I can’t believe it’s already Christmas again! This past year has FLOWN by and I can’t tell you enough how thankful I am to all of my readers, I love hearing how you are saving money and getting fantastic deals through couponing and finding the best deals on the Internet.
Today’s giveaway is the final of the 2 weeks of nightly giveaways I’ve been doing for the holiday season — I’ve really enjoyed them and I hope you have too! I only wish I could do MORE 🙂
As usual — we have to go out with a BANG right?! So today’s giveaway has EIGHT fantastic prizes and EIGHT winners!! Totaling over $450 in prizes!!!
Here is what is up for grabs:
1 – $155 Voucher to Indi Jeans for Custom Made Jeans
1 – $90 Pair of Winter Boots from Shoe Scandal
1 – $50 Amazon Gift Card
2 – $40 Inspired Silver Gift Vouchers
1 – Voucher for 2 Fandango Movie Tickets and a $10 Target Gift Card ($34 value)
2 – 2-packs of Fandango Movies Tickets ($24 value each)
There is ONE mandatory entry and that is to subscribe to the Wheel n Deal Mama daily emails — please be sure to confirm your subscription and know that I do verify that this is done when I pull the winners! 🙂
All other entries are optional.
Happy Holidays and Good luck!!
awesome!! 🙂 thanks!
the best deal i snagged this year….. tough one. maybe the $1 FB crockpot. FREE Kindle from NMR, or the Hautelook on PD to get 3 pairs of crocs for $5!
I already like nomorerack!
signed up previously and confirmed through email that I am a member of no more rack
I LOVE all the Victoria Secret deals you shared! Those were HOT!
the VS stuff…$25 for $100 worth of stuff
The best deal I got was cute $5 shoes from shoes.com!
shared on facebook…http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002379925160
I already have NMR
I was already signed up for no more rack.
I was already a member of No More Rack 🙂
Best deal Iv scored was hmm…..I think it was the free pet food 🙂
I think my best deal this year was a free wallet from DSW with coupons. 🙂
It was a 32 inch TV for only $199 for my hubby first Christmas gift I have been able to give him in years and I did it all with amazon credits earned heehee
The best deal I have grabbed all year was my free board games, Hasbro came out with $5.00 / 1 coupons and Big Lots had there sale for $5.00 for Hasbro board games, so I went to walmart and got over 25 board games for FREE!! :0) Helped me out for Christmas and I was able to donate alot!! :0)
The best deal I have snagged are the Android tablets for my kids for $75!
scored some good stuff on amazon 🙂 shared and I already am on nomorerack :)thank you
I was a member of no more rack previously. Thanks for the giveaway!
Best deal hands down is $189 32″inch TV I bought for my mom. No shipping, sent directly to her home, in time, HD, perfect!
Well, assuming it goes through without getting cancelled due to pricing issues, I got a drill on Amazon.com for only $8.89 shipped instead of the normal $220. If that gets cancelled, the best deal I got were the village accessories at Kohl’s they were 70% off Black Friday PLUS I got $45 in Kohl’s cash I used on Cyber Monday.
I was already member of No More Rack.
This is awesome! I hope I win!
i am signed up for nomorerack previously and i am confirmed through email
and my best deal this year was the victoria secret stuff :)) thanx
Still waiting
Already a member of nomorerack and I confirmed through email a while back.
The best deal I’ve found with the Kinects bundle for $99.
My best deal so far was getting 9 – $25 restaurant gift certificates from restaurant.com for $16.50. I see many date nights in our future!! 🙂
Got an awesome deal on a programmable Crockpot from Kohl’s and a great deal on Bath and Body Works stuff when I ordered and also got the VIP bag along with several free things within my order.
The best deal I have snagged all year is free Bath & Body Work products and just paid for the shipping! ;o)
The best deal I got was the day after Thanksgiving. I got a toy work bench and extra tools for my son at Toys R Us. I don’t remember exactly how much I paid, but I was extremely happy that it wasn’t full price!
Already signed up with No More Rack
I am already a confirmed member of Nomorerack.
Hmmm Probably the best deal I scored was a Nintendo 3d for my son thru QVC!
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
The best deal was a $60 necklace for $3.50.
I have already signed up with NMR
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I shared on FB https://www.facebook.com/tgreenacreficher/posts/309158989123777
Thank you
cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com
46 led tv for $400 🙂 yay!
Already signed up for NMR.
The best deal I have gotten this year had to be $60.00 worth of products at CS for $1.38.
The best deal I got all year was the 108 batteries I scored at sellout.woot for $23 that also came with codes for 3 free tickets to see Cars 2 in theaters. And now all the batteries are going to come in handy on Christmas 🙂
Shared on facebook
I am already a member of No More Rack 🙂
I shared on FB – https://www.facebook.com/ang3lr0cks/posts/326056574079432
already signed up on norack
Shared on FB – https://www.facebook.com/ang3lr0cks/posts/326056574079432
already signed up with nomorerack. Thanks 🙂
I am trying to think of what would be the best deal I got all year long – I live on deals, bargains, sales, etc. I cannot afford full price or even some sale prices. I got a really nice size package deal on some Twilight memorabilia on ebay this year! I love it!
All the amazon deals were bomb! Also loved the victorias secret and glade deals at Target. Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!! 🙂
The best deal i scored was an ipod for my daughter $149.00
Kettler Cars (Normally $160.00)that I bought for under $40 each (I got 2).
I shared on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/julie.lindseydavis
Already signed up for No More Rack
40 batteries for $2.08
The Julep nail was the best for me since i love nails
Also. I’m already signed up for no more rack
posted to my personal page: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=325059400851186&id=1251037843
Free Leappad on amazon. Thanks to stalking your page to let me know when it became available. 🙂
I was already signed up for nomorerack.com 🙂
On black Friday, I scored a $50 doll house, that was marked on sale for $20, for $9 🙂 can’t wait till my little one opens in on Christmas morning!!
I got Rockin Elmo for $12.11 at Target and a 3ds game for $6.99 and Wii games for $8.99 at Best Buy!
My favorite deals are all of the freebees I’ve managed to snag!
Had already signed up for nomore rack, My best deal was $106 of groceries for 33.80$ had 50$ worth of fee iga product coupons from winning a survey and alot of product coupons for the rest of groceries
Best deal I snagged this year was the buy 1 get 2 free Crayola items from Toys R Us. Paid for 24 ct crayons $1.34 and got 2 sets of Light Up markets ($14.99 each). I got $30 worth of free stuff per transaction. I did the deal 4 times so It was sweet for xmas!!!!!!!!!!!
The best deal I have gotten so far was the much coveted LaLaLoopsy crazy hair doll that my daughter wanted… you posted that it was back in stock, and on SALE for $36 and change… used my Discover miles and got it for FREE! 😀
My best deal was at Toyrus. I got Leapfrog Violet, Scout and Count and draw for all around $20. By it’s self the Count and Draw is $15 at WALMART.
Already signed up at NoMoreRack, and already subscribe to your email updates. 🙂
At Walmart, my total was $58 but only paid $4 + tax after coupons!
Already like NoMoreRack
Got a $90 pair of jeans for $22 bucks!
I signed up for No More Rack.
$40 for referring friends through Vitacost!
(Wouldn’t show link place for FB so here’s my share link : ) https://www.facebook.com/chaotic.eloquence/posts/135997279847238)
shared on my facebook page
Already get things from No More Rack.
And, the best deal I got this year? How about a $60 necklace at Kohl’s for less than $3!
the best deal I got was rush perfume for $9.99 and Shine perfume for $2.50 at CVS
thank you for the giveaway
a tablet for $59!!!!
Already a Nomorerack member
I am already a member of Nomorerack
The best deal I got was groceries…..$167 for only $4.85 🙂
Too many to name! $1 milk, free body wash, 7 cent napkins…the list is long!
Lots of Amazon deals like pillow pet dragon can’t remember the price, was low.
The best deal I got all year was $140 worth of items from Victoria’s Secret for $40 thanks to you!!!!
I purchased a whole basket full of stuff at target for $11.41
Already a member of No More Rack
Love you on Facebook
already signed up with no more rack
already signed up with NMR
The best deal for me was the KY jelly 🙂
great giveaway thanks
The best deal I got was getting a Leappad before they were sold out and starting going for upwards of 200 online~!
Shared on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1074356557
Already signed up for nomorerack and confirmed through email
Shared, entered and already a member at nomorerack and also signed up with daily emails:) Thank you for all you do and a very merry christmas to you and your family….
Best deal I got was a free leappad
The best deal I got all year was a nintendo 3ds for free.
Best deal I got this season so far was all the Amex gift cards from couponing at CVS!!!
shared on my wall on FB….https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=750730360
Dont have one yet 🙁
My best deal was $1 for $25 worth of Restaurant.com certificates…
My best deal was the Knex sets I bought for all the kids.
I already have NMR
I was already signed up on nomorerack through this email.
This is my fb link: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=265984320129166&id=100001528015555
The best deal I got all year was when I won a piece of mario batali cookware…
Winter coats and ski pants for my 2 young grandsons from Totsy for $24 was the best deal I found this year.
I got a FREE $50 voucher to Hautelook.com from Plum District using some existing credit and a 30% off code!
Shared on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1473475854
Already a member of NMR
My best deal was getting 2 cake-pop devices for $6 including shipping 🙂
The best deal got was 4 free scrubbing bubbles one step toilet cleaner kits.
I wasn’t very good at shopping sales. I did buy my husband some ties today that were on sale and I used an extra percentage off coupon. I waited until a certain fabric wasn’t on sale so I could use my 50% off coupon for 5 yards for a jacket lining.
Shared, signed up for emails and already a member of NOMORERACK. HAPPY HOLIDAYS 🙂
I got 2 bottles of Tide free from Amazon. Shared on FB https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=272418606140363&id=100002209168069
I got buy 2 get 1 free + 30% off nailpolish at a local store. Made gift exchange at work easy 🙂
I subscribed through e-mail.
already a member of NMR
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com
Best deal: lands end back pack and lunch box shipped for $13.
The best deal I got was a free iPad2 from Moolala.
already a member of nmr…the best deal was free grocery items that i normally would not buy…:)
already signed up to NMR
Best deal was the axe gel for $1.47 that I gave everyone for Christmas this year
Free dolls at target with coupons!
guess I was supposed to say my best deal separate so again it was the 10 axe gels I got for $1.47 each that became Christmas gifts
I already was a member of nomorerack and best deal this year was the maybeline makeup with coupon
https://www.facebook.com/amandad8388 posted on my facebook page
not sure how i’m suppose to post the link for sharing the post but here it is http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003275881062&sk=wall
Also already a member of Nomorerack lil_d3vi1112@yahoo.com
Best deal this year is definitely the Julep nail polish for $.01
http://www.facebook.com/mabruscato1 is where the link was shared. I was already part on NoMoreRack and the best deal I got was the Keurig at Kohls you shared around Thanksgiving with the various coupons to use on the one deal!
FB share link https://www.facebook.com/MySweepsLink/posts/312561872111177
I shared—https://www.facebook.com/chrystal.tucker/posts/158872254217202
free 100 office depot gc
OOPPPS! This is the link where I shared on fb—https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=260880943974748&id=630087392.
I am already signed up at No More Rack
The link to my fb share. 🙂
The best deal I got this year was “free” cover girl make-up using those $8 coupons and being on sale at CVS!
fb share
The best deal for me was probably getting 2 personalized coffee mugs with photos for $3 each.
The best deal I got all year – great deal on a 3DS for my son.
Also, I’m already signed up with nomorerack.
And my fb link is: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1445888291
The best deal I got was $30 reeboks that were originally $100
already a member of no more rack
Already a nmr member and follow you already =)
No great deals as of yet but I’ve been working on it.
I did win 2 small giveaways tho, one for Amazon Rain product and another for Markbeauty 🙂
so far i scored the $5 gift sets for dove =)
the best deal was the victoria’s secret rewards cards!!
FB share http://www.facebook.com/Allhoneyhere/posts/180713622026216
Already signed up with NoMoreRack and confirmed
I’m already signed up with No More Rack
The greatest deal I have gotten so far this year was $100 worth of merchandise for $20 from ecomom.com! A $50 voucher combined with their black Friday sale equaled amazing savings and Christmas gifts!
The best deal I got was our new Keurig during Kohl’s Thanksgiving sale with Kohls cashback on top of it all. 🙂
$1.66 for 1 Kung Zhu Over pass and 2 Kung Zhu Battle Arenas, shipped by Toys R’ Us :)during their Buy 1 Get 2 Free..
Here’s a link to my Facebook share: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wheelndealmama.com%2Fwheel-n-deal-holiday-extravaganza-giveaway-eight-winners-ends-midnight-1223-over-450-in-prizes%2F&h=eAQHdGopAAQED_hw9RwabS_WI2Ud6WkRBjwXCEeo6hDz4cQ
I’m already a member of No More Rack.
The best deal I’ve snagged so far has been the wii remote for eight bucks 🙂
I am brand new here tonight!!!
I am already a member of nomorerack 🙂
I shared the giveaway on my FB ~~~ http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=268901469829959&id=100002718139475
The best deal I got this year was all the giveaways I won. Because money is EXTREMELY tight this year, all the Christmas gifts I gave this year were from the giveaways I won. I have not been able to afford to purchase anything this year, so I am eternally grateful for these giveaways and the opportunity to win such awesome prizes!
the best deal so far for me as a new couponer is the 24 cent fun da middles ! already belong to no more rack. thank you
I shared this on my facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002290585936
The best deal I got was actually from a seller on Craigslist–we have a small apartment so we need a small christmas tree. I was able to get this lush, artificial 3 feet tree for $10! So thrilled.
And I’m already a NMR member.
mostly getting toothpaste for free and waiting for stuff to go on manager’s special at Kroger and got free stuff and cheap vitamins
The best deal I’ve gotten this year is either the $12 nail shields for free from savemore or the free Spanx socks (worth $10)!!
I got kinect censor for 99.99 from amazon.com
I would say one of my great deals was at Big5.
Thank you! I’ve gotten a ton of great deals thanks to you.
shared this on my facebook page.
I am already subscribed to no more rack and love it!
This is wonderful. Thanks so much.
Best deal i snagged all year was a very very low cost disney vacation!!!!
Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas
http://www.facebook.com/chrissieb/posts/268139763239103 My link on fb
$50 worth of items free from victoria’s secret
I just signed up with No More Rack!
The best deal is going to be the HP Laptop…I found the deal here thru a FB blogger..
I am going to buy a Kindle Fire with the GC that I got to Toys R us
This probably isn’t the best deal I’ve snagged all year, but it’s my most recent & I’m most excited about my new slippers from Victoria’s Secret that were $25 plus shipping & I snagged them for $7 shipped to my house! Love them!!
My best deal was the Discovery Kids Princess ten from No More Rack. Got it Free with my credits I saved. Been a member over a year. TY! for the giveaway
I am already a No More Rack member.
The best deal that I made in the last year was $87 dollars worth of groceries at Albertsons for $8 dollar!
the best deal was the victoria’s secret rewards cards
The best deal I scored this year would have to be the $220 worth of toys and beauty products I got from ecomom.com for just $40! My husband and mother-in-law had each snagged a $50 voucher from Plum District back in November, and gave them to me after getting fed up with EcoMom (they were having some website/stocking issues). Then, EcoMom had a Black Friday special where they took $40 off your order if you spent at least $100. So I created two orders, one for each voucher, each just over $100… and paid just $40 out-of-pocket! WIN! =)
I liked no more rack a long time ago
the VS stuff…$25 for $100 worth of stuff
i was already signed up for nomorerack but i did get a great deal on the leapster2 at toys r us on blackfriday $25!
I like no more rack
Best deal was-$25 smokey the fire truck
Already signed up with NoMoreRack and have been confirmed
My best deal was my Butterball Turkey Fryer from Amazon during their Lightning deals for $59.99, regular price $129.99
Already signed up for NoMorerack…
Debi B
I looooved the VS voucher and when used got the purfume and lip gloss free also….=)
debi B
Best deal was the Elf on the shelf for $17!!! and we have gotten our moneys worth out of it!!
I shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=293241817394962&id=100000818036857
I am already signed up with No More Rack!
I already have NMR account!
I would love to win!
I also ment to say the best deal I got this year was a Dora kitchen and an iPod touch for $120 total!
Shared on my FB page…
Debi Booth
Wheel ‘n Deal Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway! EIGHT winners!! Ends Midnight 12/23 (Over $450 in Prizes!)
Debi Booth
shared on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/claudia.smigel/posts/263316500396517
I subscribed to your daily emails.
I “Liked” the Blog Post.
I shared this giveaway on my Facebook page.
I “Liked” Wheelndealmama on Facebook.
I was already signed up (and confirmed) with No More Rack.
And here is my Blog Post Comment- the best deal I have gotten this year was on cloth diapers! Love them!
My best deal was the $100 worth of Victoria’s Secret for less that $25. Whoohoo!!
I am already a Fan on Facebook Claudia Maria Smigel
already a subscriber stores1957 st yahoo dot com
already have a NMR account
best deal i scored was the Hassbor Game
email used for daily emails is yobonks(at)gmail(dot)com
I paid $33 for a $160 winter coat.
Shared on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/yobonks/posts/2869791794244
My biggest deal was getting a Thomas The Train set in like bran new condition at Goodwill about three weeks ago!!!
best deal i scored were the android tablets!!
I’m already a member of NMR
already a fan on facebook, twitter and e-mail subscriber 🙂 also a member of nomorerack
awesome giveaway Thanks!
I am already a member of NMR!
I wish I can say I snagged a deal this year but I didn’t really do any shopping this year. I really hope I do tonight xmas shopping!
Shared on my FB page,,Already belong to No More Rack. Best deal Old Navy Cards
oops found how to post the shared page on here xD http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=330297140333025&id=100003275881062
thank you so much for the chance to win!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! 🙂
Kindle Touch for 15.82 at NMR:)
VS deal
I have been a NMR subscriber for a long time which is how I snagged that fabulous Kindle for such a cheap price!
Free items with coupons
just dance 3 $18.
Link to my FB share http://www.facebook.com/holly.hennessyswint/posts/277904552257635, I am already a member of NoMoreRack, Best deal was the $20 Groupon vouchers for Old Navy.
already signed up with no more rack
best deal all year is my sons remote control car for Christmas 🙂
This is one of the best deals.
Free chocolate, of course!!! 🙂
the best deal this year was definitely my free vitamix from the dr. oz giveaway!! thanks for the heads up on that one.
Already a no more rack member.
My best deal was the victorias secret $100 worth of stuff for $25 😉
fb share: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=236397849763527&id=100001681528724
already a no more rack member
best deal was on a laptops on bestbuy black friday sale
Already a nomorerack user. My best deals of the year is any item that is free after stacking my coupons 🙂
Already signed up with No More Rack.
Best deal of the year was the free prize from Duracell!
Hi Sweetie, im already signed up with NMR, and the link to my share is
Thanks so much Doll. 🙂
I can’t really pick a best deal! 🙂 I have gotten so many FREE items!! 🙂
best deal was bogo pogo for 59$ Thank you and Merry Christmas! Already signed with no more rack!
Thanks for a chance to win some awesome stuff!
I got a great deal on Legos through Amazon.
Well i got a free victoria secret perfume with the v.s. reward card
And my best deal this year was The Crayola buy one get 2 frees. 50 dollars worth of stuff for under $4.00!
I got a zhu zhu pet for $0.50 at Kmart.
I’m already subscribed to your email (for the 8 prize giveaway). Merry Christmas!!
Facebook Share: http://www.facebook.com/alicia.zirjacks/posts/327525530610393
10 foot HDMI cable for $1 shipped
The best deal I snagged was 2 boxes of Advil, hair ties, and a Salon Pas patch for less than a dollar including tax.
I have gotten a lot of great movie deals from Amazon.
love a good deal!
FB shared
Facebook share
Disneyland Kinect for $9.99 that was on sale for $19.99 and I had a $10 reward card.
The best deal I snagged this year would have to be the one I just got. It was for an iTunes gift card, $25 worth for $7.48 Woo-Hoo 😀
best deal was the two laptops we bought for our kiddos big present this Christmas, we scored them for $299 at hhgregg! WooHoo, they’re going to be SO excited!
the best thing i did was join plum district, groupon, and living social! I’ve got some free stuff with the sign up credit!
Already signed up for nomorerack and confirmed email!
already a nomorerack member
I am signed up and confirmed with nomore rack – was already signed up with email i left here 🙂
Subscribe to your newsletter!
Shared on Facebook
I won croc socks and they are the diabetic kinds. Love them.
I am already signed up with nomorerack
already signed up for No more rack… these insanity deals are killing me! i want to win one so badly!!!!
I am already signed up with nomorerack. I use the site all the time! 🙂
Legos through Amazon !! I got the bublee bee Kreo Transformer [the big one ] for $14 it’s $30 at walmart
already signed up w/ nomorerack. The best deal I have gotten is free beverages, free pizza;and money from rebates.
I am already subscribed to No More Rack. I think the best deal I got all year was a coat that was originally $160 and after coupons $40!
The best deal i have snagged all year would be…winning the tablet during the Dr. Oz promotion earlier this week! 🙂
i am already signed up with nomorerack
best deal i snagged was today actually scoring $25 allday paintball admission passes for $5 each
I am already signed up for nomorerack
Already signed up for nomorerack and love it.
The best deal i snagged all year was my son’s $5 sweater from old navy.
The best deal I got was the awesome $7 lipgloss with the gift card that I won from Victoria’s Secret! <3
already signed up
I shared on Facebook here is the link https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=154718714631404&id=100002907944118
I am already signed up with no more rack.
I’m already a member of nomorerack!
The best deal I have snagged so far would be 3 of nomoreracks insanity deals. I got a kindle for $17 and a Garmin for $24. then I got my cousin the PS3 for $26 on her account because she wasn’t fast enough to get one.
I am already signed up with NomoreRack
The best deal I’ve scored this year was the $1100 laptop I purchased for $400. Score 🙂
Its so hard to say what the best deal I have gotten is I have gotten alot of awesome Amazon deals
The best deal I’ve found all year was unmarked clearance at Target. Tons of tissues, nuts, legos, etc for 90$ off!
Also, the link to the FB post is here: http://wheelndealmama.com/wheel-n-deal-holiday-extravaganza-giveaway-eight-winners-ends-midnight-1223-over-450-in-prizes/
The best deal I’ve snagged all year was my sister’s Christmas present – a $99 diamond necklace for $5!
The best deal I got was a Kindle Fire for $90
already an email subscriber :)….my best deal was when Bath and Body Works was having a 75% off clearance sale and I got about $60 worth of stuff for $14
I had previously signed up for nomorerack and had confirmed through email 🙂 thanks for the chance!
I am already a member of nomorerack
my xoom tablet for $199. regular price was $679
then i found my son a panimage tablet (refurbished) for $59.99 with a warranty. so thats a good deal too
The best deal so far would have to be the Star Wars force trainer for my son at $19.99 when the original price was $130.
FB Share
I shared 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=221804257896502&id=1185691535
I was already signed up for nomorerack
Jeannie Eplion-Holley shared a link.
Wheel ‘n Deal Holiday Extravaganza Giveaway! EIGHT winners!! Ends Midnight 12/23 (Over $450 in Prize
The best deal I have got was the victorias secret free perfume and lipgloss with cami purchase 🙂
Signed up for No More Rack, was already a member.
I shared on facebook
Best deal I snagged was a $200. wool peacoat for $50. at Penney’s
Dual dvd set for 35 dls.
Best deal… becoming a swagbucks member bought alot of items from Amazon (Amazon mom), CVS for free using my rewards. I have a toddler so it has really been a lifesaver..wish I had learnt about it earlier!
I was already a member of nomorerack. Also, the best deal I’ve gotten all year… well, I suppose it would be when I changed from grocery shopping at Walmart to shopping at the local Aldi. My grocery bill went from roughly 300 for the inital trip to about 120! It was fabulous! I always shop there first, and then go to Walmart or Food Lion for the things Aldi doesn’t have.
Shared on facebook
The best deal I got was the Wii Udraw Studio with Spongebob game for $39.99.
Already no more rack member confirmed email
I got a free pair of jeans from Lee.
I got the fleece blanket @ york photo for 20.00
already signed up with nomorerack and confirmed
Also my best deal all year was the Christmas presents I bought on Amazon 🙂
Already a member of No More Rack. Don’t really have a good deal that I can brag about this year but next year is going to be so much different!!
I was already signed in for NoMoreRack
uDraw for $29.99, but got it for $19.99
Already a member of no more rack.
Best deal was my $10 griddle.
My best score…….well my favorite……my zoku quick pop maker I purchasedfrom opensky.com for 12.00!!! Can’t wait until christmas morning to open it 🙂
Best deal I snagged all year was $300 worth of SoftSoap for $7. The $2/2 were free except for sales tax. Signed up previously at NoMoreRack.
Already a member of nomorerack. 🙂