Somedays I am truly speechless at how much of a “family” I have built in the blogging world over the last 4 years. During all of the shuffle of the last few days, Wheel n Deal Mama actually “turned 4” too — October 16, 2010 was the day that I started the blog and I don’t think there has been a single day since that I haven’t posted SOMETHING or another.
Between the long time readers that I have come to know, the long term blogging friends that I have created along the way and even just the kind words of those passing by, only reading about Oliver, has brought me to tears the last couple of days.
Many of my blogger friends that I work with regularly put together a huge gift bag of all kinds of goodies for Oliver and me! The blogger that I work with day in and day out, and have since meeting at a Blogging conference over 2 years ago now, actually flew out from PA (as a TOTAL SURPRISE!) to spend the next couple of days with me to help me get things back on my feet. If I am a blubbering mess in this blog post, that’s why. I am touched beyond words at all the kindness and support that my family and Oliver has received.
I will be updating every day or two on how Oliver is progressing so you guys can watch him grow as I will be too.
First, a brief update on me, I spent more time in the NICU yesterday, now that I am starting to recover myself. I am still pretty reliant on the pain meds for the time being but I will actually be released from the hospital myself later today. Blood pressure while still a bit higher than my usual has been ok. I don’t think the stress of being in the hospital with a baby that is so little is very conducive to getting it down lower though! Stressful is to put it mildly.
I will be happy to get to sleep in my own bed tonight but at the same time not looking forward to leaving Oliver here at the hospital by himself. Good news is that my milk is starting to come in and I have been able to pump quite a bit for him. They are just starting a tiny little bit straight into his umbilical cord line.
So on to Oliver.
I spent about 40 minutes with his Dr this morning, getting my questions answered and sort of a vague timeline of what we were looking at.
She did inform me that usually with babies this age, there is what they call a “baby moon” where the first 48 hours they do really well and then we start seeing the various things that need to be adjusted to get the baby growing faster. Oliver was having some issues with the breathing system that they had him on, the gas levels (output) was not quite what they needed it to be. So they actually switched him over to the “jet pack” breathing which keeps his lungs open up a bit more, although it is a bit odd to watch as the baby looks like its chest is shaking constantly.
I was there for the switch out, watching them take the tubes out and put them back in on his face is so difficult to just stand and observe! I was able to get a picture of him without the tape on though, you can see his handsome little face (and HAIR!)
He did very well for all of that, especially considering that they ended up having to do it TWICE yesterday because there was too much leeway on the tube the first time. The nurses all love him back there, he is calm but also feisty at times, he loves to squirm around. Once they had him on the “jet pack” his levels were much better. They were very pleased with that.
I was also able to help a little bit with his diaper change earlier today. I cannot want to be able to HOLD him. Shouldn’t be more than a week but I can see he needs and loves Mama attention. Whenever I am there talking to him you can see him react to my voice. <3
In order to get his bilirubin levels correct, they also had him on the “tanning” bed for quite a while yesterday, when not getting new tubes anyway.
He is my little trooper. I will continue to post updates every day or two. All depending on what is going on. I love hearing back the stories of others that have been in similar situations, they have been quite reassuring to me. So thank you! It truly is a DAY BY DAY thing here.
Awe Laura, I am so happy to read y’all are doing well. How amazing it is that your blogger friend was able to come out! Isn’t it amazing how close we get to people we rarely see? I can’t wait to see more updates of your precious Oliver 😀
I am praying for you ALL! I am so happy to hear that baby Oliver is doing well. He is so precious!!! Much love to you all!
Praying for you and your little man. Get some rest mama!
Little Oliver and your entire family are in my prayers Laura. I have been so worried about you and the baby. I really feel like I know you, and that’s just the vibe you give off to your fans. I really have been praying hard for you. My sister is currently on bed rest at OSU Hospital and (Oh St) and she is at risk for having the baby early. She has been through many complications during this pregnancy, and she could really use your story as hope and inspiration to show her that babies can survive and thrive even when born extremely early. I am so happy little Oliver is a trooper, a true warrior already. He is just as darling and adorable as your other children. Sending my love and prayers your way!!! xoxo, Megan
He’s a beautiful boy, Sweetie! I will continue to pray for Oliver, You, and your whole family. I know it is hard on everyone–but before you know it, you will be taking him home with you. ((((((BIGHUG)))))
Thank you for the update, Laura! I’ve been following everything on Facebook and thinking about you a lot. I pray that you will both continue to do well. Xoxo