Woohoo!!!! Are you signed up with Shop Your Way Rewards?! Are you signed up under me as your personal shopper yet?! Well right now when you sign up under me as your personal shopper you get $3 in FREE Shop Your Way Rewards points. Yup — 100% free just for signing up under me!!
Even if you are already signed up with Shop Your Way Rewards, you just go here and sign in to your account to connect your account under me as your personal shopper and you will get the points!
Well today only, Sears.com is offering up FREE shipping NO minimum with the promo code freeship. Once your points shop up in your Shop Your Way rewards account (shouldn’t take more than 20-30 minutes — sign out and back in), you can head over here to Sears.com and grab THREE candles shipped straight to your door FREE!!!
You can use your $3 on anything sitewide obviously! 🙂
this is nice that your off things when people don’t have any money for christmas