I have talked before in my kiddie-pool gardening updates about growing garlic and green onions at home from garlic and green onions you purchased at the store. I use a lot of fresh garlic, and green onions are great with omelettes or baked potatoes, just to name a few ideas. I had heard it was possible to have a neverending supply of green onions, growing them outdoors or indoors, so I will start with the onions.
My first try was inside. The process is pretty easy. Get yourself a pot and some potting soil. Chop off the tops of store bought green onions.
Plant the tops, with roots down just barely under the surface in the pot. Water thoroughly and put the pot in a very sunny spot inside. I was so excited when they started growing. The picture up top is at one week.
My excitement was short lived. The sprouted onions did not keep growing unfortunately. This all happened about the time I was started the kiddie-pool garden outdoors. SO, I planted some onion tops in the same container as herbs outside.
Within a few days, they had reached for the sky. And, by then, I learned from someone that I could grow garlic from individual cloves. They do not even need to be sprouted. Each clove can produce a full garlic head. Supposedly, garlic is better planted in the cooler months, but heck, why not give it a try. Three weeks after planting outside, here they are! The garlic is in the forefront and the green onions are in the back, along with the thyme.
So, green onions inside? I have started over. After a bit of research, I am attempting it 2 ways, one with the heads and one with a full onion stalk, both planted roots down. Nothing worth a picture yet. but maybe next post will have some results. I really want to be able to continually from green onions inside! I want to have them accessible without wasting any in the fridge.
Have any of you tried this yet? Please give me results if you have already done it or if you try it now.
i would love to try this we eat garlic and onions alot both green and vaidalia do you know how to grow these?