Nice!!! Pinecone just opened AGAIN!! People who were previously NOT being accepted are getting in— so apply now!
Yay! Pinecone Research is screening for applicants again!! Pinecone Research is AWESOME. I have been with them for probably 4 years now and they are one of the most regular and continuous when it comes to surveys.
The nice thing with this is that most surveys you do qualify for and EVERY survey is $3. Plus, you are entered into sweepstakes and can earn other rewards by regularly participating.
The thing with Pinecone Research though is that they are RARELY open for applicants — and recently have only been open to select demographics. Well I just got word that they are open right now again!! So hurry over and sign up while you can!
Not open for everyone. If you are a white male or female between 25-34, don’t bother, you don’t qualify.
I am a white female in the 18-24 range and I qualified, in case anyone reading this wonders
I used to get these surverys, but think I must be past the age they want or something. I never get anything anymore!
Thank you for this review. There are so many survey sites out there … and quite frankly most of them aren’t worth the effort. I appreciate that you’ve actually earned through this site. I’m off to check it out!
Sm Footprints
Not looking for white women in the 35-44 age range either, boo.
If you are female,caucasian and between 50-55…not qualified.
I’m 58 and I got accepted, I think. Just finished the email survey link and I received an ID and pin number. Just waiting for my 1st survey. Hoping I’m officially in! Thanks for posting the link! I used to be a member years ago and LOVED trying new stuff and the surveys too. They paid like clockwork and I never paid for my gas back in those days, thanks to their timely checks. My Mail lady was SO jealous LOL!
Wheel n Deal Mama ROCKS!!