MySurvey is one of my top 5 survey companies. You rapidly earn points which then = $$! 1500 points = $10. If you regularly do the surveys they send you, it adds up and you can redeem for cash rapidly!
It is something I like to do in the evenings when I am “winding down”, easy to do and earns me some extra cash 🙂 In fact, last year I was able to pay for most of my Christmas and Birthday presents with Survey money! You can too!
I have been looking for a new survey site to join, if the points add up quick, then this is for me. I am in another survey site and they hardly send me anything, so I can’t get points to add up to anything and I’ve been at it for a long time..It’s amazing that one can get so many points to redeem for so many gifts!
Thanks for the link! I am a member of a couple other survey sites, and there are so many out there, it can be overwhelming. So I look for ones that are recommended by other people and ones that actually pay off.