For Prime Day Amazon is offering up select Bentgo Lunch Boxes on sale for $17.99.
Below i will list some items that you can use with your Bentgo Lunch box to make lunches for your kids, super fun this year!!
Grab these extra Bentgo Kids Tray w/ Transparent Cover for just $8.99. You can add these to the Freezer the night before to keep your childs lunch extra cold throughout the day!
Grab this 24 Piece Nonstick and Heat Resistant Resuable Silcone Molds for just $8.99. You can use these in the lunch box to separate foods!
Grab these super cute Fruit and Veggie Cutters to make lunch fun for just $11.98!
And Lastly, use these fun food picks to make eating fun!! You can grab these for just $4.54!
I have found when making lunches fun, my kids eat more and enjoy lunch time at school so much more!
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