I am very excited to announce that I am hosting another $75 Sears Gift Card giveaway!
Yesterday, I posted about holiday recipes and included a family recipe for absolutely wonderful Cranberry Sauce. Check it out here.
Sears Hometown Stores, featured my posting on their blog and have given me a $75 gift card to give away to one of YOU!
Giveaway will end on December 30 at 10pm EST. Winner will be announced here and emailed (if provided). They will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn. Winner will be randomly generated using random.org.
Please note — each comment is ONE entry. If you are entering more than once you must leave a SEPARATE comment for each entry, otherwise you will not be credited for more than one entry.
Note: Do NOT use the “anonymous” setting to comment as I cannot track that back to anyone. If you do use anonymous and that is a the winning entry generated by random.org, it will be automatically disqualified unless you have an email addy or form of contact in the comment itself.
How to enter (you don’t have to do all to enter, each is its own separate entry):
1) Post a comment here letting me know what your favorite Holiday treat is.
2) Follow my blog here by email or Google connect and post a comment letting me know that you have.
3) Follow @WheelnDealMama and @SearsHTS on Facebook and RT the following (you can do this entry up to once a day, post a new comment for each entry):
I just entered to win a $75 Sears Gift Card with @Wheelndealmama courtesy of @SearsHTS. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/f20kCG
4) Like the Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores Facebook pages. Post a comment here that you have done so.
5) If you have a blog, steal my button from the side bar and link me to it in a comment here.
Good luck!
Comments are now CLOSED! Winner will be announced tomorrow, 12/31. Thanks to everyone who entered.
favorite holday treat is my father in law's homemeade cookies
Hot chocolate!
I'm a follower!
I like both facebook pages
I subscribe to your email.
My favorite holiday treat is eggnog and those little butter cookies that you can only buy at Christmas.
My favorite treat is eggnog, with a little splash of bourbon and nutmeg. 😉
And I follow you… on twitter and now email. 😀
Oh, like both FB pages too.
Dusted off my blog for you too… well, not FOR you per se, but because of you? 😀
I like Lindt Truffles very much!
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
I follow as bridgestranslation
bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com
My favorite holiday treat is my mom's Chocolate Parfait cookies Yum!
I follow your blog via email
I follow you/like you on FB
I follow Sears HRT on FB
I love gingerbread cookies.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your blog via email.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I follow you both on Twitter and tweeted:
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I like you both on Facebook – Mary Happymommy
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
My mother in laws. Patatoe chip cookies. Ohh so yummy!!!
Leip41@yahoo.com – Kari
I like both via Face book
My favorite is eggnog. I can't get enough of it!
I like wheelNDealmama on facebook
I follow wheelndealmama on email
I like Sears HTS on facebook
Russian Tea is my favorite!
Follow blog on here and email!
Like u both on fb
My favorite treat is eggnog..
I follow you on twitter.
I follow @SearsHTS on twitter.
I follow Wheel N Deal Mama on facebook.
I follow Sears Hometown Stores on facebook.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/paulamena1
I am email suscriber
peanut butter fudge
Email subscriber.
Like the Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores on Facebook. Karen Raider
I love gingerbread cookies the best.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I love, love, love homemade fudge! 🙂
Following you now on Google Connect!
Following you and Sears HTS on Twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/2ndheartmom/status/16544135645237249
My favorite holiday treat is baklava. I LOVE it, but it takes so long to make that I only do it once a year. And, it only takes a few minutes for it to disappear!
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
I follow both on Twitter & tweeted:
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
I'm a GFC follower
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com
My favorite holiday treat is the cinnamon sugar pecans. We only make them once a year. After a day of making them for friends and family and sampling we get so sick of them we have to wait until the next year for them. They get better every year. Such a fun giveaway – thank you for the chance to win! 🙂
tyson 2468 (at) charter (dot) net
Following via gfc (tyson2468)
Following both via twitter @HeidiHMc and tweeted! 🙂
Yum……sugar cookies
My favorite "treat" is something we make only on Christmas Day–grits with goat cheese and chives. It sounds weird but is absolutely spectacular!
first fav, holiday treat-choc chip cookies!
I am now a follower too-love your blog!
Like you on Facebook!
Another holiday favorite treat is those tortilla roll up thingies! Not a sweet treat but yummy nonetheless =)
Liked Sears on Facebook
Another favorite holiday treat that my girls LOVE for me to make is puppy chow. My older 2 DEVOUR it! However #3 has a nut allergy so I have to make hers without the pb, and #4 has a dairy allergy so hers has to be made w/out dairy chocolate! Lotta work, but well worth it for my cuties =)
Forgot to add my email address!!!
theperrans @ cox (dot) net
Favorite Treat is seeing my kids faces on Christmas morning. But if you are talking abotu food, it would be sausage balls!!
Best treat is chocolate fudge!
Maggie Wong
I love cookies
I follow your blog via Google connect 🙂
My favorite holiday treat is pumpkin cheesecake. Yum!
I must have peanut butter pie on my holiday table, must! 🙂
My favorite Christmas treat is having my family around the table…oh and raspberry chocolate cheesecake. 😀
I still love pumpkin pie. No one in my family likes it but me. If I don't get it around the holidays, then it's no available until next year
My favorite holiday treat – Christmas pudding.
favorite Christmas treat is egg nog
I receive your email
My favorite holiday treat is making a homemade gingerbread house with my best friend.
shared you on my facebook page
I like you on facebook
I subscribed via email.
I liked Wheel N Deal Mama & Sears HT on Facebook!
Posted on facebook just now!
My late Grandma's spritz cookie recipe with royal icing. I could eat cookies until I got sick, but it would be totally worth it. Yum.
I get so excited when we decorate our house for the holidays! My children are such a big help!
I follow you both on twitter and twitted this giveaway.
I like you both on facebook and posted this giveaway!
I subscribe to your daily emails!
My favorite Holiday treat is Muddy Buddies!
Haska…my mom and I used to make it along with homemade carmel corn every year…it's pretty time consuming though
just signed up to follow your blog through email!
….AND liked you and sears on FB!!
(Can you tell i REALLY would like to have this gift card? lol)
My favorite Holiday Treat is Chocolate oatmeal no bake cookies!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
My favorite treat is Homemade Chocolate pies.
I Like the Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores on Facebook
Hot chocolate! casagarber@live.com
favorite is French silk pie
I follow you and Sears HTS on FB
My favorite holiday treat is mississippi mud my mom makes them every year!
I LOVE plain ol sugar cookies. Can't go wrong with a classic. thanks! 🙂
happyleesh at gmail dot com
I follow via Google Reader (modern frugal momma/alicia) thanks!
happyleesh at gmail dot com
My favorite Holiday Treat is my Grandma's wreaths! She makes these out of Kelloggs special K cereal and marshmellows and green food coloring then she forms them into wreaths and adds redhots for decorations SOOO yummy!
I followed via Google Reader (DiscountCouponQueen) thanks!
Followed Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears on Twitter using my twitter account DisCouponQueen
Followed Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears on Facebook using my Facebook Account of Discount Coupon Queen
Added your button to my blog in our "Coupon Friends" section you can view it at http://discountcouponqueen.com/?page_id=784
Tweet 🙂
my favorite treat is egg nog
nclaudia25 at yahoo dot com
I Follow you on Google Friend Connect
nclaudia25 at yahoo dot com
I Follow @WheelnDealMama and @SearsHTS on twitter
nclaudia25 at yahoo dot com
I tweeted this giveaway
nclaudia25 at yahoo dot com
I Like Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores on Facebook
nclaudia25 at yahoo dot com
My Favorite Holiday treat is Country Ham!
My favorite holiday treat is my mom's fruit cup – somehow it tastes so much better when someone else has lovingly taken the time to cut up all that fruit ! Thanks! Suz – belauvibes (at) yahoo (dot) com
My favorite holiday treat is pecan pie!
I love pumpkin pie!!!
Thank you!
mrice1215 at gmail dot com
I love turtles (chocolate, pecas, and camrel)
Thank you!
siryodi at gmail dot com
Hershey kiss cookies are my favorite holiday snack!
My favorite holiday treat is a pumpkin roll.
Love nutroll with hot chocolate.
My favorite holiday treat is my mothers awesome homeade candy!!
follower of both on twitter
"like" on facebook for both pages as well 🙂 kasie salas
Am a follower on google. at couponingstealsndeals@gmail.com
But to get ahold of me my email addres iss proudtxmomof3@hotmail.com
I love all kinds of cookies, but truly my favorite holiday treat is turkey sandwiches made on Kings Hawaiian rolls. Yummm.
auntietina21 AT hotmail.com
Follower on Google Friend Connect
auntietina21 AT hotmail.com
My favorite holiday treat: SUGAR COOKIES!!! (Made from scratch!)
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
I follow your GFC as Doodle741
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/17064763867533312
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
I like you and Sears on facebook – Sara Phillips
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
daily tweet! 🙂
daily tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/17337475965919232
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
My favorite holiday treat is wheat thins with peanut butter dipped in chocolate:)
I follow your blog by email!
I follow both you and Sears on Twitter and tweeted this giveaway!
Posted on facebook again! 😉
Today's Tweet! : )
My favorite treat is Puppy CHow with Chex cereal.
Follow on GFC.
Twitter follower and tweeted. http://twitter.com/jen_r_horn/status/17594265530011648
Like both on Facebook.
jennifer horn
My absolute favorite holiday treat is peanut butter pie. I got the recipe from a friend about 5 years ago and it's been my fave ever since!!
I follow your blog via GFC 🙂
I follow @WheelnDealMama and @SearsHTS on Twitter and I tweeted 🙂 (@supremevision) http://twitter.com/#!/supremevision/status/17739343313506304
I Like both Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores Facebook pages–Katrice Supremevision Miller
Your button is on my sidebar 🙂
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/17758187918721024
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
Today's tweet! 🙂
daily tweet. http://twitter.com/jen_r_horn/status/17947413331316737
My fav holiday treat are frosted sugar cookies, mjjaegly@yahoo.com
My favorite holiday treat is Nana's Apple Cake. Yum!
I follow your blog via email.
I "Like" Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores Facebook Pages 🙂
I LOVE sugar cookies. Signifies the Christmas season imo.
I follow you on Twitter and liked you and Sears on FB.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/18142235216318467
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/18327781133787137
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
My favorite Holiday Treat is Cookies!!
My email is in my profile
GFC follower
Like the Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores Facebook
My mom's cookies…mailed to arrive on Christmas Eve! mlsteward(at)comcast(dot)net
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/18878630536941568
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
My favorite holiday treat is gingerbread cookies! 🙂
I follow on GFC via Twitter(same user name.)
I follow @WheelnDealMama and @SearsHTS on Twitter as "calidreamin87" & I tweeted:
I Like the Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores Facebook page.
My favorite treat is pecan pie. Thanks for the giveaway!
icefairyisme at gmail dot com
Like the Wheel N Deal Mama and Sears Hometown Stores Facebook pages (Bing Y)
Follow on GFC
Have your button on sidebar
Follow both and tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/luckytoddler/status/19101625511579648
My favorite treats are the Candy Cane Kisses! I Love them!!!
i follow you via feedburner
fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies with my daughter!
My favorite edible treat is homemade toffee. MMMmmm.
Shawneeh at yahoo.com
I love squash casserole! tracietrump@yahoo.com
GFC follower! tracietrump@yahoo.com
Like on FB! tracietrump@yahoo.com
my favorite is my mom's homemade chocolate fudge
thanks for the giveaway
like both on fb-Julie S Laws
follow blog jelaws5
My favorite holiday treat is rum balls.
I liked Wheel N Deal Mama on fb via Linda Lauber-Jones.
Chocolate Covered Cherries
tnxns09 at gmail dot com
chocolate crinkle cookies
chayateitle at yahoo dot com
Like you on Facebook.
Cyndie Norell
Like Sears HTS on FB.
Cyndie Norell
i suscribe to your emails
chayateitle at yahoo dot com
i follow you with gfc
Fave holiday treat is pecan divinity.
Cyndie Norell
Cyndie Norell
My favorite holiday treat isn't food at all. It's technological gadgets.
My favorite treat if Fruitcake. I know, I know. But it's true. Hope to win!
My favorite Holiday treats are Candy Canes and Gingerbread cookies
My favorite holiday treat is chocolate cake made by my MOM.
I follow your blog through GFC.
I follow @WheelnDealMama on facebook.
I follow SearsHTS on facebook.
I RT about this.
Follow @WheelnDealMama on twitter.
I follow @SearsHTS on twitter.
I love homemade carmels! The best!!
Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
I subscribe with google reader! Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
I tweeted! Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
I like you both on facebook. Thanks for entering me!
savingmama at live dot com
I love eggnog and cookies
My favorite is dark chocolate in any form…
Fav holiday treat would be gingerbread cookies. Decorated with almond flavored designs.
Liked you BOTH on Facebook
Facebook name: Johannah Brookwell
Following you both on Twitter, Tweeted here:
Twitter name: 1prizewinner
My favorite holiday treats are petit fours.
My favorite holiday treat is peanut butter blossoms… however, I only make them for Christmas thank goodness…
debbebennett at yahoo dot com
One of my favorite Holiday treats is fudge! 🙂
I follow as ACMommy on GFC! creedamy[at]yahoo[dot]com
My favorite holiday treat is coconut macaroons and sugar cookies made with my granddaughter.
Sugar cookies are my favorite holiday treat!
rawrms at gmail dot com
My favorite holiday treat is Oreo Truffles.. they are delicious! I only make them for family and friends one time a year so it's well worth it 🙂
Pumpkin Pie is my favorite holiday treat!
I follow you on google friend connect
I follow you and Sears on Twitter
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/19223630432960512
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
I am an email subscriber.
The sugar cookies:)
Thank you.
My grandfather always makes homemade pecan custard pie for Christmas which we love
I follow you on google friend connect
I follow you through email!!
My favorite holiday treat is peanut butter fudge. joycemlinek@yahoo.com
I get your e-mails.
I follow Wheel n Dea Mama and Sears HTS on fb and tweeted giveaway @joycemlinek.
I follow the wheel and deal mama on facebook
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
I am now following sears hometown store on facebook
I love holiday cookies any kind the more sprinkles the better! I hope I win!
Chocolate covered gummy bears! So much fun!
Butter cookies are my favorite holiday treat.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow your blog with GFC – janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love homemade chex mix. My hubby only makes it for the holidays 🙂
My favorite holiday treat is my grandma's cranberry & Walnut jello salad! So good! And we eat it every Christmas!
I follow on google connect (DaKaWa)
I like both on facebook!
My favorite holiday treat is Farmcrest Eggnog.
i love chocolate chip pumpkin bread!!!
My favorite Holiday treat is my MIL's chocolate almond bark, yum!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Laniedoula at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter as Momma2maxh
Laniedoula at gmail dot com
i now follow your blog through gmail!
My favorite holiday treat is gingerbread houses! 🙂
I also follow @SearsHTS on Twitter as Momma2maxh
Laniedoula at gmail dot com
I follow you through email!
I am a facebook fan!
I am following Sears on facebook 🙂
My tweet, Momma2maxh
I just entered to win a $75 Sears Gift Card with @Wheelndealmama courtesy of @SearsHTS. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/f20kCG
Laniedoula at gmail dot com
My fav is red velvet cake we had as dessert.
I follow you on google.
Favorite holiday treat: Eggnog!
Tweet! 🙂
Tweet for today:
My favorite holiday treat is anything sweet!! 🙂
daily tweet. http://twitter.com/jen_r_horn/status/19405906877874176
My favorite holiday treat is the peppermint pie from Baker's Square!
My favorite holiday treat is no bake cookies. Mmmmmm!
chocolate covered cherries are my fav
follow gfc
My favorite holiday treat is miniature pecan pie tarts me husband makes. It's his mom's recipe and we call them pixie pies!
Buckeye Balls are my favorite!
nikkigminder at gmail dot com
Email Subscriber!
nikkigminder at gmail dot com
Following both and tweeted http://twitter.com/justnikkig/status/19539441282449408
nikkigminder at gmail dot com
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/19469833569566720
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
I love christmas cookies 🙂
misaacmom at gmail dot com
new follower
My favorite treat is christmas cookies made of gingerbread
GFC follower
twitter follower and tweet
I like you both on FB
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
daily tweet. http://twitter.com/jen_r_horn/status/19760330758430720
My fav holiday treat is apricot Slovak cookies, mjjaegly@yahoo.com
Following both on twitter and tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/marilynjaegly/status/19761293447659520 mjjaegly@yahoo.com
Cut-out cookies!
Liked WheelnDealMama on facebook
I linked to your blog at yourcheapdate.blogspot.com
rockhound24 at YA hoo dot com
and my favorite holiday treat is fudge!
rockhound24 at YA hoo dot com
I like you on facebook 🙂
rockhound24 at YA hoo dot com
My favorite holiday treat is the Ginger Molasses cookies I make! Everyone loves them and they're so pretty too!
I'm a follower-I found you yesterday on the Tanga FB page!
My favorite holiday treat is Hot Chai Tea sipped by the fire. pamiamfree@yahoo.com
I Love to drink Hot chocolate during the holidays…
I follow you on GFC…
Posted on FB again!
egg nog is my favorite
egg nog is my favorite http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=581289936
Sweet potatoes!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
Eggnog is my favorite holiday treat.
My favorite treat is my mom's pumpkin pie!
I like both FB pages.
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/19954128495050753
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
I made some Italian cookies with Ricotta cheese for the first time this year and they were incredible! They will be standard holiday fare from now on.
Tweet:http://twitter.com/#!/marilynjaegly/status/20100020330045440 mjjaegly@yahoo.com
My favorite holiday treat is my mom's iced Christmas cookies…she makes them from scratch every year and they are awesome!! 🙂
Candy Canes are my favorite treat!
I "like" both wheelndealmama and the sear's homepage on facebook.
I like my Grandmother's home made banana bread!
daily tweet. http://twitter.com/jen_r_horn/status/20122526969495553
Tweet for today 12/29:
posted on FB again! 🙂
I love to have peppermint bark!
I follow GFC
I like you both on FB
Tweet! https://twitter.com/#!/Doodle741/status/20289506749976576
Favorite holiday treat Is pumpkin pie tons of whipped cream with it. Following you on Twitter and also Facebook to.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
My favorite holiday treat is cheesecake!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I follow with GFC!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I follow both on Twitter and tweeted!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I like both on FB!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I added your button!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
daily tweet. http://twitter.com/jen_r_horn/status/20483455766761473
My favorite is my mom's pumpkin pie
jsmith22114 at yahoo.
My favorite holiday treat is no bake cookies! DressedToKill718@aol.com
Tweet for today 12/30:
Haystacks would have to be my favorite~they are butterscotch chips and chow mein noodles. Easy and SO good!
I follow you through my Blogger feed!
I like you and Sears on FB (Mari Doug)
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
My favorite holiday treat is apple pie!
texastypeamom at gmail dot com
I follow you publicly via GFC – Kelly T
I'm a Facebook fan – Kelly T.
Button grabbed!
texastypeamom (at) gmail (dot) com
Facebooked it for the last time…fingers crossed!