say that I love them all! The coupons are always fantastic, and the Amazon deals have been totally amazing lately. I am always greatful for all of the hard work each of the bloggers does on a daily basis to bring savings to your followers. You have truly educated me over the past few months on how to get the most for my money. This has let me provide a better way of life for my family on the limited income I have. I sincerely appreciate all of you!
I have nomorerack already, I made another email and signed up with ur link but they haven’t sent the confirmation email yet. Soon as I get it I will confirm
emechipps@aol.com is the one I used ur link for
I like to see coupons and deals that I can find at my local store not just on their websites.
I shop on Amazon all the time and I have a toddler so I like to hear about those deals :o)
I was already signed up with nomorerack
I already have a No More Rack account. My favorite deals are online daily deal site deals that I can get at a great price!! Also, I have done pretty much ALL of my Christmas shopping online with great deals like the ones you post!
Would love to win
I love the freebie items as I get them for my Mom and she really enjoys the surprises she gets in her mailbox courtesy of me via Wheel n Deal Momma!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
love all deals, toys, clothes, household items, electronics
I like Amazon deals
I shared on my FB: https://www.facebook.com/SoHolliwood/posts/260542830669839
I love Coupon deals…:)
Coupons and store deals
http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wheelndealmama.com%2Fflash-giveaway-70-chocolate-package-ends-tonight-1212%2F&h=UAQFMrRyCAQHyyXo7KPL9yf9Jo6jUbL5zVrEk9g_QTiXorQ shared on my wall