Ok — are you ready?!?!! Nightly Holiday Flash giveaway!!
Win a $10 Amazon gift card!
Ends at 10am EST, 12/17.
There is only ONE mandatory entry and that is to subscribe to the Wheel n Deal Mama Emails! Plenty of optional entries too 🙂 Good luck!
(Please note: The rafflecopter says that this ends at midnight 12/18 — it only accepts 24 hour blocks but I am manually ending it at 10am EST – 12/17 — so get your entries in!!)
AlREADY signed up with NoMoreRack…thank you
Already signed up with No More Rack:)
I got what I wanted!! My little girl is finally home and all I want is a good check up Monday at the DR and no more hospitals!!!!!!!
I really really really really REALLY want a Kindle Fire for Christmas c:
so want to win…love these so exciting
would love a smart phone for Verizon
I want some games
Found It, Thought I was going Crazy there for a min… Lol :0)
Thank you so much for the chance to win, either gift would be awesome!
And all I want for Christmas Is a happy family!! :0) (and maybe some toe socks!!) :0)
shared on facebook…http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002379925160
All I want for Christmas is a child-free day! I don’t even need a full 24 hours of time to do nothing – just a few hours would work! hehe
I have already signed up with No More Rack, and what I want for Christmas is a gift basket from Amazon.
All my family safe and happy
Already signed up with Nomorerack.. thx 🙂
Already signed up (:
I shared http://www.facebook.com/tammydod/posts/136102279836133
already signed up to no more racks
Thanks Sweetie for this Giveaway.. All I want for Christmas is a new lap top.. Here is the link to my share of the post. 🙂
Family to be together all well and happy!!!
was already signed up for no more rack. I would love a kindle fire for christmas
I am already a member of NMR
And for Christmas I just want happy kidgets that get along for an entire day.
I would love a Northface jacket for Christmas.
what I want for christmas is for my kids to be happy.
Shared on Fb :o)
Hers a link to my share on Facebook 🙂
Im already signed up with NoMoreRack
And i my babies to have the best Christmas ever 🙂
an i pad 2
I want M.A.C. for Christmas (:
I told my Husband the only thing I want for Christams is a good bottle of wine, fuzzy socks and 1 hour of Peace and Quiet.
Already signed up for no more rack 🙂
I’am already signed up with no more rack.
I would like a happy family and a fun, relaxing day 🙂
I would like a cute new pair of boots!
Goodluck everyone.
Signed up with No More Rack already
I would love a Sixxix Big Shot :). I would also love to make Christmas a little brighter for my hard working husband
For my daughter and granddaughter to get well before christmas.
I would love some charms for my bracelet
I was signed up, and I want for Christmas is to hear from my son who is deployed.
shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=208943655853471&id=1246542434
already signed up at No more Rack
Already signed up for no more rack
I want gift cards for christmas.
What i want for Christmas is Peace and Health on earth
Would love some new boots, Manitobah Mukluks.
I already have an account with no more rack.
I want everyone that has lost their job to find a new one and get hired for christmas
I was already signed up for no more rack
The only thing I want for Christmas is my family to be healthy.
I would like a pair of Clarks Wallabees, Dansko shoes and to get my wedding ring fixed!
I want a safe and happy family but I wouldn’t say know to an ebook gift card (:
FAcebook share link: http://www.facebook.com/Allhoneyhere/posts/329336457095149
No place to put on form.
Thank you ! And I have already signed up under different emails I have for No more rack. Sorry/ 🙁 I also want to win the kitchen aid giveaway I am entered to win, THATS what I am buying for myself for xmas, should I not win, lol. 🙂
What I want for christmas is not be sick anymore and to have a healthy and happy holiday with my family!
I really want/need a sewing machine.
I already got what i wanted was to make sure my kids get there christmas
I would love to have an anonymous donor pay off my car.
already signed up with no more rack
I would love to sell my house for Christmas (:
i want an ipad2
i want an ipad 2 for christmas =) did all the above but already a member of nomore rack
What I want for Christmas, you can’t buy or get with coupons: I want my husband well again. It has been 7 weeks of pain for him.
Already signed up for No More Rack, too.
For everyone to have health and something fun for mommy.
A happy and safe Holiday season. A new digital camera would be great though.
already signed up at no more rack. been trying for the ipad! 🙂
i want an ipad2. i NEED an ipad2. lol
I want a kindle Fire
Signed up, liked a few, would love to win!
I want a happy family for christmas.
Shared on facebook….. https://www.facebook.com/mafuii
I reallly want a Ipad 2 for Christmas 🙂
I want a chance to spend some quality time with my family, seriously!
Thanks for the games! <3
I want everyone to be together and enjoy the day, besides all that I also want a Galaxy lol
I need money..lots of money….going go nursing school and tuition is really, really expensive.
Shared on facebook
I would love an IPAD 2 😉
I want to see my children’s happy faces for Christmas:)
FB post……https://www.facebook.com/dlhjward/posts/321449014541496
thank you for all the giveaways
smiling faces on Christmas morning
already signed up with no more rack
signed up for email using casey(dot)lynn3(at)hotmail(dot)com
for christmas i want a zebra scentsy warmer
I would really love for this to be a joyful Christmas. After a hard year I just want my kids to have a great Christmas.
I want to figure out what i want to do with myself now that i’ve graduated, and to have the right motivation (to work out too!) eh…that would be nice. i need a sign!
I shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=289030114467587&id=100000818036857
I am already signed up with No More Rack.
I would love to have a Kitchen Aide Stand Mixer. But being together with my family and friends during the holidays brings me the most joy.
already on nomorerack 🙂
FLASH Giveaway! Win a $10 Amazon Gift Card! Ends at 10am EST 12/17
By Wheel n Deal Mama, on December 16th, 2011
fb name darlene miller,i dont no how to leave a link when i share. hope this will count as an entry
I want a meatloaf pan and a bottle of tequila rose, yum!
im already signed up and confirmed for no more rack
i want a gps for christmas
already on no more rack and I want a diamond necklace for Xmas. Did all of the above entries. thx.
Already signed up and confirmed with NoMoreRack!
I want my husband to go back to work for Christmas, he’s driving me crazy!
i was already signed up with nomorerack
I just want my husband home for christmas
For christmas, I would like a new vacuum cleaner
i want an iphone 4s!!!
there isn’t a spot to put the email addy i use for daily newsletters. it’s yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com
already signed up with nomorerack email used yobonk(at)gmail(dot)com
Literally, I want happy kids…realistically, I want an ipad. Lol.
shared on facebook (bianca roman) – https://www.facebook.com/yobonks/posts/261274750592925
already signed up with No More Rack under email grinbyrd2@aol.com
For Christmas I want and new car but I don’t think Santa can fit it in his sleigh this year so I’m hoping instead for a Neat Receipts scanner to help me organize better.
Already signed up with NMR
Shared on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_nonslim#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=262346313820084&id=1305936749
Laurey Grinstead Byrd (FB name)
I really fust want to enjoy time with my family for Christmas. Although something shiny is always appreciated… 😉
Signed up and confirmed for No More Rack
And I want a pre-natal massage for Christmas!
Well this has been a difficult year for us and after unexpectedly losing my dad a few months ago, all I want is to be with my mom and sister… and for the kids to have a wonderful day.
i want a new lense for my camera and an ipad 2. and since my husband is in afghanistan i wasnt expecting it, but i got the lense yesterday and he said my ipad is on the way! ?YAY
All I want for Christmas is my hubby home!!!
I want my two babies to stay inside my belly!
Just got a kindle fire, so maybe some new books or movies to have on it would be nice too 🙂
was already signed up for NoMoreRAck
Thanks for the awesome giveaways
All I want for Christmas is for my kids to be happy despite not having much this year.
I am already signed up at NMR
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
here’s the link to my facebook share: https://www.facebook.com/WheelnDealMama#!/profile.php?id=23308825
i’m already a member of no more rack
I want a laptop for Christmas.
i would love shoes!
I’d like snow for Christmas! 🙂
I want a new digital camera!!
I would like a LeapPad for my son. If I could find one that would make my Christmas.
I want my kids to have a good christmas thats what i want because we can’t be back home with the rest of my family back east
Already signed up with NMR 🙂
What I want for Christmas is a fun vacation
for christmas I want a new camera to take pictures of my awesome little ones.
my kids to have a great christmas
i already use no more racks email dgrubbs62@yahoo.com i used
I would like AMAZON CASH 4 CHRISTMAS also here is the Link to my share as Rafflecopter doesnt let you fill it in when you are logged in with them https://www.facebook.com/HOPE.4.LYFE/posts/259253100804388
I am already signed up for nomorerack. All I want for Christmas is for my kiddos to have a great Christmas!
I want friends and family here
I’d love a new iphone for Christmas!
Im a new member of no more rack.
All I want for Christmas is my family to be happy 🙂
perfume 🙂
marygardner49 at aol dot com
Already signed with Nomorerack
I am already a nomore rack member
i am already signed up with nomorerack
all I want for Christmas is for my boys to have a Christmas
marygardner49 at aol dot com
I want a pink camoflage compound bow…I finaly found something that me and my husband both like and can do together. Merry Christmas!!
I got what I wanted already for christmas from my wife tickets to gator bowl Jan2nd Go Buckeyes!!!:P)
I hope this it the correct link 🙂
Shared http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1554596951
What I want for x mas is for my Family to be happy and healthy:)
I want my family to be safe and happy and to adopt a 15 year old boy who seriously needs to get away from his family unsafe situations. 🙁 Thats what I want.
I hope this it the correct link 🙂
I was already signed up for No More Rack
I have everything I need and could really only use more money to help pay my bills and help my family pay theirs without fear of losing their homes or going hungry.
amazon fire kindle
Was already signed up for No More Rack
I’d love for my hubby and I to find our dream home. But thats nearly impossible with the poor market locally. Thats what i want for Christmas.
I want there to be peace in my family
I would like a Kindle Fire
All I want for Christmas is health and happiness for my family. I used to hear people say that and think it was so silly but boy is it true. My mother is very ill and things are not going well financially since my husband was laid off. I am just trying to have faith that there are good things ahead. Merry Christmas everyone!
Shared & Tweeted 🙂
Thanks for all the fun prizes to win!!!!
I want my family to be together and happy. I need nothing, but want a security alarm to help keep my family safe.
Thanks! 🙂 Hope i win!
For Christmas I would like a e-reader or a Boston red sox jacket! 🙂
happy kids
Already a member of NoMoreRack.
I want a miracle healing for my daughter’s best friend’s mother,Amy, for Christmas. She has been given 1 yr tops and has 3 young children.