I have another FLASH Giveaway for you tonight!!
This one is going to be a bit different as I am going to end it at 10:30pm EST so that whoever wins has a chance to use their rewards card for the FREE shipping at Victoria’s Secret!! (Ends tonight!) (Check out this deal here!)
Mandatory Entry:
The ONLY mandatory entry is that you sign up with Ebates! If you are already signed up — just comment letting me know that you are. If you are signing up now, comment and let me know that.
Like Wheel n Deal Mama on Facebook and comment that you have done so.
“Like” the blog post (button at the bottom of this post) and comment that you have done so.
Tweet about the giveaway and leave a comment with the link:
Enter to win a VS Secret Rewards Card from @Wheelndealmama!! Ends at 10:30pm EST!
At 10:30pm EST, I will use and draw a winner — winner will be announced right away so that they have the option of using the card while the free shipping is available!
Good luck!!!
Signed up with ebates 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
already signed up
I am already signed up, tyvm for the chance of a vs card! This is awesome! Happy holidays:)
signed up 🙂
I am signed up with ebates!
Already liked wheel n deal mama on facebook
Like Wheel N Deal on FB
I like you on FB. (I already signed up for Ebates. That’s what the first post should’ve said)
already like wheel and deal mama on fb
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I am already signed up with Ebates 🙂
I’m all signed up with Ebates!
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I already like Wheel n Deal Mama on Facebook 🙂
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I am aaf of wheel n deal mama
Already like wheel n deal momma on facebook
I’ve “Liked” the blog post.
I have an ebates accounts!!
Already signed up with ebates! 🙂
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Tweeted on @pigcastle
I liked this blog post 🙂
I already like you on facebook!!!%20Win%20a%20Victoria%27s%20Secret%20Rewards%20Card%20%28Amount%20unknown!%29&
I like your site on Facebook!!
I am already a memeber of ebates, for a couple months now 🙂
I am already signed up with Ebates
already signed up with ebates 🙂
I liked the post 🙂 tyvm for the chance:)
I am already signed up with ebates
already a member on
Already “love” you on fb!! 🙂
liked wheel and deal momma on facebook
Am already an Ebates member.
I also already follow you on Facebook! Love all the amazon deals and giveaways you post 🙂 It is my favorite gift site this year 🙂
I’ve tweeted about the giveaway! Here’s the link:!/SunKissedWen/status/147124644493791232
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liked the post!!
already like wheel and deal mama
follow on facebook
already signed up with ebates!
LIked the blog post 🙂
liked the blog post 🙂
signed up with ebates
Already liked wheel n deal mama on Facebook
liked the post
already signed up with ebates
already liked ur page on FB!
I am already a member of ebates love their site!
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i have ebates
Iam an ebates member!!
Liked wheel n deal momma on facebook.
i like you on fb
I am signed up on ebates, like you on facebook, and get email updates! Thanks for all the great deals!
Signed up with Ebates!
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I have signed up with ebates and I am also a fan of Wheel and Deal Mama
i am already a fan of you on facebook also! Love the site!!/Buhlissuh tweeted on twitter
Already signed up
Liked the post!
Already signed up with ebates – and about to go like you on FB! 🙂
already liked ur fb page
I liked you site
already like Wheel n Deal Mama on FB!
I like you on fb
I “liked” Wheel’n Deal Mama on FB!
liked the blog site
liked ur blog post
i already belong to ebates.
I also get email updates from you! thanks for the giveaway!
Liked the blog post!
I liked this post
Have an ebates account, like wheel n deal mama and liked this blog : )
Already signed up:-)
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I like Wheel n deal momma on Facebook
i already liked your facebook page Wheel n Deal Mama
I am already a member of ebates. Like you on facebook and thank you for posting all the great deals.
I like Wheel ‘n Deal Mama on FB:-)
Im already a member of Ebates
oh i soooo liked this post lol
Already signed up for ebates!
all singed up :o)
I “liked” this Blog post
and your page well already liked that
I’m already signed up with ebates.
Already signed up with Ebates.
Love your facebook
Already signed up for ebates. 🙂
Have an Ebates account, and like you on FB. Thanks
Already signed up!!
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already signed up for ebates!
Also, already like your FB page. Your website is AWESOME! Thanks for all you do!
I Like Wheel n Deal Mama on Facebook .
Already signed up with Ebates.
FB fan!
have already liked Wheel n Deal Mama on FB 🙂
Also tweeted on twitter page :!/smbesalke/status/147127165996122113
“Liked” the blog post.
I liked Wheel n Deal Mama on Facebook
Signed up for Ebates
Already signed up with ebates
I liked the blog post!
signed up with ebates already
I already liked you on facebook 🙂
Liked the blog (last step) wait to see my name as winner lol
GL to all
Liked the post!
liked the post
I tweeted about this giveaway!!/jacki1882/status/147127226582827008
This is an awesome giveaway!!!!
I’m signed up for Ebates.
Already liked wheel and deal mama on Facebook
I liked this post.
Just signed up for Ebates!!
and already liked your page man ive been wanting to win one of these cards but my computer wont let me it always says 200 users or somethin it makes me sad every mornin
I tweeted about this giveaway!!/jacki1882/status/147127226582827008
Already “liked” wheelndealmama on facebook
Hi! I am already signed up with ebates! Thank you soooo mcuh for this!
I already signed up with ebates
I like you on FB!
just “liked” the blog post :))
I Like you on facebook.
I like WnDM on FB
I lik ethe blog post!
I am signed up for ebates
Liked the blog post
I liked this post
I Liked the blog post.
I “Tweeted” about the giveaway.!/ohjoy7/status/147128072523612160
signed up for ebates theres some pretty cool deals on there
Signed up with ebates!
I like wheel n deal mama on facebook
Just signed up for ebates
I “liked” Wheel’n Deal Mama on FB!
(Already) Like on Facebook
I signed up with ebates today!
Signed up with ebates!
Liked the blog
Already signed up for Ebates!
I am already signed up with Ebates.
Liked the blog post!
I liked the blog post
Like Wheel and Deal Mama on FB
Already love you on facebook
Liked blog post! 😉
already signed up
I like this post
I liked Wheeelndealmama on Facebook
I am already signed up for ebates!
I a big fan on FB. Love all the deals you post!!/DanaDearbaugh/status/147129507541819392
I like you on facebook!
i like wheel and deal mamma on facebook <3
I liked the blog post!
WooHoo!! I haven’t been able to score a VS card. Cool giveaway. Already signed up with Ebates!! Thank you!!!
already sighed up with ebates,already liked of facebook:)
I tweeted!!/KATIES6719
I like this blog post
I tweeted this giveaway and here is the tweet.!/JewelWood/status/147130034338013187
I am already signed up with ebates
Haven’t signed up with ebates yet, going to right after I leave this comment! 🙂
I follow you on facebook! 🙂
Love to win! Liked and going to tweet soon!
also already signed up with ebates.
I have already been with ebates since 2009
I have already liked you on Facebook
I “liked” this blog
Liked the post. Liked on FB already. Signed up to ebates already. Tweeted it! 🙂!/labellacaramela/status/147131214300590080
I tweeted about this
already signed up
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I am already an ebates user
liked the blog post!!!
I tweeted it!!!/jaderobinson/status/147132995185295362
I already like you on facebook
I am already signed up with Ebates 🙂
I have an ebates account
I already “Like” Wheelndealmama on Facebook
I “Liked” the blog post
I am already on ebates
I like you on Facebook
(Angela brown-Barrett)
Tweeted it!!/hedwig78/status/147134063868776450 🙂
I am your fan on fb!
liked the blog post
I “liked” the blog post!
Already signed up.!/Candeland/status/147135822506893314
Like Wheel n Deal Mama on Facebook (only cuz there is no “Love” option)
“Like” the blog post …again ‘cuz there’s no “love” button on Facebook. 🙂
Flash Giveaway!! Win a Victoria’s Secret Rewards Card (Amount unknown!)…
I tweeted (copying screwed up :-/) twitter name angelabmommato3
Signed up 🙂
I am already signed up with ebates.
im a member<3
Already signed up for ebates 🙂 Happy Holidays!!!
i like you on facebook
I’m already on ebates! 🙂
already a member of ebates
I signed up for EBates!
I like wheel n deal mama on facebook
I like Wheel and Deal Mama on Facebook!
I just signed up with Ebates!
liked the blog post and the page!!!!
I liked this post
Already a member!
I “liked” this blog post 🙂
I already like you on Facebook!
I am already signed up with Ebates:)
already signed up with ebates
Already sign up with Beatles and I love the hard work you do to bring us daily deals!
I liked the blog post!
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Tweeted this!
I like you on Facebook:)
liked the blog post
I liked the post
I tweeted abt the giveaway!!/proudmama2boyz/status/147138480366039040
I am already signed up with Ebates
I am already signed up on Ebates.
Already on Ebates 🙂
I like you on facebook.
I like Wheeln deal mama on facebook
Already like you on facebook 🙂
I liked the blog post.
Liked the post ofcourse!
I liked the blog post
I’m already signed up with Ebates 🙂
i am signed up for ebates
i liked the blog post
i already like wheel n deal mama
and i tweeted too!! here is the link:!/mykidsrmyworld1/status/147139281989804033
already signed up for ebates
already a member of ebates
signed up with ebates
liked blog post
i liked the blog post
like Wheel n deal mama on facebook
liked wheelndealmama facebook
liked facebook page!
Just signed up for Ebates
I already followed wheel n deal mama
Liked blog post!
already liked u 🙂
I liked on facebook! 🙂
already an ebates member
Liked the blog post
I followed wheel n deal mama already
Signed up for ebates.!/MeganBennett20/status/147140351671533569
I already signed up for ebates.
I liked the blog post!
Already with ebates!
Already “like” you on facebook too 🙂
Already signed up!!!/HollyManthey/status/147141415988764672
I tweeted! 🙂 That phrase will never sound normal to me…..
signed up with ebates
Like on facebook
Already with e bates!
I like wheel n deal mama!
I liked the blog post too!
I tweeted!/kaye52/status/147142811932835840
Signed up for e-bates.
Already signed up!
Already like WnD Mama on FB
i liked wheel N deal on Fb
Already signed up!
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already signed up with ebates
like on facebook
i signed up for ebates
I like this blog post
I signed up!
liked blog
I tweeted….!/Saratina8/status/147145720024141825
Already signed up with Ebates! Thanks!:)
I like you on fb! Thank you!
I liked the blog post!
I like you on facebook!
I like the blog post
I liked Wheel and Deal Mama on Facebook
I liked the blog post
I just signed up with ebates!!!
I just signed up with ebates!!!
Already an Ebates member.
I liked Wheel ‘n Deal Mama
Already signed up with Ebates! Thanks
I liked the blog post!!!
Already a member of EBates.
Already liked wheel n deal mama on facebook
Signed u with ebates.
liked the blog post
Liked your blog post
already with ebates
already liked wheel n deal mama
liked the blog post
Hi…I shared the link and am already an ebates member! Thanks so much!
I also already “like” you on facebook and I liked the post…not on Twitter, sorry.
I already use ebates, I already follow you on facebook, I liked the post, and here is the twitter URL!/flrtnnurse/status/147152295463895040
I have an ebates account!
already signed up with ebates
I like you on Facebook! 🙂
I am already signed up with ebates.
I like you on facebook.
I’m already signed up with ebates
I liked the blog post
Like Wheel n Deal Mama on Facebook as Addison Kat
already follow you on facebook
“Like” the blog post as Addison Kat
tweet –!/AddieLuke/status/147154441823457280
I “liked” the post here!/CarriePrater
also tweeted for the first time but didn’t “get” link
I am already signed up with E-bates:)
I like Wheel N Deal Mama on FB
love ebates
already signed up with ebates, thanks
i tweeted, i’m already a member of ebates, and it won’t let me like the post it keep freezing up, i’m gonna keep trying though
ok liked the post and like you already on facebook