This post and giveaway are sponsored by Lunchbox. All opinions are 100% my own!
The Great Hellmanns® Savewich
This New Year is all about showcasing tips on how to “squeeze” the most out of your budget. Hellmann’s® Squeeze Mayo bottle at Family Dollar will help you start off on the right foot! Visit Family get $1 off Hellmanns® Squeeze Mayo and go to your nearest Family Dollar to redeem!
I don’t know about you but I am a mayo girl, the hubby love Miracle Whip but I prefer real Mayo by FAR. And you can’t have a sandwich without Mayo!! Too dry!
Turkey, pickles, lettuce and mayo… mmm, my favorite lunch.
Great Ways to Save
Write your grocery store list so you don’t overspend AND bring back the good old classic brown bag lunch. Packing your lunch (or the hubby’s) can save upwards of thousands of dollars a year. It is amazing how expensive meals out can add up so fast. Did you know that if you eat out two times a week for a family of 4, that is usually at least $200-250 a month, AT LEAST. If you are buying lunch daily, even $5 a day, 5 days a week is over $1200 a year. Think about how much you could save just by packing a lunch!!
What are your money-saving ideas for the New Year?
We already got ours in the bag!
- Write a grocery store list so you don’t overspend
- Bring a bagged lunch
- Preparing delicious yet inexpensive sandwiches for dinner once a week
To help you with this ONE lucky reader here at Wheel n Deal Mama will win a $50 Family Dollar Gift Card AND this awesome Breville BSG520XL Panini Duo 1500-Watt Nonstick Panini Press!! (Which by the way has a $99 value!!)
Giveaway will end January 9th at 11:59pm EST.
Good luck!
Mandatory entry:
What is your plan to save more money this year? Do you have one? Comment below.
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Family Dollar Stores Inc. is not affiliated with and is not an official sponsor of this promotional giveaway
Less fast food and more couponing and meal planning
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I plan to save by couponing more and doing freeze ahead crockpot ready meals to stay on track.
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More couponing, less soft drinks more water
I wanna try to do the 52 week challenge, use more coupons on food, and eat out less
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I plan on doing more couponing which really helps with all the family we have. thank you
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I plan on saving more money this year by cutting back on eating out and plan ahead of time for shopping trips to avoid impulse buying.
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Tweeted on 1/3/14 @statelydoll
What is your plan to save more money this year? Do you have one? Answer- Started writing to 3 companies a day. Wish me luck
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I plan on cooking at home a lot more
I plan to save more money this year by planting a garden and saving money on produce. I also use a lot of coupons.
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I intend to match my local store sales with coupons, and I will not be eating out as often.
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Try to budget a little better.
I plan to eat out less and pack my lunch to take to work!
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Always shop with a list.
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im doing the 52 week money challenge!
I don’t have a plan to save more money this year.
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i plan to save with price matching, sales and coupons Rod Jackson mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com
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Rod Jackson mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com
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Rod Jackson mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com
We started couponing in October and I’ll be attempting groceries soon. We also started meal planning and starting a weekly budget. Thanks for this giveaway!
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Cook more meals at home. Less eating out
I am using coupons to save and price matching at Walmart, and buying my meat when I find it marked down. This saves me a lot of money! I cut down on using the car all the time and take the bus.
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Name Julie Wood
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I shared to my facebook 1/5/ 14
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Pay more attention to Wheel n Deal Mama’s page for more savings!
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couponing with your help, make ahead meals, and a big stockpile.
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I started a separate savings category for myself where I can set aside money each month. That money will be for taking advantage of all the extra good deals between Thanksgiving & Christmas.
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I have been doing some meal planning this year. I hope that by doing that we can reduce our grocery bill. It worked pretty well the last part of last year, so I will be more serious with it now.
Diana C
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Diana Luna Camden
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We have started the 52 week challenge and are going to put more in if we have it each week – it is a start!
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I plan to use more coupons this year
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I plan to actually use coupons instead of just clipping them. I have begun to stop drinking soda which saves me around $80 monthly. I am trying to cut back on fast food and eating out and cooking more budget friendly meals.
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amanda hardesty
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I plan to cook at home more, plan meals in advance and use coupons
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I am making a written loong term year long list of expenses and how I will begin to save for the year. I MUST do it this year!!!!
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brown bagging lunch and no more buying coffee… I have no plans, but to just look for lot of deals.
My husband and daughter take their own lunches thanks for the giveaway
like on fb Julie A Scott Laws
follow on twitter @aunteegem
Eat out less.!++One+Reader+will+win+a++Family+Dollar+Gift+Card+%2B+a+Breville+Panini+Press!
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daily tweet 1/8/13
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im going to use coupons
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I follow you on Facebook,on Twitter, and I am already an e-mail subscriber. Than you for all you do I love your website!
To save money I plan to make my husbands lunches & do more couponing.
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Meal planning!
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I’m trying to think things through before I buy them. I really have so much stuff already. For example, I hardly ever skip my monthly Julep box. For their January box, none of the colors or products wowed me, so I skipped! 🙂 I’m also trying to win things…LOL!!! 🙂
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I already follow on twitter as @crazygirl24 Tweeted!
I’m going to try to make more coffee at home instead of buying it!
I am doing the 52 week savings plan…so far so good
I just watch for sales.
We put all of our change in a container, we don’t spend any of it at all. We also started the 52 week challenge.
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I follow on twitter. @alolinger
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Our plan to save money in 2014 is to cancel our Dish and just use Netflix, Hulu Plus, and DVDs. That is one area we know we could save big.
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Try the 52 week challenge and use more coupons
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The whole family joined the 1 dollar a week challenge. Hopefully this will help at Christmas time also. Thank you
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I plan on clipping more coupons!
Plan on clipping more coupons!
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We joined emeals and we are doing the 52 week money challenge.
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My plan for saving money this year is eating out less, and price matching more!
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