That is quite a claim, but I really do feel that this movie tops all the current Marvel movies to date!
If you have seen the Avengers, you know that at the end of that Tony Stark carries a nuclear bomb through a portal out of this atmosphere and falls — unconscious — back to Earth. Barely making it out alive. That experience — and the knowledge that there are such enemies on other planets — has taken a toll on Tony.
Iron Man 3 starts with a narrative of Tony recounting that. Musically it started with Blue by Eiffel Tower, giving that song a nice 14 year comeback 😉
Meanwhile…. that song takes you back 13 years earlier. You see the young, arrogant play boy that was Tony Stark. One night stands and a rejected business proposition with Aldrich Killian, the creator of AIM (Guy Pearce), that then comes back to bite him.
Fast forward to the present, Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) is now the President of Stark Industries. Happy (Jon Favreau) is now the Director of Security — there to keep Pepper safe and report back to Tony.
When Aldrich Killian visits Pepper, Happy’s alarm bells go off and from there you are thrown into the action that is this EPIC film. There are twist and turns I wasn’t expecting and plenty of comedy in between!
Don Cheadle is back now with his own suit, as the Iron Patriot. Tony — who hasn’t been sleeping since New York — is building all kinds of new suits for himself. Which comes in handy right when it is needed. For those of you that love a good fight sequence, you will get it!
One totally new character and really a pleasant addition, is Ty Simpkins as Harley. Tony Stark runs into Harley in the backwoods of Tennessee. Without revealing too much of the story, Tony has NOTHING with him other than one broken down suit. The on screen chemistry between Tony and Harley is a pure joy to watch and adds some great comedy too!
I had the pleasure of interviewing this great actor and what a sweet young man! More to come on that next week!
Do note, there is more violence in this one that some of the others, although they are careful not to show too much that I wouldn’t allow my kids to see it. My 5 year old son definitely wants to see this one but it really is up to the parents, some children are more sensitive than others! 🙂
All in all, Iron Man 3 is nothing short of 120 minutes of pure action and a MUST see! As with all Marvel movies, be sure to stay all the way through the credits!!
Be sure to come back and let us know what you think!
this movie was great! My husband loved to too!
I absolutely cannot wait to see this movie!!!! Can’t wait for the interview!
I can’t wait to see this movie! The chemistry looks amazing
Love seeing all of the posts about Iron Man 3, excited to see it 😀