Are you familiar with Educational Insights? I LOVE their toys — they are very educational and perfect for getting the kids interested in learning WHILE playing 🙂
In fact, I have a few of there toys in the house right now that I will have reviews and giveaways for in the new week!
That said, Educational Insights is working to get to 10,000 Facebook Fans by this weekend — they are almost there too!
They are graciously offering up a $50 Gift Card to ONE Wheel n Deal Mama reader! Sounds pretty good to me, will definitely help with Christmas Shopping.
The only mandatory entry is that you like Educational Insights on Facebook! — Be sure to let them know that Wheel n Deal Mama sent you too 🙂
(I was lucky enough to be provided with a $50 Educational Insights gift card for my time and promotion of this offer too!)
I like Educational Insights on Face Book.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the opportunity for us to enter:)