I actually had never heard of this movie until I received a DVD copy for review a few weeks ago. A Monster in Paris was originally released in 2011 — in French. So only within the last couple of month was it released in English on DVD and BluRay.
First things first, the music in this movie is fantastic. Very jazzy and fun.
Based in Paris circa 1910, the ‘monster’ is actually a flea that has been accidentally inflated to giant size; science experiment gone wrong.
The flea is very kind, loving and has a beautiful singing voice. Of course — as the Flea is very large and a “monster”, you can imagine the problems that arise. A city commissioner (who is trying to gain approval himself) decides to take on the task of getting rid of the Monster. The inventor that created him, his friend, a monkey and a fellow singer all team up to protect the monster.
As silly as this may sound, the movie is quite beautiful. It has better music than you hear in most children’s movies, a great message and impressive animation. It was actually released in 3D too!
I was surprised as I didn’t know what my kids would think of it but shortly after we received the review copy, they asked to watch it several times. I think the music pulled them in 😉
If you haven’t watched this one yet — I definitely recommend it! It is available on Amazon for purchase or you can rent it there too!
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