Quick update tonight, things have been hectic the last two days, thankfully NOT because of Oliver. I went in for a “quick” incision and blood pressure check yesterday morning, only to find that my blood pressure had gone back up high. They actually wanted to admit me again but I fought tooth and nail and ended up getting blood pressure medication to deal with it. Checked back in today and it was better, so no more admission for me! I will tell you, I am ready to be back to 100%!
Meanwhile Oliver has been doing really well!! He is now 1lb 15oz! I expect to hear that he hits 2 pounds tomorrow with how he has been gaining.
It really is the “little things” when you have a little one in the NICU though, he also had his first poop yesterday, so that was great news too. He is now up to 5ccs of breastmilk every 3 hours too.
And… the last blood cultures came back NEGATIVE for infection 🙂
I mentioned earlier that they had to remove the umbilical line, that was found to be the cause of the infection. So removing it and treating with antibiotics was definitely the right thing. Unfortunately we are now working on getting a new central line in and the Drs had trouble getting a picc line in today. Someone who has 25 years of experience with it is going to try tonight, so fingers crossed that works. I feel so bad that he has to be poked and prodded so much though! Poor little guy had a swollen arm from the attempt earlier today.
Even though he is so little you can really see his attitude and spunk with all this though, if he can’t tolerate something he will fight it. Thankfully he is pretty calm with the ivs, the picc line, not so much. Little flailing arms. When I talk to him he always tries to turn his head my direction, even when on his belly. The other night, they put the “sunguard” thing on his face to cover his eyes. He used his legs to push up and actually managed to move the mask off his eyes! Such spunk!
His great grandma made a new blanket for his incubator… the Force is definitely with him!
His eyes have opened up a bit more too. All kinds of progress has been made the last couple days though, they are planning on taking him off the “jet pack” oxygen tomorrow, which means that I will get to hold him probably on Sunday!!! As long as he is doing well with the conventional oxygen. As I am sure you can imagine, I am quite excited to be able to hold him!
That was him yesterday all bundled up, they have taken that IV out of his head now (thankfully!), I love being able to see his little eyes.
Hope you don’t mind my rambling thoughts, I am just happy that he is doing well, gaining weight and there is NO more infection.
3 cheers for baby Oliver! Such good news!
PLEASE DO NOT STOP WITH “OLIVER UPDATE” We love them and EVERY detail you put in them!!