Rarely do I voice frustrations, but this is something that you as readers can possibly help with so I figure I would give you a heads up.
Recent changes that Facebook has made, make it almost impossible for me to reach my followers. Some of you may have noticed that I do not appear as regularly in your news feed as I may have months ago. It isn’t that I am not posting as much.
Changes that have been implemented within Facebook have made it so the “reach” of my posts is all dependent on some mystery thing. You may have noticed several bloggers posting pictures and funny quotes on their page, or they hold “fan of the week” contests based on interaction on their facebook page, or request that you comment on their facebook page as an entry in a contest.
Well that is all in attempts to increase interaction on their Facebook Page, to raise their “talking about” number in hopes that it will make their posts more visible on your timeline again.
It’s quite frustrating when you have spent a lot of time and effort into building your fan base to then have to jump through hoops to even reach those people who have “liked” your page. Despite having over 23000 followers on Facebook a lot of the time I see a “reached” number of just a couple thousand (or less!!).
I don’t know if Facebook is making these numbers up or how they calculate it but they then offer you the option of “promoting” your post — ie. PAYING for your post to be seen by your followers. I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty ridiculous to me. I didn’t put in the time that I have building my blog up to then have to pay to reach people who already like my page.
Even then, it is just a PORTION of the followers.
One thing that you can do to help with this? Head over to the Wheel n Deal Mama Facebook Page and hover over the “Liked” button, a little drop down menu will appear — click on the “Show in Newsfeed” button to make sure that you do see my posts in your newsfeed.
If you click on that little button it should make it so that I regularly show up in your news feed and you won’t miss out on any HOT deals 🙂
Thanks for being a fan of the blog! I hope I have helped you save some money 🙂
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