This giveaway has now ENDED. Winner will be announced shortly.
Everyone loves a good movie right?!
Well here’s a fun giveaway for a chance at winning a promo code good for TWO Fandango Movie tickets! Expires 4/2/2012. Worth a total of $24.
How to enter? ONLY Mandatory entry is that you leave me a comment on this blog post. ANY comment, make me laugh or leave me some random note!
I am about to head to bed so I will leave this giveaway open until 10am EST, 1/4. Good luck and please SHARE this post too 🙂
Winner will be announced tomorrow afternoon and will have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be picked.
Unfortunately for me Fandango isn’t worth a thing at our theatres 🙁 But it’s good at my son’s! Goode Night!
someluckydog at gmail dot com
Night, night sweet pea!!!
You mom ever say that?!
pick meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Love your page
just a stab in the dark for a chance night out with my hubby before he starts back to school!
Oooh, I think I’m first!
I don’t know what to say I’m so tired my daughter took a very late nap but I guess that’s a good thing or I would’ve missed this giveaway 🙂
Me love you long time? =p
I hope I win!! I would love to go to the movies with my husband. A night away from the kids…..that is what dreams are made of. lol
Woo movie tickets!
Thanks for the giveaway! 😉
Happy New Year!
Sleep well………………..!
Thank you for the chance!
Great thing for a date night away from the kids!!!
Good night dont let the bed bugs bite!
Love me some movie time. Thanks!!
So wishing I could sleep, but then again I would have missed this awesome chance! 🙂
Thanks for the Melissa and Doug Kitchen I won! My boys got it for Christmas and love it 🙂 Would love to go to the movies, haven’t gone in a very long time!
would be perfect for a date night with my hubs, lots of movies we would like to see
I don’t know any good jokes off top of my head, but I just want to say thank you for this giveaway! This would be awesome for a date night with the hubby!
Pick me!!! 😛
I would LOVE to win these tickets, especially with Beauty and the Beast coming to theater again.
I need an escape!! We’ve all been cooped up with strep throat for a week and the $$ spent on urgent care and antibiotics right after Christmas messed up the budget. This would be the perfect time for a win!! Thanks for the chance 🙂
Plus this would be a great date night with the hubby
Thanks for the chance 🙂
Hubby comes home on leave for a month at the end of Jan and our daughter wants a daddy date, I figured she can cook him a microwave meal and take him to a movie 🙂
Roses are red violets are blue If it wasnt for q’s I would have holes in my shoes !
I hope I win!! 🙂
Awesome, thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance… hubby and I haven’t had a date night in…..well, it’s been so long I can’t even remember, but I am sure it was before the 15 mo. old was born…lol. Sleep well:)
Goodnight and thanks for the last minute giveaway 🙂 sweet dreams
Thank you for everything you do for us! 😀
Please Please pick me I want to be able to take my daughter to the movies for her 5th Birthday she would be so thrilled to see Beauty and the Beast and this would totally make her Birthday!
I love reading all the deals while I’m at work!! Thanks for all you do!!
Sometimes it’s not so bad that my 2 year old goes to sleep late, would miss out on chances such as these. Thanks! Goodluck everyone!! 😉
Thanks for the chance to win:)
Me me me ok night night I go 🙂
Would be a great getaway for me and my hubbie. We never have just us time..:(
Thank you!! Sleep well!!
I would like to win this code for my brother in law and his wife. They were so kind to babysit our kids for NYE. It’d be nice to send them on a date night 🙂
Please, please, please pick me!!! 😀
Thank you for the chance to win, would make n awesome date night.
Shake your head and say whatever comes to the top.
Ooooooohhhhh date night with the hubby, or perhaps girls night out with my little princess??? Which do you think is cuter??? 😉
Night night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite! (Unless you don’t pick me… Bite away lol) 😉
Thanks for the giveaway!
Would love to win these…… pick me pick me. Lol
Really could use a date night. Have had 1 in 4 months, I think its due!
Bow chicka wow wowww!
we wonna movie nite……. my little girl said to say ” i wack my tail back n fourth, i wack my tail back n fourth” from shipwrecked cant wait to see it
These sure would make me feel better with all of the nasty sickness I’ve been fighting lately, and hubby and I never get to go out.. movies are so dang expensive!
I would love to force my boyfriend into a grown up movie! Im always stuck watching spongebob all day long….and then people wonder why both kids are obsessed with hi m! Its cuz its all daddy watches! I usually love my tivo…. And then it starts recording spongebob. I love spongebob and all but theres a line that needs to be drawn at some point where i say ENOUGH we are going to be big kids now and go see beauty and the beast 3d! (Which is a grown up movie becuz it came out when i was a kid and im a big girl now)
Thanks for all your help. I love your page. Thanks for the chance to win. I’d love to win :0)
Thanks for the chance. So mAny movies I want to see.
The last time I went to the movies I took my kids and my mom. At a quiet part in the movie my mom spilled popcorn and my daughter yelled “Aw, grandma spilled my popcorn!” and everyone turned and laughed.
Thank you!! We are celebrating our 14th anniversary this weekend. It would be awesome to follow up our dinner with a movie. 🙂
hope i win i havent been to the movies since my last son was born and that was 3 years ago
Any comment, huh?
Thanks for all the great deals you share! You’re one of my favorite bloggers!
I would love to win this to take our son to the movies for the first time!
Thank you for the chance!!
WOULD LOVE TO WIN TO USE THESE AS A DATE WITH MY DH! Havent gotten out since my baby was born!!!
Girl I wish I. Could make u laugh but with 2 kids that are still up at 1 30 am, my annoying arse hubby whom is off work for 2 weeks yay me and a headache I don’t think there is anything left! I just really need some me time. Forget the kids forget. The hubs ill go by myself =)
Hope you have an awesome New Year
Fun giveaway! I’m kid-movied-out after the long break! Would love this pair so hubby and I could go see an adult movie 🙂
My daughters 13th birthday id friday and she would love these! I will even have her take a picture of her elf ear!
OMG I didn’t mean “adult movie” as in x-rated….I meant no cartoons, and a plot for adults…like maybe a pg or even r rated movie!
I’m entering. but it’s been so long since I went to a movie. But here’s to a Happy new year to everyone and hope your holidays were the best 🙂
Yay! I want to go to the movies 🙂
Most likely the hubs will drag me to see the expendables 2- but movies out are rare enough it might be worth it! Lord knows he’s seen enough of my movies before we had kids!
Thanks for the chance at this giveaway..I need some mommy alone time..i use to escaps to the theaters all the time before number 2 was born:)
SWEET!! Pull my finger!!? :p
Love Fandango! Would make a nice mommy/son day while daddy is at his convention next week!
Would love an excuse for a date night with my dh – it’s been way too long since we had one sans kids!
Pick me..pretty pretty please.
I love going to the movies so this would be awesome to win – thanks for the chance!! Sleep tight!
Awesome!! I LOVE movie tickets!!!
Would love to win! Engaged on xmas eve and have yet to celebbrate… money is tight!
Wheel N Deal Mama, you’re the best! You help me save money and that’s a true test! Your postings are always a joy to read and in these tough times, that’s what we all need! So thanks for the coupons and giveaways too….keep wheelin and dealin, and burn rubber too!!:)
** A little rhyme for you**
You are very kind & generous to offer this opportunity to us. I would love the chance to go to a movie. Thanks again for your generosity! WIshing you a restful night!’s my man’s b-day tomorrow and I’d love to give this to him for his special day since I couldn’t get him much for his birthday!
awesome thanks! really need it!
Oh I totally hope I win..I just watched The Help..not nearly as good as the book so I need a new movie to take my mind off of it!! 😀
ty for the opportunity
thanks for the chance!
happ new year! thank u for everything u do and the great deals:)
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase,
just take the first step.”
–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Alarm went off on house and just finished search with moo-ing Fisher Price cow flashlight bc it was the only one I could find. Figured since I was up, might as well enter — and heck, I clearly can use a night out now!
Who goes to the movies ?!I dont remember what a movie theater is! hahah! Hope you sleep well
knock, knock, who’s there?
orange you glad i didn’t tell a corny joke 🙂
Love your site thanks so much for all you do
Can’t sleep and saw this giveaway on facebook. Figured, why not? It’s worth a shot. I like movies! Thanks!
If I win these.. then I can go to a movie on a regular night.. not discount movie nights…:)
would really want a night to get away from kids have not gone out in 8 months just had a baby
A pair if movie tix! I could finally take my hubby out on a movie date!
My Husband would sure love these!
WOW!! A lot of entries. How on earth do you just pick one? To who ever wins, I hope they have a great night out. Good luck everyone. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’m so jealous that you’re off to slumber land. I’m up reading some documents for work tomorrow…er…today, actually! :-/
I sure could use a comedy to help me recover from this work overload. *hint, hint* 😀
Ok, so why did the monkey fall out of the tree?….it died! Lol total randomness.
Would love to go to a grown up movie! I’m getting tired of my daugher’s Disney channel & my husband’s sports, lol
You know it’s late when instead of hotmail, you write hormail and get the giggles!
Off to bed now, nighty night!
Hope I win =)
Pick me so I don’t have have to pay for my ticket and so i can throw popcorn at my daughter on her dates to the movies just like years ago, to bad there us no balcony lol
Thanks for the chance!
I have 6 kids. I’d love a movie with just hubby and I!! Please, pretty please!!
Time for us to head to bed, nighty night!!! 🙂
Oi! How exciting! I do wanna see that new Dr Suess movie coming out:):)
Thanks for the giveaway, so many movies coming out that the hubby and I would like to see. Hope you have/had good dreams.
I want to see the new Dolly Parton movie SO badly!!
I want them!!! So there!! ; )
I would love a trip to the movies.
I would love to win.
I would love to take my son to a show
Up early – glad to caught this – been wanting to go to the movies
So glad a friend shared this post!!
Have not been to the movies in years!!
Love to treat my mom to a movie!!
Date night with my grandaughter
Thanks for all your hard work and the giveaway 🙂
“the only easy day was yesterday…..” Thanks for doing this giveaway HUGS!!
Thank you!!! You have the best giveaways! Here is a little chant:
Wheel n Deal mom I need those tickets badly
I have three little ones at home and need a getaway madly
If I can get a few hours to myself to spare
I won’t feel so much like a big bad mamma bear!!
Good morning; love to win
Fun giveaway
Thanks for all that you do for us and the opportunity to win:)
Good Morning! I would love to win those movie tickets! Hope you have a great day and a Happy New Year!
Here’s a morning joke for you…what does the girl fire-fly say to the other girl fire fly? You glow girl! Haaa..cheesy I know but good morning!
Oh this would be perfect for an upcoming date i have with me BFF!!
My husband and I can’t remember what the inside of a theater looks like.
I hope you and your family had a Happy New Year! May 2012 be a blessed year for you. Thank you for all that you do!
The expiration date for the tickets is my birthday 🙂
Love all the giveaways, makes 2012 look brighter everyday. 🙂
Thanks for the fun giveaway.
Oh goodness! I could possibly have a date with my hubby without 5 kids!!!
2012 look brighter everyday with giveaways. 🙂
Awesome page!
Just started reading your blog last week and you have me hooked! LOVE all the things you share (including the movie tickets)! : )
we love movies!!
just under the wire…kids want to see the Lorax!
Would love to win this for my daughters – I’ve been looking for work for months and this would be a great surprise for them! Thanks for all your giveaways and discounts, they are a real help at this time!
Good morning! Have a blessed day.
Pretty sure the last time I was at the movies was 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter.
We really wanna see some movies!
Great contest! Thanks 🙂
My husband and I are so in need of a date night without
the kids
I need a date. Please pick me. 3 kids, and a 4th on the way. 🙂
Would be a great treat for me and the hubby before I start nursing school next week. 🙂
Pick me please lol:)
What happened to expiring in April?????
The tickets expire in April — the giveaway was a quick one that ended this morning 🙂