I hope you are all enjoying these Flash giveaways as much as I am!! I loving giving back to my readers 🙂
Tonight’s flash giveaway is a $70 Starbucks gift package!!!
It includes: a 10 oz. Official Starbucks® Ceramic mug, a 16oz. Stainless Steel Starbucks® Tumbler, Assorted Starbucks Selects® cookies (Choc Chip and Triple Choc Bliss!), four bags of assorted flavors of Starbucks® coffee, with twenty four servings of assorted Tazo® Teas packed in a Starbucks® gift box, AND a personalized message card!
If you are interested in snagging one,  you can head over here and get it for just $41.40,  you can head over here and use the promo code FABULOUS!   If you haven’t already — sign up with Plum District here first — confirm your email and you will receive a $5 credit!! That would make this package just $36.10 🙂
ONE lucky reader will win this package tonight! Â Just enter using the Rafflecopter below.
I did everything to enter! I was already signed up with No More Rack. This is the best deal I have seen today!
I already have an account with No More Rack
i’m already signed up 🙂 through email shaysmom.mm@gmail.com
already signed up for no more rack
The lalaloopsy dolls for 11-14 bucks 🙂 great deal!!
Love Starbucks coffee
My favorite deal has been the Target deal right now on Plum District!
playschool had some good deals
favorite deal is the lalaloopsys on amazon
my favorite deal has been the target and restaurant.com gift card deal on plum district!
I want to win
shared on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000203296188
My favorite deal of the week was the Bluetooth headset for free after rebate-
my favorite deal of the weeks is the Glade candle from target
I was already a NO More Rack member
All the deals on Amazon this week are amazing!
Already nonamerack member
I’m already signed up with nomorerack!! It’s a great website!! And this is my blog comment too!! Lol
Just scored new fleece pants at JCPenny for $2.99. On sale for $12.99 and used a $10 off $10 purchase
LOVE me some *$$
I’d love to win
My favorite deal is the Tangled DVD for $10.49
Already signed up for no more rack
already signed up for no more rack
just picked up the target + restaurant.com deal.. thanks!
Haven’t had time to look at all the deals of the day. My favorite deal of the week has been the Oral B professional toothbrush on Amazon for $9.99 after rebate!
My favorite deal this week was the Leappads that were back in stock!
already siged up with NMR ,love the plum deal!
already signed up to NMR BTW I sub via email with (nikle714 at yahoo dot com)
the target deals and the vtech are my favorites… No More Rack wont let me subscribe I got an email I have to many accounts sorry.
I shared on FB https://www.facebook.com/tgreenacreficher/posts/282132001832831
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
already a member of NOMORERACK
9.00 olay basket from Walmart with 9.99 MIR
I loved the sale on Xbox games at Amazon. We bought three thanks to your post, yeah and thanks. We also bought the xbox w/ kinect and I hope the games will still be on sale and in stock when the $80 credit comes in
Already signed up with NMR
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am already signed up with No More Rack. My favorite deal of the week was at Threadless.com, they were selling their t-shirts for $10! I got 3 for gifts and I’m super excited about them! 🙂
JCpenny character pj’s
The baby alive dolls for 4.99 today on Amazon
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
love the deal!!
i love giveaways
Sounds like a great flash giveaway! Love Starbucks!!
I am already registered for NMR
Awesome giveaway thanks!
Oh favorite deal of the week was the twin babies I bought yesterday on Amazon!
I love this giveaway, I have already signed up for NoMoreRack with knoxchick2007@yahoo.com
Glade candle from target
Target Glade Deal!
All signed up with No More Rack.
I am already signed up with No More Rack.
liked, shared, already belong to no more rack
The VS cards have by far been my FAVORITE deal this week.
Wow, hard to say what the best deal is. I did get a good dea at Kohl’s.
I am already a member of no more rack and confirmed though email. I think the best deal of the day is the Starbucks deal
already signed up with nomorerack
Already signed up with Nomorerack!! Love them by the way!! The VS card was my favorite this week!!!
the best deals are the amazon deals
Deal of the week was some dvd’s I got for $3.00
VS rewards cards.
I am already signed up for NoMoreRack…the VS was my favorite…got my sister’s Christmas gift with it (although I am enjoying all of them)! Thank you!
I am already signed up for NoMoreRack…the Victoria Secret was my favorite…got my sister’s Christmas gift with it (although I am enjoying all of them)! I don’t do Twitter, sorry Thank you!
Already signed up with no more rack.
1/2 Price DInosaur Train Mega Blocks on Amazon!
Target and restaurant gift card deal 🙂
I am already a member of NoRack
Was already signed up for NoMoreRack. I can’t pick a favorite deal!
I am already subscribed to you. 😀
There wasn’t a link to share it directly from this post. So I shared the fb status link on my fb wall.
Tangled DVD at 10.49 – I’ve been waiting for it till it came on sale!
FREE Perfectly Posh Lip Gloss Sample
I already signed up for NoMoreRack. This is my favorite dael my husband loves this stuff.
My favorite deal of the week was the Victoria’s Secret rewards cards.
I love Starbucks! However, I still have to say that I got the best deal from Victoria’s Secret! I even told family members about it and I think that 5 other family members got the Victoria’s Rewards Card! 🙂
Today I picked up my crayolo stuff from toy r us and I only paid 1.39 for 26 worth of products.
shared http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=259042964160206&id=1255202839
favorite deal is def the crayola one! thanks for sharing!
Already signed up with NMR
Fave deal was the ProNutrients at CVS!
was already a NOMORERACK member
My fav deal of the week was the Jou Jou Suede Leather Fur Hooded Coats on Amazon marked down from $104 to only $15!! Can’t wait to get mine in the mail!
Aside from that, THIS one Is my fav b/c I’m a Starbucks hound! There is one just a block & a half from my house 😉
I am already signed up for no more rack. If I win I would give this to my mom.
Target’s Glade moneymaker.. my house smells so good!!!!!
I’m already a member of no more rack (smlionlamb@gmail.com)
The rafflecopter isn’t working?
i am already signed up with no more rack. my fav deal is on amazon, happy nappers for 7.99
loved hearing about the no more rack insanity deals being back again – woo hoo!
Already signed up with no more rack!
I am already a member of No More Rack 😀
Best deal was crayola color and sing!!!! AMAZON down from 32.99 to 8-56!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the link to my post that I shared on Facebook.
The Victoria Secret deal!
I left out the best deal of the week…I love all the victoria’s secret stuff!!
Already a no more rack member
My favorite deal of the day was the Victoria Secret reward card ( I got $10)
I have already signed up with Norack.
I was already signed up for No More Rack 🙂
amazon lego camera $25~
shared on facebook https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=304934366213524&id=100001451978613
I am already signed up with No More Rack. And the best deal I have seen is: Get a $25 Target GC & A $50 Restaurant.com voucher for $17.50. That is with the new $5 credit and the 10% discount.
Link to my FB Share:
My favorite deal was my grocery bill….my total was 200.00 before cupons and after coupons my bill was 95.00 🙂
I work nights, so I seriously need some Starbucks!
was already signed up with NoMoreRack and email is confirmed 🙂
I already have signed up with a No More Rack.
Favorite deal was the Xbox Kinect bundle I got w/a bonus game from Target w/GC and received a bonus GF for buying it!! 🙂
Will definitely put this to good use!
Fav deal of the week was the Victoria’s Secret rewards cards!
I was already signed up for NoMoreRack.
I did everything to enter! I was already signed up with No More Rack Thanks
I didn’t everything and was already signed up w/ nomorerack and my favorite deal was the leappad being in stock 🙂
Favorite deal was how to spend the VS reward cards!!!
My favorite deal was the Target & Restaurant.com Gift Cards
Im already signed up for NoMoreRack 🙂
Glade Candle deal from Target!!!
nomoreracks, i added them a long time ago.
My fav deal is the bluetooth free, I needed one bad!
I loved the target deal from earlier today! That was great!
My great deal this week was for Chicken patties that retail for $3.49-I got them for .99 cents a package.
My favorite deal of the week… I only bought the Crayola Super Hero Squad deal at Walmart. I didn’t need to buy anything else this week. 🙂
I would love to win the Starbucks giveaway!!!! Love Love Love Starbucks!!!! Thanks for this chance to win such an awesome prize!!!! This would be a great Christmas gift to me!!!! LOL
Victoria Secrets was my favorite deal of the week.
I am already signed up with NoMoreRack…
Debi B
signed up email chialuv03 at yahoo dot com
I got 2 crayola packs and a box of crayons for $1.38, normally about $33.00
the wizard of oz dvd on amazon! i signed up via email with casey.lynn3 at hotmail dot com. already a member of no more rack
already signed up for no more rack
Lalaloopsy Doll
Already sign up with nomorack. My fave deal of the week was the compass combo with nomorack for jsut $2 shipping!
Amazon Tangled DVD!
I am already signed up with No More Rack and have confirmed by email.
restaurant.com deals are awesome!
My favorite deal was Baby Clothing on Totsy..paid with a voucher received last week from Plum District…=)
Debi B
Love this giveaway!!! I was already a member of NoMoreRack. M favorite deal so far in the past weeks was the Kohls Keurig deal!!!
I am already signed up for No More Rack. My favorite deal this week has been Plum District $75 in gift cards for $17.50. I wasn’t able to link you to my facebook share, but I did tag you in the share.
I would have to say my favorite deal of the week was the baby alive on amazon for 4.99!! They are super cute!!! Wish I was a kid again!!! Hahahaha
Signed up no more rack
I already use Nomorerack 🙂
I like the lalaloopsy deals
I couldnt leave my facebook in the form so here it is
Nicole Carter
urban outfitters 20% off it was on your side bar how awesome!!
I would love to win this. It would be tough to decide whether to give it away or keep it! I accidentally entered the wrong tweet link, this is right. https://twitter.com/#!/ohjoy7/status/147532495611629568
Already signed up with no more rack..shared on facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000153802115&ref=tn_tnmn facebook name is danielle grady..twitter name is proudmama2boyz..and my fave deal of the week is victoria secret..thank u!
My fave was the Victoria Secret gift card deal I won the $10 and got 2 pairs of clearance undies for freeeeeeeeee!
Nicole Carter
I did everything, here is my link to my shared post on FB https://www.facebook.com/krissey.perry and the best deal was Glade moneymaker coupon at target.http://coupons.target.com/
I am already signed up for No More Rack
Debi Booth
FLASH Giveaway! Win a $70 Starbucks Gift Package!! Ends at Midnight EST
By Wheel n Deal Mama, on December 15th, 2011
Shared on my FB wall!
shared on facebook!
i signed up via email driven873@hotmail.com
What a great give away -just in time for the Holidays!!
One of my many favorite deals was the Target moneymaker on the Glade candles. I love those candles!
already signed up through no more rack
I bought 3 tops at Walmart yesterday $5.00 each!!!
cordless phone and boots
my favorite deal of the week was the victorias secret rewards cards.. was actually able to buy for me instead of the kiddos.
My Facebook post http://www.facebook.com/hedwig78/posts/182847058478637
My fav was the Victoria Secret card as well. I won a $10 one. I also am a member at NMR.
shared on fb!
I already signed up on no more rack
I’m already a member of Nomorerack 🙂
Not sure if you meant my favorite Plum District deal??? It was Totsy – or this Starbucks deal — or Target!
kcoud33 at gmail dot com
My favorite was the Victoria Secret card
Favorite deal to me was the lalopsy dolls!! I was already signed up and confirmed to No More Rack
I did everything you asked, but I used another email address– magbuerger@gmail.com because my usual email doesn’t seem to be getting the email subscriptions. I really want to win, so I really wanted to confirm my sub to your emails…and to No More Rack (used my gmail address there, too.) Thanks you all you do!
My best deal this week was a battery charger & 4 batteries on Amazon for $10.00 shipped!
Already a member of nomorerack
getting 3 shirts at vs on clearance with free shipping and using the $10 reward i got
My favorite deal of the week was the $25 Target card and $50 Restaurant.com deal for $20 that I got from Plum.
my best deal was at kohls 30 percent off coupon today i used
I love the Starbucks Flash giveaway!
Thomas & Friends Lost on Misty Island Playset by Fisher-Price ONLY $27.99 (Regular $69.99)
Apply coupon code: NEXTORDER20 at checkout for 20% off.
*PLUS Remember you get $10 Kohl’s Cash for every $50 spent.
The best deal on nomorerack was the insane deal on ipad but i missed out on it it went fast
I already have signed up for No More Rack and received some awesome deals!
I already have a no more rack account
Best deal….charmin toilet paper
my favorite deal was victorias secret card for my ma
Already signed up with NMR:)
here is the link for facebook share
The deal of the week i found was just tonight!
$5.00 off the Kung Fu Panda 2 DVD, my 4 year old is in love with it! Great addition to his Christmas Presents!
I am already a member of NMR.
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
My favorite deal this week is the Webkinz. My kids LOVE them!
My best deal this week was winning the Victoria Secret $50.00 gift card!
already a memeber and the lallypollysy doll!
already a member:)
My favorite deal was getting a VS rewards card! I saved $10 on a gift that has become tradition, embarassing someone with a bag full of panties LOL
My favorite deal was the Amazon Lightning Deal: Leapster 2 for just $27.99.
fav deal is VS!
THIS is my favorite deal of the month! 🙂
The glad deal from Target.
Facebook link:
I’m already signed up for No More Rack, and I like all deals!!!
Thanks Sweetie.Im already signed up with NMR, and the best deal I got today was a free razor just a few minutes ago.. Benn a slow week for me on deals. Couldnt put this in the entry box. Its the link to my share.. 🙂
Fav deal would be the awesome deal I got on makeup from amazon!
favorite deal was glade at target
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I follow you on facebook, twitter.
the lego camera
I’m signed up to No More Rack. Awesome!!