Hurry and get signed up with Ipsos- I Say! They are a survey company that many Wheel n Deal Mama Readers have said they enjoy doing surveys with and I have personally found them to be one of the most reliable and consistent. They pay cash for surveys and at times send cash along with products to try out!! Christmas is just 4 1/2 months away!! You can easily fill your shopping account with out taking any money from your paychecks doing surveys online!!
Head on over here to sign up and make sure you confirm your e-mail address so they can send you the surveys and the product review opps. If you don’t confirm your email address they wont send them to you and then you will miss out on making the money from doing them! PLUS — you get entered to win $5000 when you join!
I’d just like to know if this is like every other site I’ve joined and never got one thing from any of them .. because I get tired of being scammed.