Melissa and Doug Toys are right up there on the top of the list when it comes to my favorite brand for the kids. They are excellent quality, plus they have some great educational toys.
With Summer starting, the kids LOVE playing outside and these awesome Sand Toys are the perfect accessory!
They have given my readers the opportunity to win a Sand Toy set!
Here is what is included in the set:
Seaside Sidekicks Sand Cupcake Set (Item 6431)
Seaside Sidekicks Sand Baking Set (Item 6432)
Clicker Crab Pail and Scoop (Item 6400)
Seaside Sidekicks Sand Molding Set (Item 6423)
This set has a value of almost $50!
All you have to do to enter is head over to the Melissa & Doug Facebook Page and let them know that I sent you. That is the only mandatory entry. Once you have done so (whether it was today or you already done that), come back here and fill in the below form!
If you would like additional entries (fill in the form a SEPARATE TIME for EACH entry):
Subscribe to the Wheel n Deal Mama Emails
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Share this giveaway with your friends on Facebook.
This giveaway will end Monday 6/13 at 11pm EST.
(Note: In return for the promotion on the Wheel n Deal Mama Blog, I am being provided with a Melissa & Doug Sand Toy set as well.)
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