I never do this, but I would LOVE it if those of you who feel I have helped you save money or enjoy reading the blog, could take a minute and vote for Wheel n Deal Mama over on the Circle of Moms Top 25 Couponing Blogs contest! Just scroll down on the voting page and you will see the Wheel n deal Mama logo! :
I would love to see Wheel n Deal Mama featured on that list! 🙂 You can vote once a day through Jan 31 2012.
Thanks so much!
Voted, will be back tomorrow to do it again…Good luck and TY for everything you do!!!
I voted and tweeted this post…hope it gets you the votes you need. Good luck!
I vote for wheelndeallmama.com
I voted!
Done! 🙂
I tweeted too 🙂
Voted for you 🙂
voted for you
Been voting everyday and I need the reminder, so thanks! 😉