Well we are now officially into the 5th day of life. Never could I have ever imagined that I was going to be the mom of a NICU preemie. Counting the hours and days of life. Watching for the little changes. This is supposed to be when you are excitedly counting DOWN the days til birth.
I was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon and able to sleep at home last night. It is one of those things were your body is relieved to be in your own bed but your mind is screaming because you want to be with your baby. Not that I would be sleeping next to him in the hospital anyway, but you can probably get the idea.
My headaches are slowly getting better. I think that the stress of the hospital vs. my own bed is helping with that. I am ready to fast forward through my own recovery though so that I can be 100% and spend more time next to Oliver.
Right now we are kind of in the wait, watch and adjust mode with Oliver.
There is not a lot of change going on right now, his oxygen has been adjusted up and down as needed as his lungs improve and then drop back a little, improve then drop back.
I went and visited last night and they had switched out his tubes, again to have a bigger tube down to his tummy, not through his nose this time.
They had stopped doing the 1cc feedings last night as his tummy was not properly digesting the breastmilk yet. They are starting up again today. Luckily, my milk did come in and I am able to pump lots for him. Fingers crossed that today goes better with the feedings. His weight had gone down a tiny bit from birth (as expected) but not a tremendous amount. He was at 1lb 8oz yesterday.
Thanks for listening and following along, I will continue to post regular updates and new pics. I am not getting “all technical” on this so excuse all the layman speak if you are a nurse following along 🙂
I leave you for today with this picture of my hand on the little man to give you a little better idea of his size. <3
aww what a little fighter <3 hugs and love to you and Oliver..
I can’t believe how tiny he is to be such a little fighter!! I also commend the doctor’s, nurses, and everyone helping little Oliver in this journey. I’m so sorry you are going through all of this. I can’t imagine the emotional rollercoaster your are on. Just know that when your stomach is in knots because you are going 100 miler p hr, twisting and turning and going upside down, that eventually the rollercoaster slows down and makes you realize that you actually did. You actually went through with something you didn’t even realize you had the courage for. You went through and came out stronger because of it. You may not feel that way yet, but you will. You will see that we have to endure the storm before we can see the rainbow. 🙂 I’m here for you!! Sending lots of love and prayers!