Wow!! Here is a fun giveaway that you will want to enter! Head over here and sign up with Green Mommy. You can then enter the Green Mommy HUGE Summer Giveaway AND you will get offers for freebies from many green companies that they work with! Including Kashi and more!
Huge Summer Giveaway prizes include: a Nikon 1 Camera ($650 Retail Value), $500.00 in Seventh Generation Gift Cards, over $500 in gDiapers product packages & 2 Back to the Roots Grow Your Own Mushroom Garden Kits, and more! Total prizes valued at over $1500!
They will start randomly drawing winners Sept 12!
Sign up here with Green Mommy. Once you have entered your email you will be taken to the second page where you can click the little green link that says “Enter to win our Huge Summer Giveaway”
Good luck!!
Yay! Awesome stuff!!
this sounds awesome