Thank you again to everyone for the prayers and positive thoughts! I cannot even begin to tell you how much the kind words and stories of others help me.
Today was a good day with Oliver. He is now one week old! And good news is, he made it through the “lose weight phase” and now weighs more than his birth weight! He weighed in at 1lb 11.5oz early this morning 1.5oz more than his birth weight of 1lb 10oz.
The blood cultures that were taken yesterday did show signs of infection. The antibiotics that he was given yesterday (and is still on) are aggressively killing the infection and it appears that we caught it early enough that it did not effect him too much. He was his spunky, fiesty self. Moving around a lot and his color looked great.
In order to make sure that the infection is fully killed they had to remove the central line into his belly (which is was time for anyway). But they have to wait a couple days to put a picc line in because they don’t want a central line where the bacteria could gather.
They had to put a new IV line in because of all that so he now has an iv in his scalp, which just looks so uncomfortable to me 🙁 But I know that it is for the best because we need to make sure this infection is killed so he continues to grow and is healthy.
We will have new blood cultures in the morning too. Hopefully negative, but it could still show some as the central line had not been taken out yet when they were taken.
More progress… Oliver also started opening his eyes today!!
Also, I thought you would enjoy this cute, short video of Oliver stretching 🙂
so happy to see Oliver doing better and getting stronger.