As you all know the Leap Frog LeapPad Learning Explorer has been out of stock everywhere this season, many have been lucky enough to snag one during the often brief periods of time they have come back in stock, but I know a few of you haven’t yet.
During my 2 weeks of giveaways before Christmas, I’ve decided that one lucky winner will get a the Green LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet!
This is a fast giveaway, ends tomorrow (12/19) night at midnight EST. Winner will be drawn tomorrow night and will have 24 hours to claim their prize. Guaranteed delivery by Friday, 12/23!
Use the rafflecopter below to enter the giveaway and please – SHARE this giveaway with your friends! 🙂
all done shopping, yeah
Not really looking for anything. I just keeping finding deals I can’t pass up!
already a member of nomorerack
I am done shopping for the kids, but for my husband I am still looking for a good deal on a Canon T3i.
Still looking and/or deciding between the Kindle Fire and the Nook Tablet for the hubby.
excellent giveaway, Happy Holidays
already signed up with no more rack
I’m done- broke and waayyy too many toys
I am almost done just need to get a couple DS games.
Already a member of No More Rack
i am still looking for a drum set for my 8 years old grandson
not looking most shopping wrapped up now
I am looking for something to store the huge box of Legos we found in a thrift store.
already signed up for no more rack, confirmed by email, even already made an order, yeah
Done shopping!! YAY!!
I am signed up already for No More Rack and Ebates
already a member of no more rack
All done! Finally! Woo and hoo!
XBOX 360 25 GB with kinect, toys for a 10 yr old boy, stocking stuffers, and footie pjs for myself and my son, 10 yrs old.
already a member of ebates
I need a rockstar Mickey, a leap pad or innotab and stocking stuffers.
looking for a paper jams guitar but will have to wait I guess, got him the drum instead. only guitar I found was pink with
I don’t have much money so I haven’t bought my kids anything yet. Hoping a miracle happens in the next week!
I am not really looking for anything in particular. Still have stocking stuffers left to buy.
Shopping all done, thank goodness.
I am already a member of No More Rack.
belong to nomorerack
I am done with shopping for the first time in a very long time 🙂
I’m already a member of no more rack.
I still have to get a couple nintendo ds games for my boys
PS already signed u with no more rack too. Oh, I also forgot I need a Nook Tablet for me, haha!
was already signed up with NMR
i’m looking for lots of money…lol
Im just looking for a few more great deals for my boys 🙂
i am already a member of no more rack and get their emails.
All done for the year!
Merry Christmas !
i am still looking for some rain boots for my son [he’s crazy about boots haha] and of course i really wanted to get a leap pad for him too but couldnt find it anywhere etc. thanks for this awesome giveaway!
let’s do this!!
Done shopping 🙂
Already signed up with NoMoreRack & Ebates!
Still looking for something for hubby, just not sure what yet. :/
Already a nomorerack member
I think I am done!!!!! (fingers crossed)
already signed up with nomorerack & ebates
I was already signed up for NMR:)
I am still trying to find the minnie mouse bike my daughter wanted!
I’m looking for a few little stocking stuffers for my son still.
I have been looking for leappad with no luck. Would love one for my nephew and stocking stuffers.
I am still looking for my FIL’s blender and some toys and things for my son
I am already signed up for no more rack.
I am almost done. i have a few more itmes for my 14 year old… if shes good that is and a bi gender 25dollar gift.
Already signed up for Nomorerack! Love that place!
a Tim Tebow Jersey for my husband
Looking for a PEACEFUL HAPPY CHRISTmas Day!!!!
i still need to get a kids camera
I need to just get my mom remote car started and i was already signed up with nomorerack!
already signed up for no more racks.
I am done Christmas shopping as I am out of money….lol
Just trying to find awesome things to put a smile on the face of my babies.
My main gift for my daughter. She’s difficult to shop for this year
Already signed up with Nomorerack
Merry Christmas!!! ♥♥♥
already signed up on NMR
I need alot of things, but hopefully the last thing I am able to get before Christmas is an OK video recorder for an 11 year old. So nothing really expensive but something that will last him!! Good luck everyone <3
I still have a couple of children to shop for and no idea what I’m looking for.
I am still looking for zelda skyward sword for the wii.
Looking for a green leappad
Not quite sure what I am looking for but I need to get something else for inlaws
I keep finding deals….thought I was done but I cant pass them up!
Just need a Leap Pad for my God Daughter. Thank you!
I have to find something extra special for my husband!
I have already signed up with No More Rack and Ebates. Thank you!
a smart phone for myself
Would love to win! Such a great learning tool for my 3 kiddies! Already joined Ebates and No More Rack
Thank you for all the AWESOME deals you bring us everyday!
Whoops….looking for a mp3 touch screen for my 6 year old. ipod is out the budget!
All done shopping, now to start wrapping!
Looking for a few more gifts for my children 🙂
All done my holiday shopping and can’t see spending over $100 on another item, but would love to still be able to give one of these to my daughter.
already signed up with no more it
Already sign up for no more racks email
No more racks email is dgrubbs62@yahoo, sorry
already signed up with ebates….
Just that something special for my husband…
actually still looking for the leappad explorer for my grandaughter . We asked our granddaughter if you can only get 1 thing what is it and she asked for leappad so she can do homework like aunt megan does… lol so far everyone is out of them but im still looking. and I’m already signed up for NMR . 🙂
Still looking for a gift for my mom
Moxie Girlz riding club horse! Other than that I think I am done.. hopefully anyway, need to pull it all out to organize and wrap!
BTW – I am subscribed via email but at this email not the facebook email, this new rafflecopter makes it confusing for me on enteries like that lol.
I am a member of No More Rack, I have been signed up for awhile now.
I would love to find a great new house that meets our needs at a low cost, but on to reality. I think I can settle for just a great priced train set for my girls.
Already sign up for ebates
Dianegrubs@gmail was email 🙂
I am already signed up with No More Rack!
Still looking for a few more things. Would love to find a Leap pad!
I would love one of these for my 2 year old… he would love it cause he loves our iPhones 🙂
I was already signed up with no more rack!
I am still looking for ideas on what I can get my parents. It’s so hard to buy for them, because dad goes out and buys what he wants all yr. LOL
I am already signed up to No More Rack. is my email. 🙂
already signed up for No More Rack
Still looking for a nice gift for my 3 boys to share together this would be perfect, 🙂
I would like to find another leappad for my youngest son, since he has now decided that that is what he wants for Christmas (his big brother asked for one too, and Santa already found him one).
I’d love to get a Fidjit but they are WAY too much right now.
I’m still looking for a bike for my oldest son!
I had given up on finding this for my daughter this year!!
Already signed up with No More Rack
Ty for the chance to win this! My nieces or my daughter would love this!
Signed up for nomore rack
I’m still looking for THIS ^ for my four year old, lol. And a gift for my husband. Outside of that I’ve well.
Already signed up with no more rack
I just have a few more little things to get, nothing in particular.
Almost done!!!!
Thanks for the chance at a LeapPad!! I was already a member of NoMoreRack and Ebates!
I’m already signed up with NoMoreRack (and have purchased both a fabulous Hello Kitty and Angry Birds iPhone case from them for FREE – and yes, I’m for real a grown-up, lol!!!).
already signed up with ebates and signed up with nomoreracks
i shared the giveaway i dont know how to give you the link
Already signed up with No More Rack
I am already signed up with No More Rack, and Ebates.
I still need to get my bf a fancy gaming mouse. Trying to rack up a little more opinion outpost credit 🙂
i need this one
Still looking for teacher gifts yet!
I am still looking for I have no idea what, for my husband. I was already signed up for no more rack.
I would def love to have a leappad for my three yr old and I need to get two DS for my older children and one more big gift for my baby.
Done shopping for the kids 🙂
I am already a member of No More Rack.
Already was signed up with Nomorerack and Ebates
I’m already signed up for no more rack and ebates as well and have confirmed through email for no more rack before.
Looking for a Baby Alive for my daughter
New member to
I am already a member of NoMoreRack and I have already confirmed 🙂
would love this for a gift to win on my birthday and anniversary would be great
Merry Christmas!
Already a member of Ebates 🙂
I am already a member of NMR and Ebates, almost done shopping just need a few little things.
im done trying to find things for christmas thank goodness.
* i have already signed up with ebates and nomorerack 🙂
I still have my five nephews to buy for and they are in middle school so its getting harder to buy for them!!
I’m already signed up with Nomorerack
All done!
I’m already signed up with Ebates since 2008, hoping I did the twitter thing right, first time doing that. thanks
Need to find something for my husband!!!
This leappad!! I hope I win.
Still need to get a gift certificate!
I think I’m all done, yay!
already a member of No More Rack
Still trying to find those last minute gifts for the in-laws 🙂
I have a few things left to buy
I signed up with nomorack a few weeks ago
I’ve had an account with ebates for a long time
I am already a member of no more rack and ebates. I am still looking for craft stuff for a little boy.
This would be amazing!
I signed up with No More Rack and confirmed today, didn’t know it exsisted!
I’m still looking for some things for my kiddos, just don’t know what to get. I guess I better get on that?
Already a member of nomorerack
Still looking for a jacket for my dad. Already signed up with no more rack and abates. My daughter would absolutely love it if I won… fingers crossed 🙂
Shoes for my kids and tools for my husband:)
Already a member of Ebates and No More Rack!!
i am not looking for anything else. I have only some baking to do and Christmas program at church with children. thanks for everything
I am already a member of nomorerack. love this site
Looking for something for my selfless neighbor.
Not really looking for anything else this season, but this would be a nice additional present to put under the tree for my 5 yr old.
All done shopping, thank goodness! beecasagrand at gmail dot com
I’m not looking for anything else this year. I lost sight that it’s not all about presents~
I am already a member of nomorerack 🙂
I’m still looking for a child’s Winter jacket and an inexpensive digital camera for a 12-yr-old.
Still trying to score an IPad on NOMORERACK insanity deals 🙁
I am already signed up with nomorerack–and confirmed. But now I will sign up with ebates.
I am already a member of nomorerack and ebates
Hey, ebates is really cool. I’m shopping now.
My Christmas list will be complete if I win this Leappad!!! Already aa member of ebates.
well, i thought i was done, but then my mom mentioned something about me getting my nephew a snowboard. guess i might have to look into that now.
already a member of no more rack
Already a member of ebates
i have previously signed up with no more rack and am confirmed because i receive their emails.
This is what i need! Good luck all!
Just about done. Hoping to score a leap pad for the after christmas birthday!
Promo code search
I hope this ends up being a great deal…My granddaughter wants one and could never find her one in time.
All done shopping!!!!
Im all done shopping!
already a NoMore Rack member!
I still need some stocking stuffers!
I was already signed up with nomorerack
Almost done with shopping. Almost. 🙂
Just signed up for nomorerack and confirmed.
I’m still looking for Monster High Skull Shores dolls for my daughter. I am signed up for no more rack and ebates. Thanks for the giveaway.
Already signed up with Ebates and NoMoreRack! I dont have a Twitter…I would love this for my 3 year old son so he can give me my iPad back! lol
Im already a member of nomorerack
I still can’t find a dadgum LeapPad!I’ve been searching local wal-marts and everywhere! As soon as I get that… I will be done with shopping!
Im still looking for stocking stuffers
Already signed up for nomorerack and twitter…
Barbie things.
I don’t tweet nor do I Twitter
I already enjoy ebates, but I’m no quitter
I’ll keep trying as often as I can
To win that LeapPad Learning tablet
How cool would that be, my granddaughter can finally have it….
I am all finished.
Hoping I win for my son!
Looking for a few toys & maybe this to give my youngest daughter 😉
I was already signed up through NOMORERACK
Just hoping to win this LeapPad for my beautiful Autistic grandson! I know he would LOVEEEE it!! Thanks for the chance!
Still looking for the leappad…
I am looking forward to my son opening his presents!! This will be the first year he will be able to open his own!! 🙂
Signed up and confirmed for No More Rack 🙂
Already signed up with no more rack.
I am pretty much all finished, although I still need to find another small gift for my dad and grandma. 🙂
I’m still looking for a couple things for my kids. Problem is, I just don’t know what I’m looking for!
For my daughter, I’d love to buy her some kind of learning toy. Money is low this year, so that won’t happen, but I’ve been keeping an eye out on the local yard sale pages. And I want a haircut! (:
I am only looking forward to spending time with my loved ones 🙂
Already a member of NoMoreRack and Ebates! And all I have left to get is a few presents for my boys…like a LeapPad! =)
I’m still looking for a LeapPad for my 4 year old and something for my hubby. I just haven’t figured out what yet!
Lost my job in September when Borders went under and all my twins want is a LeapPad. I saw them in September, but by the time I had money for one *POOF* they were gone everywhere! It would be AWESOME to win one! What a blessing! Thanks for doing this! Have a happy holiday!
Computerized sewing machine for me.
I’m still looking for an awesome deal on an iPad2!
I am not looking for anything else unless its an amazing deal
Already signed up with No more racks…. Confirmed!
Am signed up with No More Rack already!! & am done shopping!! 🙂 thanks for the giveaway
I was already signed up and confirmed.
I am already a member of NoMoreRack …?
Still looking for something for my dad and I have no idea what to get him 🙁
Already signed up for no more rack and ebates.
Already signed up with NoMoreRack 😉
Signed up for Ebates! 🙂
I’m signed up for No More Rack. Excited to try to catch an Insanity Deal!
already a member of no more rack
Been a member of NoMoreRack
already a member of no more rack! 🙂
Still have a lot left to do. This last minute stuff really stinks.
not looking for anything
Signed up with nomorerack 🙂
Not looking for anything in particular…been when I come across a great deal…i can’t turn it down LOL
This is going to be lame, but I’m going to have to call at Wal-Mart’s I live by for A) Perry from Phineas and Ferb No Sew Blanket Kit and 2) Aloe Vera Plants for my husband….almost done Christmas shopping…
already signed up with no more rack
I still have to get my nephew a present.
Already a member for NoMoreRack
Already a member of Ebates
Almost finished!! Yay!!
Done with everything.
I am still looking for fleece or flannel lined jeans for my husband, warm boots for all three of my kids, and non puffer snow jackets for my kids.
I am already a member of Nomorerak and ebates
I’m still looking for something for my 4 1/2 year old. This would be awesome to win!
I’m already signed up with Nomorerack 🙂
I am just about finished with my shopping.
Already a member of no more rack and confirmed by email. Haven’t started yet.
I’m done with my shopping!
a member with no more rack
sooo much more I would love to look for but with my husbands back surgery putting him out of work for 3 months we are pretty tight so look is about all I do unless i find a deal I would never forgive myself for passing up I would love to get one of these for my three year old
I am still looking for everything because I haven’t started shopping yet. I hope to get everything in one day so hopefully I can find everything that I need. All the little ones that I am shopping for are to young to really want a certain toy, so I am lucky for now.
I am done! 🙂
Already a member of No More Rack trying to catch one of those insanity deals…but no such luck yet.
This would be going to be my best christmas present
Already signed up with nomorerack.
Already a member of No More Rack
Already a member of nmr! Still have more shopping. Thank goodness for Amazon.
I’m still looking for a winter jacket!
davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
Had been a member of NoMoreRack…haven’t come close to catching an insanity deal yet!
something for brother, father-in-law, and husband. Oh and finishing up shopping for my little boy.
aam of nmr.
Still need to shop for nieces and nephews, but they will probably end up getting gift cards.
Been a No More rack memeber
I’m looking for a cheap drum set.
Still looking for a gift for my husband.
I still need picture hooks for my sister in law and then I am done
I already belong to nomorerack
I am already a member of no more rack.
I am still trying to wrap up my shopping for my 11 year old daughter. I am done shopping for everyone else. I would have her done but still haven’t decided what to get her. What do you get someone that has everything? LOL
I would love to win this for my nephew. He really wants one of these for Christmas. Thank you for such a great giveaway!
I would love to win this for my almost 2 year old niece!
already a member at No More Rack and Ebates
I was already a member of nomorerack. thanks for the giveaway!
already a member of ebates
I would love some amazon credits for my new kindle fire
I am done with shopping!
Oh wow, my daughter would love this!
Still looking for a Christmas gift for hubby and then a birthday gift for him too. They are 3 days apart.
would love to win this!
i am already signed up through no more rack I have been for a while now 🙂
I already am a memeber of Ebates! yeah!
I am all done shopping!!!
I signed up with NoMoreRack, and confirmed through email.
Just signed up and verified with No More Rack!
Would love to win the Leap Pad Explorer for some of my kiddos!
Pretty much done shopping for Christmas 🙂
already a No More Rack member
alread a no more rack member
I am already a member of no more rack. Thank you.
already an Ebates member
I am still waiting for the Hot Wheels Wall Track to arrive before Saturday! Would love to win this just in case that item doesn’t arrive!
Really hoping to win a leappad for my baby girl. Merry Christmas everyone!
I have not shopped yet! I know this is crazy but thankfully had a family member donate about 10 gifts for my one son now just gotta start working on the other two!!
Still shopping for husband .but that’s all!
I’m still looking for a Lego Police Station set!
Almost done with shopping!! This would be cool to win for my daughter.
I’m done but my boys would love one of these!
Awesome giveaway!
Already a member at No More Rack.
LOVE that I’m done Christmas shopping, but this would be a nice little “extra” for my kids! 🙂
Done with Christmas, but birthday is in January!
Liked the blog post, leaving a comment, and signed up w/ No More Rack. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Good luck everyone!
A dining room table 🙂
One more gift for my nephew and I am done…its hard to shop for a 10 year old boy! 🙂
I’m done Christmas shopping.
i think i have everything im really looking for but every time i go out I find something else i didnt know i needed lol.
already signed up with ebates and nomorerack
Have to wait till Friday, the 23rd to shop~ So I need everything still. I have 6 children, so Friday I’m gonna be crabby and stressed trying to get it all. It is all worth it though to see the smiles on their faces!!
would be awesome to win for my little angel;)
I thought I was done, but this would be the perfect thing for my youngest…I’ve been struggling with her “big gift” and she would LOVE this!!!
I am already signed up with nomorerack 😉
Gotta Love Wheel n Deal Mama and all her giveaways and hottest tips on great buys and ‘freebies’!
I would love to win this cute my 3 year old. My kids won’t be having much of a christmas this year due to bills..but that’s one of the luxurys of being a single parent. at least they are learning the true meaning of christmas and they don’t think its all about presents.
already a member of nomorerack, thanks
I’m still looking for something for my bf 🙂
Maybe kids would leave my phone alone. 🙂
already a nomorerack member
I am still looking for a gift for my brother in law. I never know what to get him. Other than that, I am all done!
I am already signed up with nomorerack & confirmed
already a nomorerack member
Im all done shopping just a few stocking stuffers and two sets of pjs and I’m done.
Already finished my shopping.
I finished shopping a few weeks ago and I am so glad I did! I get to relax until Christmas now 🙂
signed up with no more rack and ebates!
I’m pretty much all done, just need to find the time to wrap it!
I still have to get my parents’ gift and the kids some PJs!
I just need to get the stocking suffers!
I still have to purchase my mom’s gift
looking for something for my husband to get me 😉
The only thing I want for Christmas is my kids to have a wonderful Christmas. You realize as you get older (I realized it at 19) Christmas is about family, and the smiles on your kids faces. I have 3 kids and a wonderful husband. My husband and I don’t give gifts to each other for Christmas (truthfully) but that’s okay. We just share the memories of our children opening up their presents. Whether you believe me or not, it truely is the best gift I could ever receive.
Our kids stockings are all done but we still have to go buy and wrap all there presents for under the tree… Money is so tight this year that we have to wait to we get hubby’s last check before we can get any of there Christmas presents… Hoping next yr is a whole lot better than this year <3
green_eyed_princesss at msn dot com
Luckily I am all done! I love to sew, so I make gifts for our children and all of our nieces and nephews, and then buy a little something to go along with the handmade gifts.
I think I got it all covered, but you never really know until Christmas is over:)
Hi, I’m still looking for the money tree! Merry Chritmas&Happy New Year!
Already a member of no more rack!!
What I still need for christmas is the magic wrapping fairy to come!! lol
I’m still looking for stocking stuffers for this holiday season.
Already a nomorerack member
I have finished my Christmas shopping for this year but am shopping for Christmas dinner supplies! 🙂
All done! =)
Already signed up for nomorerack and thanks for the giveaway!!
Looking for another great deal on an xbox…
I am done for now. Got to get my hubby something, but it can wait until after Christmas since we won’t get to see him until them.
done shopping,but i would love one of these for my 5yr old!
I KNOW better than to mail order the “Santa” present for the ONE kid that will be heart broken if it doesn’t come…Waiting on the mail……..
But on the up side, he has back ups just in case, lol.
I’m done shopping and not looking for anything.
frugalmommieof2 at gmail dot com
I just have a few things to get yet~some itunes gift cards & gifts for my niece and nephews, something else for my sister and her fiance, and then something for one of my friends~other than that we are done! Just need to get busy with the wrapping 🙂
I really think I have found everything I need but i know I will be running out on the 23rd to pick up something I missed LOL Thanks for the chance
Already done shopping but the LeapPad didn’t fit our budget this year.
I still need stocking stuffers, and the “big” gift for my oldest!
I’m still looking for stocking stuffers!
for the no more rack i was already signed up
I have a play kitchen to buy and some clothes.
I was already signed up already signed up with Nomorerack…
just have to pick up some earrings for my daughter
I’m already signed up with No More Rack
I think I am done – unless I win something 🙂
i was already a member of nomorerack
Loving the giveaways you give us all a chance to win. Thank you for your work and time, i am already a member at no more rack (
I am looking for an Ipod for myself since mine crapped out 2 days ago…sadly I won’t be getting a new one any time soon.
I was already signed up for No More Rack.
Already a member of No More Rack.
I have been looking for a cute pair of boots but I cant find the ones im looking for
already a member of nomorerack
A gift for my mom.
Would so love to win this! Already a member on Nomorerack and Ebates!
I think it is awesome of you to give this away!! Congradulations to whoever wins and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!
all done! Merry Christmas!
I’m done 🙂 Thank heavens
havent started
and already signed up for no more racks
Still need a few things for nieces and nephews and something special for my hubby! Merry Christmas!
I’m not looking for anything else this holiday.
I’m already signed up for No More Rack.
I only had money to make a gift this year so I am hoping to win a couple toys or gadgets to add to the pressie I am making. 🙂
Thanks for the chance!
~Mippy 🙂
I am already signed up for No More Rack.
Almost done!
Already a member of nomorerack! and already a member of ebates too!
I’ve been signed up for nomorerack for a long time now, and yes thats confirmed as well 🙂 I signed up with the email that I used for this giveaway
I’m still looking for new floor mats for my husband’s Toyota Corolla!
Done Shopping!!!
Not really looking for anything
Still looking for a cozy coupe and bean bags!
I am already signed up for Ebates.
I’m officially DONE shopping! If ANYTHING, I would like to find a great winter hat and mitten combo for my 7 month old, but I can’t find anything in stores and wouldn’t be able to order anything from etsy in time for Christmas.
All done with Christmas shopping 🙂
Done shopping
I am already subscribed,and confirmed for No More Rack.
I shared the link on my FB!!! I hope I win, my daughters christmas would be complete!!!! Thank you for the great giveaways!!!
would love to win this for my son since we couldn’t afford to buy one
Need one more item for my boys!!
Already member at nomoreracks
I am already a member of ebates.
I am still looking for a leap pad, but really cannot afford it….and something special for my dear mommy,lol!
haven’t shopped yet.
I think I pretty much got everything 🙂
I am already subscribed, confirmed (linked with FB) and bought lots from No More Rack, lol!
I just lack a few stocking stuffers!
Not looking for anything in particular. I do keep an eye out for good deals though.
Already had an acc made 🙂
I’m already a Nomorerack member
This is the last thing on my list. I am already signed up for nomorerack and ebates. Thanks for the giveaway!
I already use Ebates 🙂
already a member of no more rack.
I wanted to get this (LeapPad) for my boys but had no luck!
I already was signed up for NOMORERACK AND EBATES!
Already a member of nomorerack and ebates! Thanks 🙂
Happy Holidays!! Still looking for stuff for my 1 yr old. Planning on finishing that this week. Already signed up with NMR and ebates!
I think I’m done shopping…except for stocking stuffers, which should be pretty easy 😉
Happy Birthday To My MOM today!
Just need to fine one more thing for my 8 year old son and I am done! Thank goodness!
I need one more item, its a make-up case.
I was already signed up with NoMoreRack
Not really looking for anything else but if I get a good deal then I will buy!
I was already signed up with Ebates and Nomorerack 🙂
I have been done shopping for a couple of weeks! I hit the awesome Target toy clearance sale a few months ago and stuffed everything away for Christmas.
Good luck to everyone! i love your deals!
gift ideas for my college age stepsons!
Still looking for an Air Swimmer. The one I am looking for is sold out everywhere!
Was already signed up with Ebates and Nomorerack
I am already signed up with NoMoreRack.
Still looking for several items for the kids, I got a late start. Oh well maybe next year I’ll be early. 🙂
Already signed up for No More Rack.
Looking for ideas of what to get my daughter. She’s at a tough buying age. lol
LOVE IT! I HOPE TO WIN IT 🙂 MErry Christmas!
Already signed up with NoMoreRack.
btw..I signed up under you about a week ago and signed up 5 others since then.
I am still trying to find something for my Mother-in-law.
Already signed up with ebates a few years ago and still active.
Done Shopping 🙂
I am done, but I just keep finding great deals!!!
Still looking for the good deal on baby stuff
Done shopping….but I can always be roped into a good deal. 🙂 I’ve even been helping others find what they’re looking for.
I am signed up already for No More Rack and Ebates 🙂
Looking for ideas.for.friend’s children. Doing a present swap:)
already signed up for nomorerack
already signed up with ebates
I’m all done!!! Thank Goodness!!!
I was already signed up with nomorerack and ebates. I am finished with my shopping unless I see something I just have to have for my baby girl 😀
Great giveaway, especially with Christmas so close!
I’m nearly done with my shopping…still looking for a few little stocking stuffers.
Merry Christmas to you!!
Finished my shopping last Friday!
Already signed up for No More Rack!
Basically finished besides taking my daughter to buy her Daddy a present and getting her Dolphin Tale.
Not finish yet.
my son want one but no money for this now so i hope i can win this for my cute ans really smart boy.
I think that I’m done this year. Altough I have to admit that I’m saddend that there is not much under our tree this year. But my kids are young so they won’t understand anyway.
I want to be lucky!!!! Will be perfect for my Kid!