Are you ready for a quick giveaway?!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I just got a $5 gift Card from Crowd Tap so I thought I would share! One lucky winner will get it! Very quick and easy giveaway — only mandatory entry is that you subscribe the Wheel n Deal Mama emails. (Please note, I do verify that the winner has subscribed and CONFIRMED their subscription!)
All other entries are optional although I would love to hear about your weekend (blog comment entry below)! We went up to the mountains today with the kids to play in the snow — so fun 🙂
Giveaway ends tonight at midnight EST — Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I stayed home in bed trying to get over pneumonia. 🙁
Sledding Shared on facebook
Watched some good football
I went to church and spent time with the family
Went grocery shopping.
WEnt to watch my daughter in the high school honors orchestra.
Watched the SAINTS WIN!!!!!
Cleaned house & enjoyed playing outside with my 3 adorable kids!!
I finally got my hair cut and colored!
I took my son to see the Chipwrecked movie
I stayed home all weekend and did nothing.
I took a walk with my dog in the was so peaceful!
I just rested all weekend.
Shared on Facebook
I went to my niece’s birthday party. She turned 6.
So excited for this contest. I just started doing these this weekend and hope to win something good. 🙂
Hmm let’ see, what did I do this weekend ? Went and got coupon freebies at Walmart.
We spent a much needed quiet weekend at home.
We attended a house warming party at friend’s.
I shared on facebook:
We spent the weekend at home watching the NFL playoff games and just relaxing. It was nice.
Ran to wal-mart and grabbed a few things that were marked down to 75%
We went to Judith Peak (or tried to) Montana to go rock hounding for dobe diamonds, but there was too much packed ice. We slid down the mountain backwards doing almost 40mph! We scavenged through a washout area for fossils, went clearance shopping at a local store and topped it off with late Sunday night Bible Study! Thank you for asking and for the giveaway!!
We moved into a new apartment!!!! Also: I am not sure how the giveaway things work, but I use a different email to subscribe to your daily emails then my normal one. First name is spelled the same on it though.!/permalink.php?story_fbid=3074088775265&id=1355040978
I stayed home this weekend
itsjustme62613 at
i had a cold so we all just stayed in and watched football all weekend
I stayed in laundry world this weekend.
I shared on facebook
Lazy weekend at home with my family to end my husbands vacation 🙂
raked the leaves in the yard, watched the Saints win.
My family went to the park where there were lots of ducks and geese and took pics of them and enjoyed the blue skies. Met 3 elder folks and learned a LOT from them. Was awesome.
We went out to eat to a Mexican restaurant we had been wanting to try for awhile.
I stayed home and watched movies
taught junior church and then cheered for Tim Tebow!
This weekend..I concluded my vacation by returning home, spending 5 hours on a plane back home. It feels good to be home but I miss the sunny beaches of Northern California!
spent the weekend with my daughters before the end of their winter break
I played with the horses.
nothing too exciting, normal family fun 🙂
Cleaned the house.
I did some shopping.
shared on FB:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=283845161671740&id=100002433695748
Me recently moved to Florida so we did some sight seeing since we had some nice weather 🙂
thanks for everything you do!
Me, My husband and his Army buddy went to Buffalo Wild Wings where i ate more then both of them.
My daughter and grandson were in a car accident (they are ok), so its been pretty hectic around here! 🙁
I went to my mom’s to eat. Took my fam and had a good time.
I subscribe to your e-mails.
Shared on FB
link to facebook share
Started clipping coupons!
I had an amazing weekend with my new husband. 🙂
I didn’t end up doing anything very exciting. I did get to watch a number of movies and tv programs though.!/Balerie.Brown shared on facebook
Cleaned and Laundry. and dont know how to post a link but I shared,
played on my computer most of the weekend and cleaned and ran my kids around lol
Took down Christmas decorations and went grocery shopping, that’s about it.
I did NOTHING this weekend! Ty! (my life is pretty boring!)
Didn’t do a whole lot of anything, cleaned up the yard a bit Saturday and watched football Sunday 🙂
cleaned house
Nothing too exciting – kids had soccer games yesterday and then we did some cleaning and organizing, today we had a family dinner with my mom and sister.
my facebook share link –
I didnt do a single thing, got laundry caught up!!!! Hey thats a good thing right?
nothing did coupons this sunday
I did nothing big I’m Reading a Great Series by Maggie Shayne most of the time lately that will be what I’m Doing.
Went to a “dino dig” for my 2 & 3 yr old at the local science center. 🙂
took my fam to my mom’s to eat.. had a good time. then clipped 4 of each insert from today. TIRED!
I went to a BBQ at family’s and my inlaws were in town!
stayed home and played on the computer lol
I worked and took care of my 2 beautiful girls 🙂
What a nice thing to do. 🙂
Had my last chemo treatment! Yippee for me! Thanks for this opportunity to win the agc.
Watched the NFL playoffs 🙂
i was sick all weekend so i just laid around haha
This weekend I went with my fiance to meet up with some people that he hadn’t seen in 12 years but other than that we didn’t do anything special.
The link to the FB post is (there was nowhere to put it in the Rafflecopter form).
We cleaned all weekend.
I stayed home with my kids and played Just Dance 3 and Smurf Dance Party on Wii with the 2 of them.
Went to my father-in-law’s belated Christmas/New Years party today.
I went shopping and took the kids to the park…
Link to sharing the Giveaway:)
We did not do much this weekend. It was a Lazy weekend. We Did see Chipwrecked. It was funny and my 2 girls Loved it!<3 Thank you for the Awesome Giveaway!:)
Stayed home and cleaned some.
Nope…nothing extremely exciting…just spent some awesome quality time with Hubbie and the kiddo’s! Great Auction…Thank You for the Opportunity!
Went to visit my sister at college with my mom and other sister!
The giveaway is shared on my facebook page:
Church and family time!
I went on a date with my daughter today
Shopped for birthday supplies and enjoyed church with family.
This weekend I went to a basketball game with some girlfriends, had dinner, then went to a lounge. Girls Night Out!
Went out to dinner last night with my husband for our 14th anniversary!! 🙂
This weekend I spent time with my family and had a big get together at my sister-in-law’s house for my mother-in-law
Had a pizza party before the kids go back to school tomorrow at a friends house!
This weekend I discovered someone STOLE the stereo out of one of my cars … must’ve happened when I was away for xmas.
not a whole lot, went to son’s basketball and just spent some fun time with family
shared on my facebook page
I just relaxed this weekend.
Painted my bathroom remodeld and put new flooring down… Had my girls they did such a wonderful job helping us paint
I slept most of the time and I go back to school tomorrow so I was getting in my last lazy weekend!
Love Amazon giveaways.
Entered sweeps while recovering from the flu
oh and had a date with my 6 yr old son- alone time. Took me to dinner. What a sweetie!
This weekend, I went to the Centennial Parade in Las Cruces, NM – celebrating NM’s 100 years of statehood. Other than that, I’ve been going through my closet deciding what clothes I can part with. I think my clothes multiply when I’m not looking!
i cleaned the house
We took down the rest of our christmas lights this weekend.
I did absolutely nothing exciting this weekend. I didn’t even leave my house, and I enjoyed every minute of it 🙂
Shared on Facebook.
My daughter and i did some clearance shopping with Christmas money. Great time.
Took my Daughter back to college!!!! Miss her already:O(
nope same ole thing
thank you!
I read a couple books…wrote my paper for my class. Nothing to exciting 😀